Unexpectedly... After so many decades, I still have to come to command this battle where I died in the bombing.

But I don't know why, Wanhuajing actually kept all the things he had arranged in the past according to his own experience. The troops he arranged tens of miles away from the headquarters are still there, but they are also taken away. Many coalition forces are entangled, and I have to be responsible for commanding them to fight.

I am still in the lead at this time, but if the enemy's remaining 60 regular troops arrive, I will be in danger.

On dozens of islands centered on this island, fierce battles were taking place at this time.

At this time, there are still less than 5 enemies fighting, but because of the sneak attack, his own people have been reduced from 15 to 13. If the difference in weapons and equipment between the two sides is not too big, he will not have this battle at all. Law fight.

"BOSS!! Intelligence came from inside, the enemy's 60 troops will arrive at the battlefield by noon tomorrow at most."


After getting this news, Chen Feng was really a little panicked.

It is now 3 o'clock in the evening, and there are less than 9 hours until noon tomorrow.

It's not like he was fighting an ancient cold weapon war. At that time, he could use some tricks to break the morale of the enemy army, and then make the enemy army temporarily gather together, and then wipe out one by one.

Modern warfare is much more terrifying than that.

How to do how to do……

Chen Feng covered his head and kept smoking, trying to calm himself down with nicotine.

Suddenly, a guy who had been silent for a long, long time finally made his own.

[Successfully broke through the abnormal energy isolation. 】

[The detection energy belongs to the demon weapon 'Wanhua Mirror', the energy effect analysis... The analysis is successful, the combat power of the camp is Chen Feng's camp is reduced by 30%, and the camp is Chen Feng's camp, a soldier is randomly killed every 1 minute. 】

[The host has been hit by abnormal energy, and the system has entered an emergency state... It is in the process of energy confrontation with the 'Wanhua Mirror', and the effect is being corrected. 】


Do you still have a system?Mud, this shit finally has a voice.

[It is detected that the life of the host is threatened by an abnormal war, the system ability 'Takeaway' is being changed, and the target ability - 'War' is being changed, the change time is 8:59:59. 】

[This is a battle against fate, the system will be with you until death. 】

As the system's voice fell in his mind, Chen Feng slowly stood up from the ground, his gaze was unprecedentedly cold, as if it could freeze everything in front of him.

"Then... let me fight against this fate that I haven't had time to resist. I want to see if you can really kill me. If you can't kill me, it's my turn to kill you .”

In the corner beside Lianhua and Xue Nai watched everything quietly, they seemed to have nothing to do.

"You seem to have calmed down now."

"What's the use if you don't calm down? Anyway, you tricked me into it, Miss Lianhua."

"Okay, my fault." Lianhua raised her hands, "But Wanhua Jing sent me a message just now, which surprised me. Do you want to hear it?"

"Did not you say……"

"Yes, Wanhua Mirror has taken away my power, but this will not prevent it from passing on something to me, even though it is only a one-sided transmission, I can only be responsible for listening, not speaking."

"Then what did it say?"

"It says that it must kill Chen Feng, the 'war lunatic'. His existence threatens the will of the world. The Wanhua Mirror is originally an artifact created by the will of the world, and it must obey the orders of the will of the world."

"Wait, you said Chen Feng is a war lunatic?!"

Xue Nai opened her mouth in surprise, but before she could continue speaking, Lianhua pointed at the senior officers in military uniforms who were coming and going around.

"This is his past, he even remembers everything here, doesn't he?"

"But I've never heard of such a report! If such a big thing happened in the world, it would definitely be reported on TV!"

Lianhua turned her face sideways and said word by word:

"Then who told you what happened in this world?"


Yukino seemed to understand something.

"Are you afraid of death?"

"What's the use of being afraid and not being afraid at this time?"

Xue Nai smiled wryly, her taijutsu was used to beat ordinary people, and it was enough for self-defense, but in this kind of battlefield full of gunfire, her taijutsu was actually a joke.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"En." Lianhua nodded, and she came to Chen Feng's side, "Chen Feng."


"Is that a field hospital over there?"

Lianhua pointed to a place far away from the command post, where a large group of medical soldiers were treating the wounded who were brought in continuously.


"Yukinoshita and I went over to help."

"Whatever you want, just don't make trouble."

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