Who knows, Lianhua shook her head and said: "I am not even a spirit body now, I can only be said to be a projection. Besides, do you want to live?"

Lianhua's voice was like a big bell ringing on the top of a mountain, constantly echoing in Chen Feng's mind.

"Or, do you still want a future?"

"What's the meaning."

"You should know better yourself."

Lianhua pointed to Chen Feng, "You have a lot of filth, and they will eventually kill you with the scythe of fate. You will not be protected by any will from the world."

"Speak the key."

Chen Feng became more and more impatient, and his killing intent had been revealed unabashedly.

"Because you shouldn't have appeared in this world at all, you, from other places."


My own secret...was discovered?

The trouble must be resolved as soon as possible.

At this moment, Chen Feng stretched out his left hand that had been in his trouser pocket all the time, and stabbed Lianhua in front of him mercilessly with a gleaming dagger.


The dagger made a sound of piercing through the air and passed directly through Lianhua's throat, but the sense of blockage that should have appeared did not appear at all. Chen Feng's arm and dagger directly passed through Lianhua's body as if piercing the air, even Can't touch her!

There was a ripple in Lianhua's unmoving eyes, her eyes widened, her brows raised, and she took a step back subconsciously.

It's just that she quickly recovered from her surprise.

"As I said, I'm just a projection-like existence. You don't need to attack me. I'm just doing my own work."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

As she said that, a seemingly ancient Wanhua mirror suddenly appeared in Lianhua's hand. Looking at Chen Feng with emerald green eyes, an inexplicable aura began to fill the room.

"The sins of your body are contaminated with cause and effect, and the cycle of cause and effect may be assisted by others, but it is only an expedient measure. Wanhua mirror is a thing that purifies cause and effect. Those who are not strong-willed will remain in it."

"What exactly are you trying to say?" Even the means of attack were unable to work, and Chen Feng's sense of panic and uncontrollability became more and more intense.

Lianhua seemed not to have heard what Chen Feng said, and continued:

"If you let nature take its course, you will die because of your fate... Viewing the Wanhua Mirror, although there are dangers, you can cleanse the past so that there will be a future. Please, choose."

Looking at Chen Feng with eyes without any emotion, Lianhua spread her hands.

Chen Feng's face calmed down, but his heart was not at all calm.

He is not an idiot, Lianhua vaguely mentioned his past in his words, and even mentioned the system's "atonement", which is clearly evidence that Lianhua wanted to prove that his words were true.Is it possible that all of this is the answer of this so-called "dream guard"?

Blind answer?How could it be so accurate?

Chen Feng would only scoff at such an explanation.

No matter how I called, the system didn't make a sound after Lianhua appeared, isn't that abnormal enough?

Combined with the girl in the sailor suit, it seems that I will either die now or die soon...

The clenched fist slowly loosened.

This is really ironic...

Cause and effect?It seems to be the case.

Sure enough, such a thing as killing people for life, how could it be possible to offset it by accumulating good deeds...

The disadvantages are revealed.

Besides, he had no reason not to trust her, and this seemingly free choice actually had no freedom at all.

reject?In the near future, I will die because of the so-called 'fate'; accept?I may lose my life today.

He has no choice.

"Look at it directly?" Chen Feng picked up the Wanhua Mirror in Lianhua's hand and asked.


Chen Feng didn't hesitate any longer, he put his eyes close to it, because he knew that avoiding can't solve all the key things.

The moment he saw the inside of the Wanhua Mirror, the colorful light and color merged into a beautiful picture scroll, which was harmonious, bright and intoxicating.

For a moment, Chen Feng felt that the whole world was spinning, his hands and feet became weak, his consciousness became blurred, only Lianhua's voice echoed in his ears...

Like poison, it enters its body without touching it.

"Cause and effect are like a spinning wheel, a multi-faceted mirror of brilliance; the world is boundless, but a fleeting fantasy dream; good and evil, love and deceit, all have a definite number... I am the guardian of dreams, the observer of fantasy love, only in the mirror of myriad flowers, eternal life Live."

Lianhua really didn't expect Chen Feng to directly watch Wanhua mirror's operation without saying a word, but what she didn't even expect was that when she tentatively told the news revealed by Wanhua mirror, Chen Feng would be speechless. Symptomatically attacked himself.

At that moment, Lianhua was really frightened by Chen Feng, otherwise she would not have acted in such a panic.

There's just one thing... She's actually lying.

She is not really an unkillable existence, nor is she a so-called projected nihilistic image.

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