[This is an undeniable task, the host has successfully accepted it. 】

[Task completion condition: end this war and destroy Wanhua Mirror]

[Mission failure: The host will remain in the Wanhua mirror forever. 】

[Mission success rewards: 1. Say goodbye to all past karma; 2. The system absorbs the energy of Wanhua Mirror, and the recovery time is greatly reduced; 3. Obtain mysterious rewards. 】

Destroy Wanhua Mirror?Right on my mind.

After simply looking at a part of the report uploaded by the system, Chen Feng lost the intention to continue reading. The human beings in that world were already scary enough, and with the addition of some things he added to them, he didn't even know. The auras of each one are similar to those of Gundam. It is really just a sliding shovel that knocks and blows up a tank in three or two strokes.

The rescued Xue Nai climbed up the hillside again with Lianhua on her back, and came to the edge of Chen Feng.

At this time, Lianhua seemed to have a little consciousness in a daze. She got off Xue Nai's back and looked at the battle on the island that was gradually subsiding.

"Miss Lianhua, thank you."

"Really...? Thank you for almost killing you?"

"No." Chen Feng shook his head. He calmly looked at the sky where countless fighter jets flew across, and said, "You let me bid farewell to my past perfectly. This is already a great gift from heaven."

"If you can let it go, that's fine. But there is one thing I need to tell you."

Lianhua's body is almost transparent, but now she looks extraordinarily energetic.

"This is your own choice. I'm just completing my work. What's more, all of this is your own effort and has little to do with me. Moreover... Wanhua Mirror is already, almost reaching its limit." Lianhua looked at her hand, and said lightly: "Its mission has come to an end, destroy it, and then escape with your friends."

Lianhua was sitting on the grass on the hillside, and Chen Feng heard some other meanings from her words.

"Were you lying to me before?"

"Huh?" Lianhua glanced at Chen Feng unexpectedly, "I didn't lie to you, the Wanhua Mirror is indeed about to collapse."

"I mean you said that you have a way to replenish energy, but you actually... have no way?"

"Hehe, of course there is, but this thing is already gone, and there is no need for me to exist, so I didn't lie to you."

"You really use everything you have..."

"Isn't this what you want? Anyway, you have nothing to lose. I will find a place to stay and don't come to me. By the way, after this war is over, Wanhua Mirror will collapse."

After all, Lianhua stood up from the ground with difficulty, and walked towards a messy forest not far away. Her body was shaky, and she would disappear from time to time before reappearing.

"Miss Lianhua."

"Anything else?"

Lianhua stopped, but didn't look back.

"I always feel that I look more and more familiar with you, as if we knew each other before. Do you know the reason?"

"..." Lianhua said mercilessly, "Your way of striking up a conversation is very classical. If nothing else happens, you will be regarded as a pervert if you strike up a conversation like this. We didn't know each other before, so I'll leave first if it's okay."

"Wait for me a few minutes."


Lianhua didn't look back, she just stood there so firmly, she didn't dare to look at Chen Feng, because it would make her feel scared.

There was a rustling sound behind her, and after a while, she heard Chen Feng's footsteps, and he was walking towards her.

"This, for you, can be regarded as a gift for your treatment of me before and your parting at this moment."

A small wooden sign, a little rough on it, but a picture was simply carved out by someone with a knife.

It was a pillar, and I put my hands on my lower abdomen and stood beside it.

Chen Feng didn't forget the scene when he saw Lianhua for the first time. Although the phone couldn't take a picture of Lianhua, he remembered it in his mind.

This is the first time he wanted to take a picture out of impulsiveness.

A rope was programmed with several grass stalks above the wooden sign, and he handed the thing to Lianhua, turned and left.

"Miss Lianhua, although the name is just a code name, I am very happy to be able to temporarily go back to the past to experience all this, and I am also very happy to meet you. Goodbye."

"Hmm..." Turning his back to Chen Feng who was walking away, Lianhua slowly tied the small wooden plaque around his neck, his voice was very small, but Chen Feng could still hear it, "By the way, my name is Lianhua, This is my real name. Feng, goodbye."

When Chen Feng turned his head again, Lianhua had already disappeared.

she left.

As Lianhua said, when the whole battle drew to a close, the air around him began to give him an uncomfortable sense of oppression.

When the last coalition army created by Wanhua Mirror was killed, the sense of oppression began to rise in a straight line.

[The Wanhua Mirror is collapsing, the task is completed, and the rewards will be issued after leaving. 】

[There is 1 minute left before Wanhua Mirror collapses, please prepare to leave the host. 】

"Xue Nai, come here, ready to go."

Chen Feng held Xue Nao who had a complicated face and didn't know what he was thinking.


Xue Nai lowered her head in response, and grabbed the corner of Chen Feng's clothes.

Seeing the soldiers on the island cheering loudly, the generals also looked at Chen Feng with confidence.

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