"No... Could it be that my brain was broken?"

"Hahaha, Mr. Chen, you really know how to joke. Alright, long time no see, Mr. Chen, you look like a man who makes me feel excited."


"Just kidding, but you do look a lot more handsome, Mr. Chen."

Munir, who was most familiar with Chen Feng, stretched out his hand to hold Chen Feng together.

"How come you are here?"

"The reason is really complicated. I was still fighting with Colonel Carl, but I didn't expect you to be in danger, so I agreed without saying a word and brought people over. I didn't expect Colonel Carl to come too. It's over."

"Who are you scolding, you old man with a carbine gun? Mr. Chen can be said to be our food and clothing parent, how can I not come here?"

However, Chen Feng was still at a loss, but the soldiers here had silently reached a consensus, and they temporarily changed from hostility to teammates.

Colonel Karl said grimly:

"Mr. Chen, I hate others to snatch my chicken and mushroom stewed rice set, so you can rest assured that none of these people will survive."

"Coincidentally, I also hate people stealing my pizza, so this group of people be damned."

"You are very good, old man with a carbine."

"Old coffin board, you are also a bit interesting."


"Need to say it? Of course it's to overthrow those stinky grandchildren!"

All of a sudden, fighter planes flew across the sky, ships appeared out of thin air in the sea, and familiar faces on land appeared out of thin air.

The army of magicism is all about magic.

However... Wanhuajing seems to have gone crazy.

In the direction of the sea level, countless ships also emerged.

Chen Feng could feel, Wanhua Mirror, go all out!

But it never expected that the soldiers here would show joy after seeing the ship, and jump into the water with hammers, blowtorches, etc...

Indeed, the Wanhua Mirror is not a mortal thing. It may really have the power to crush Chen Feng alone, but it will never be able to defeat this group of invincible troops. They have the law of causality to attack, the power to sink warships with a hammer, and the blowtorch The magic of burning and bombing tanks, the gods who stabbed planes with thunder...

For them, this war is no different from playing a house.

Under the influence of Wanhuajing, the remaining 20 coalition forces quickly increased to 500 million, but what is the use of this?

From the moment they came out, the ending was already doomed.

This is a battle of fate, a war that destroyed his long-cherished wish in the first place.

Hundredth Chapter 16 In life and death, only you and I have resonance (end of this volume)

The whole war revolved around hundreds of islands of different sizes on the main island where Chen Feng was located, which was not a fair war in itself.

Perhaps it would be better to say that war is never fair, if you really love peace, then please prepare for war.

Judging from the situation at the scene, this place is more like a parallel world in his first life. If Wanhuajing hadn't intervened wantonly in the situation here, and he didn't die in that sneak attack, then the offensive of the coalition forces would definitely be suppressed. He used the defenses on the island and the tactics of himself and others to win.

Even if one's own personnel will suffer a certain degree of casualties, the coalition forces are also not so united. Many of them are actually playing their own small games, so this incident can completely end with their own victory, and It wasn't because he died in the explosion and was wiped out because his morale collapsed in the end.

Standing on a high slope overlooking the battlefield with that group of old friends in a certain sense, this level of war is not at the same level at all. Did you yell three or four people to attack the soldiers of a company?Before fighting for a few minutes, the opposite company collapsed and fled by itself, which was not difficult for them at all!

Hearing the sound of planes flying around in the sky, Chen Feng sighed.

Because everything here is not true, I actually died in that attack, even if I experience it again, the memory of the past will never disappear.

However, he didn't feel regretful either. Everyone is doomed to experience countless events. Even if success is often accompanied, it is absolutely impossible to accompany him forever. Such a result may already be the best ending for him.

Wanhua mirror...

This monster weapon of unknown origin wanted to kill him, and he was indeed half-submerged in the soil, but Chen Feng was still very grateful to it.

He could still see her, even if it was only for a few days, but that was enough.

One of the things Chen Feng regrets the most is that he didn't say goodbye to his sister Chen Xin. In his whole life, the death of his sister has completely brewed in his heart and turned into a huge demon. Just killing the culprit is enough Unable to appease the anger in his heart, in the end the demon slowly pushed him into the abyss...

It's great to say my last goodbyes to you...

Even when his body was smashed into pieces by bullets and grenades, he didn't even groan in pain, but just remembering that his minimum wishes could be fulfilled, Chen Feng's eyes felt sour.

Xue Nai was rescued by this group of magical soldiers, but was shot a few times during the rescue, but was soon pulled up from the ground by a group of medical soldiers in different clothes.

Although they didn't know who this girl was, from their perspective, this girl was a friendly army, and that was enough.

The coalition army has been completely stunned by this group of weird soldiers. These soldiers seem to be airborne and land on every island that they have just won. They can't die at all, even if you smash them into pieces with shells, After a while, they will get up again from the ground. This kind of thing that completely violates their understanding of the world makes them have no intention of fighting.

If the enemy can be killed, it’s just a lot of numbers, but there are a lot of enemies on the opposite side, and they won’t even die. Some lunatics rush over with a hammer and hit a teammate with a hammer. The gun can't kill the opponent, so how can we fight this battle?

[Analyzing the faction status...]

[Analysis completed, coalition camp: enemy status: Fear (shooting accuracy decreased by 52%), unintentional combat (death rate increased by 76%), beyond cognition (morale decreased by 80%, unable to prevent effective resistance), extreme despair (spiritual The probability of crash is increased to 30%)...]

[Chen Feng’s faction: friendly army status: high morale (immune to fear), absolute charm from the leader (300% increase in melee combat, 300% increase in shooting, and associated status gains: fanatical belief, dedication, admiration, love, the effect comes from: Chen Feng) , The long-cherished wish of the invincible (the strategy effect of allies is increased by 300%, luck is increased by 100%, the upper limit of enemy morale is reduced by 80%, the probability of enemy desertion is greatly increased, and the enemy cannot be regrouped after fleeing. The effect comes from: Chen Wind), the will to be completely awakened (all comprehensive abilities have been greatly improved, all physical qualities can break through the upper limit of the human body, and cover the entire friendly camp, the effect comes from: Chen Feng)...]

[Di!Trigger the war mission: Cut off cause and effect. 】

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