"That's because you are stupid, you can't even think of this."

"Why did you open your mouth?"

"Your sister praised me in the same way."

"Then I really thank you for her."

"You're welcome, just give me a kowtow."

Both Chen Feng and Xue Nai spoke in normal voices, Komachi raised his forehead when he heard the conversation between the two, and thought:

"Oh my god, senior, you are too good at talking..."

The two kept bickering until the afternoon, and Shanshan didn't stop until Shizuka Hiratsuka organized everyone to leave, but during the whole bickering process, if Komachi read correctly, it seemed that Yukino had lost the upper hand.

The bickering was strangely fierce, but Komachi could see that the two of them were just talking and there was no real conflict.

Following behind Hachiman, Komachi glanced at the bottle of water in Chen Feng's hand.

what is this?Punishment for failing to bicker?

So weird.

"Good! Everyone is very energetic! Everyone has done all the relevant things at noon today. It is the first time to learn this knowledge. I believe everyone should have gained a lot. I have never experienced the hard work of breeding. Those who have never planted land do not know the value of food, I hope everyone will continue to maintain this state. Go back to the hotel!"

Hiratsuka Shizuka put on her white coat and smoked a cigarette, glanced around the sweaty crowd and said.

Hearing Shizuka Hiratsuka's announcement, most of the people off the field breathed a sigh of relief.

Obviously tired after driving for a day and night, at noon, I experienced a whole set of breeding process in this farm, such as feed configuration, fence construction, cleaning and cattle pens, grazing cattle, etc...

Many people are exhausted.

When Shizuka Hiratsuka announced to return to the hotel, everyone became happy.

Hot spring hotel, hot spring!At night, you can happily soak in a lap to sleep. This kind of happy feeling is absolutely beyond the experience of mortals.

A group of people embarked on the road across the village and back to the inn in the dense forest, talking and laughing.Suddenly, Hachiman, who was walking at the back, was lightly poked on the arm by his sister and made a look.

"Ah—Mr. Hiratsuka, I have a stomachache. I need to borrow the bathroom in the village."

"Can you bear it? It won't take long to get to the hotel."

"Teacher, it hurts your body like this, and what's more, if it's diarrhea, if you can't control it, then..."

"Stop, stop, stop talking!" Shizuka Hiratsuka hurriedly interrupted Hikigaya Hachiman's next words, "Do you need a classmate to go with you?"

While speaking, Shizuka Hiratsuka looked at Komachi.

"No, no, I'll do it by myself. I'll be back later."

"That line you pay attention to... be safe..."

Before he could finish his words, Hikigu Hachiman ran crazily towards the village behind him, looking like he was rushing too much, which made Hiratsuka Shizuka murmur.

"I'm afraid the diarrhea has already come out..."

"Okay, let's go back first."

After solving the problem with Hachiman, Shizuka Hiratsuka said to everyone. While talking, Komachi put her hands behind her back, and after a while, the sandalwood bead bracelet on her right hand slipped to the ground.

yeah!Everything is going great, just wait...

While Komachi was still cheering on his plan to collect CP, Chen Feng suddenly noticed Komachi's empty wrist.

Huh?Strange, doesn't Komachi have a bracelet?Chen Feng had seen it a few minutes ago.

"Komachi." Chen Feng held Komachi's hand, "Why is your bracelet missing? Did it drop somewhere?"

"Ah this..."

No matter how smart Ren Komachi was, he never thought that Chen Feng would find out that his bracelet was missing so quickly. For a moment, Komachi was surprised and said:

"It's gone! Where did it go?"

As a sniper, Chen Feng, with maximal observation ability, looked back and almost instantly noticed a string of sandalwood bead bracelets lying quietly on the ground seven or eight meters away. A few of them fell to the side, and he strode over to pick up the bracelets, wiped off the dirt on them with the paper in his pocket, and strode them again as he walked.

"Is the string loose? This thing should be quite expensive, so don't lose it."

At this moment, Komachi almost cried in her heart, but on the surface she still thanked excitedly:

"Thank you...thank you senior!"


Chen Feng noticed that Komachi's expression was not natural, but he attributed this to the result of Komachi's mood fluctuating greatly, so he didn't speculate much.

Following behind Chen Feng, Komachi was anxious to death.

What to do, what to do... The senior completely messed up the whole plan... Hey!Have!

In a hurry, Komachi came up with a remedy in a hurry.

Walking through a small bend, Chen Feng saw a familiar tree not far away. He stepped forward and picked a small handful of red fruits from the tree. mouth.

"Hey! Brat, don't eat indiscriminately!"

This scene was seen by Hiratsuka Jing, who was afraid that Chen Feng would eat food indiscriminately and cause food poisoning, so he hurriedly stopped him.

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