Seeing the backbone of himself and others utter these words, the dozens of big men felt confident.


As for Lianhua and Xue Nai, they didn't care at all.

This kind of thing is not unheard of.

"Take them and let's go."


A dozen or so armored vehicles drove over from not far away, taking away everyone present.

Located underground on the island, it has been transformed into an impenetrable fortress, brightly lit, and countless people are working intensely here.

Seeing Chen Feng approaching, everyone immediately stopped their work and stood up to salute.


"Continue to do your own work, report the location and number of all personnel who can be integrated, and notify the pawns who have been placed. It is time for them to start. Python, please go and sort out the current casualties. Lizard, come here, I have something to explain Give you……"

Standing beside Chen Feng, Xue Nai has recovered from the panic, but her brain is still in chaos...

So many soldiers, so many equipment, so many scientific researchers, and what they call 'BOSS'...

Chen Feng... who the hell are you?

After explaining the matter, Chen Feng turned around and picked up Lianhua with one hand, his eyes were fierce.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm just a guardian, everything about me is bound to the Wanhua Mirror, and I'm in a state of coexistence with it." Lianhua said lightly: "But now it would rather kill us all than to disappear. In layman's terms, I don't know."


"Chen Feng, calm down first..." Xue Nai tugged at Chen Feng's sleeve.

"I don't care what your situation is, I just want to know what is the way to deal with it now?"

Lianhua thought for a while and replied:

"The Wanhua Mirror is a thing of desire and purification. Its job for me is to let you see it, but you must know that this is a dream."

"Are you him? No matter how much nonsense you talk, I'll kill you."

"Hey... well, the summary is that everything created by Wanhua Mirror needs energy, and its energy has an upper limit, do you understand?"


As soon as Chen Feng shook his hand, he took the report from an officer and started to deal with the matter. It seemed that he understood what Lianhua meant.

But... so what if I understand?

The Wanhua Mirror has devoured countless souls in the past thousand years, and the number of things it creates with energy is probably an extremely terrifying number.

Lianhua looked up at the lights on the stone wall, and sighed:

"Could it this fate?"

Sure enough, after about half an hour, Chen Feng's heart became calmer and calmer after each report.

"Boss, according to the news from our insiders, in addition to the army of 6, another army of at least 60 is also gathering..."

"60... 60? Well, I see. Inform the commander of the 2th Division of the 17nd Army to let him retreat while fighting at this place. In addition, inform 194, 253, and 131 troops to retreat to 612, 534, and 755, and stick to it !"

His mind is extremely clear now, and he is deploying the available troops under his hands extremely calmly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

This time it's not just a dream, it's a dream that is intertwined with reality, if I and others get hurt here, what will happen to me and others in reality.

He really saw a ghost, and he believed Lianhua's nonsense. Looking at this shitty Wanhua mirror, now that he's done, he's afraid that he's about to have an unprecedented battle.

A total of nearly 70 enemies?What kind of shit is this.

However, Chen Feng also knows that it is impossible to send so many troops here. The number of enemies here has definitely been adjusted by the Wanhua Mirror. It is like the will here, using the power it has stored to continue Create enemies for yourself.

As for the purpose...does it need to be said?Definitely want to kill myself here!

He doesn't remember when he provoked such a thing, but it's too late to say anything now, it happens, it happens, Chen Feng doesn't have so much time to push the blame on anyone, why don't he try his best to push the blame if he has this time What about resisting?

Complaining never solves any problems.

"Report, BOSS, the 1st Army, 7th Division, 5th Brigade, and 3rd Regiment have repelled the enemy's fourth wave of attack. I just received news that they have less than 4 people left. The number of enemies is too large. We..."

"Let my personal guard go up, that position must not be lost, where is the enemy army here now?"

Chen Feng gave the order without hesitation, and then pointed to a mountain peak on the island and asked.

"The enemy at this position has advanced here."

"Okay! Inform the troops ambushing on both sides, and cooperate with the 2nd Armored Division to eat up the enemies in this salient. I blow up this airport, and then notify the air force formation to throw incendiary bombs on the woods in the northwest."

The difference in the number of troops between the two sides was too great. He had to be careful with every step, and he must not cause too much loss to his troops, otherwise it would be an incomparable blow to the morale and firepower of the troops.

Chen Feng frowned. He kept deducing with several other officers beside the sand table, sweat dripping down his cheeks like beans.

In this temporarily established underground headquarters, the communicators kept reporting the situation on the front line, and Chen Feng was also working his brain intensively, trying to use the least number of people in exchange for the greatest results.

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