She, Lianhua, is a spirit body that actually exists.

Chen Feng's standing body was shaking, as if he might fall to the ground at any moment.

Taking a deep breath and patting her chest, Lianhua's eyes drooped, her expression became helpless and sad.

"Has trust become so precious to you..."

Chen Feng, who was tottering like a candle in the wind, fell forward, and Lianhua's body suddenly became real.

Looking at the main body of the Wanhua Mirror tightly held in Chen Feng's hand, his expression gradually began to change. Lianhua knew that the power of the Wanhua Mirror had already acted on him.

A thunderstorm suddenly sounded outside the window, the drizzle gradually became heavier, and the sound of hitting the grass and trees gradually covered all the movement here.

Lianhua had come to the door of the room at some point. She looked back at Chen Feng lying on the ground, frowning and relaxing. softly said:

"It's all up to you."


The doll's house fell into darkness in an instant, as if it was a vortex, sweeping away everything here.

Chen Feng is going through his own test.

A test called desire and self-discipline.

A struggle called will and heart.

A kind of...whether you can wake up in time and face the reality of the war.

No one can help him, and all he can rely on is himself.

The night became heavy, and a gust of rainy night wind blew from the window that was not closed in time, and the bangs on the forehead of Chen Feng who was lying flat on the ground fluctuated up and down.

His dream didn't look peaceful.

In the room outside the corridor, Komachi was lying on the bed with the game console he snatched from his brother to pass the time. His two white legs were swaying, which was pleasing to the eye.

Xue Nai was writing something on the desk with a piece of letterhead.


clap la la...

Heavy rain is coming.

Looking at the side window with slightly tired eyes, Yukino dragged the chair up and closed the window.

"Sister Yukino, it's raining a lot outside."


"I like the cool air so much!"

Komachi put down the game console in his hand, and a carp jumped up from the bed, carefully opened the window that Yukino closed just now, and stuck out his little head.


Just as he stuck his head out, Komachi's face was slapped by the rain mixed with the strong wind, and he let out a cute cry.

"Stop playing, beware of catching a cold."

"Hehehe, I thought there was no wind..." Komachi stuck out her tongue playfully, and closed the window obediently, but she seemed to think of something the moment she closed it, and pulled the window open again.

"Komachi, you..."

"Sister Yukino!"

Before Yukino could speak, Komachi called out, "Look, look, the window of the senior is not closed."

"Is that so?"

Xue Nai frowned slightly, "I guess I had a rest early so I didn't hear the rain."

Coming to Komachi's side, Yukino turned her head and glanced towards the innermost part of the corridor.

Indeed, the windows of the rooms in the entire corridor have been closed, but there seems to be no movement in the room where Chen Feng is.


The light in the only room with open windows was turned off, Yukino nodded slightly, retracting her wet head.

"He turned off the light. He is probably going to rest. It should be turned off. You don't have to worry about that."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Chen Feng has always lived alone, which Xue Nai knew a long time ago, and I believe he will not forget such things as closing the windows when it rains.

He patted Komachi on the head.

"It's almost time to rest, but tomorrow I have to get up early and drive home."


Ten minutes later, the lights went out.

The only light in the corridor on the first floor eventually disappeared.

The heavy rain didn't stop, and the soil in the hotel yard kept stirring up mud under the beating of the rain, and the whole atmosphere became gloomy and cold.

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