But obviously his answer did not satisfy Komachi's doubts. She is not an idiot. There must be some reason why Chen Feng suddenly turned behind him vigilantly along the way, but she found nothing like Chen Feng, and finally had to give up.

"When you come to such a far place, no one will follow you. As a big man, are you afraid of robbery or financial robbery?"

"I don't have money and he can't take it away, but I'm afraid he'll be greedy for me."

"Student Chen Feng, do you know that it's awkward for you to say such things in a serious manner?"

"Student Yukinoshita, do you know that asking such a question with a calm face is ruining your image?"

"People who are naturally beautiful will always be cute." Xue Nai said while helping her bangs hanging down from her forehead.

"A man with a big fist will never speak awkwardly."

"Okay, senior, let's give way to the girls, sister Yukino too, pay attention to ladies, ladies!"

Komachi saw that the situation was not right, the two quarreled more and more fiercely, and hurried out to smooth things over, but she heard her brother who had been silent at the opposite table whisper something.

"Why don't you two go get married..."

"Ah...too much soybeans..."

Yukino suddenly lowered her head, began to pick out the soybeans in the food bowl, took them back to the scale and weighed them again, but from Komachi's perspective, Yukino's hair on the left side had been pinched behind her ear, and her fair ear was nowhere near that. became more and more red.

"Hey hey, sister Yukino, let me help you. Hey! There are so many soybeans, why don't you come and help me, senior."

"I'm almost ready here."

"But everyone is in a group, and it counts when we finish together." Komachi hugged Chen Feng's left arm and began to act like a baby, "Senior~~"

"Okay, okay, I know, it's really troublesome..."

"Okay! My brother is here to help Komachi, Komachi can't finish it!" Komachi glanced at his brother whose eyes were full of lemons, and gestured OK.

A pair of dead fish eyes stared at him, and Hikiya Hachiman reluctantly walked to Komachi and began to help her.

"Oh brother, you are so fat, it's too crowded."

"Yes, yes, I have gained a ton of weight, and my body is 10 meters wide. Bring some things here, or I won't be able to reach your things."


Seeing Chen Feng and the two making feed not far away, the dead fish eye Hachiman leaned into Komachi's ear and whispered:

"What kind of drama are you doing?"

"Because it's interesting to see the senior and sister Yukino arguing together."

"Which corner are you the CP leader who ran out of?"

"Ham, since I was born, I have singled out Senior Chen Feng and Sister Xue Nai."

"You only met that guy Chen Feng yesterday, right?"

"Don't worry about the details, come on, brother, let me tell you, I inquired about the news on the Internet when I came here, there is a saying here, when you go back later, you will be like this... like this..."

The Hikigu brothers and sisters began to discuss strange plans under the cover of configuring feed.

Facing the plan proposed by his eccentric younger sister, Hikigu Hachiman curled his lips.

"You're the one who has the most ideas, but if I don't do it, it's none of my business."

"ん? Then go back and cook by yourself for a month, and I won't say a word to you during this month."

"Sorry, I didn't listen carefully just now, please repeat, Master Komachi."

Hachiman almost gave his sister a seat.

Neither Chen Feng nor Xue Nai knew that the two people next to them were plotting against them...

"It's too slow to pick one by one."

Facing the slag-like straw and soybeans chopped into small pieces in the food bowl, Chen Feng said.

"Don't look at me, I can't do anything except pick it up a little bit."

"Please, let me do it."

Chen Feng snatched the food bowl from Xue Nai's hand. Under Xue Nai's gaze, Chen Feng took out a lighter from his pocket and directly lit the dry straw in the food bowl.

"what are you doing?!"

"Burn the straw, and after a little sifting, there are only soybeans."

Chen Feng looked at the fire burning in the basin and said confidently, and from time to time, he used his fingers to turn over the soybeans and straw in the bowl.

Seeing this scene, Xue Nai was dumbfounded, and only managed to utter a few words after a while.

"You...forget it..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Chen Feng directly burned the dried straw in the food bowl, Xue Nai really never thought about it, or what she thought of was either separating the contents one by one, or roughly separating the grass and soybeans with sieves of different sizes. Separation, but these two methods are obviously not as practical and efficient as Chen Feng's method.

The broken straw is only a small part of it, and burning the broken straw will not have any effect on the soybeans inside, because the soybeans used as feed have been boiled, and the temperature of burning just a little bit of broken straw will not affect the soybeans inside. No substantial damage was done to these soybeans.

Looking at Chen Feng who separated the soybeans and rice straw in the food bowl into powder, Xue Nai said complicatedly:

"You...you can always come up with some new tricks for me."

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