Captain Munir laughed and joked:

"Mr. Chen, although this meeting is very short, it seems that we are going to part again. After you stop delivering food, we will not be able to eat the meals you cooked, which is quite uncomfortable."

"A battlefield without chicken and mushroom stew is not interesting at all, and there is an old man with a carbine who only likes to eat pizza, what a waste."

Colonel Carl said bitterly.


"Shut up you old fellows, Mr. Chen Feng, you are a respectable person, and you are more powerful than us here. I hope you will have a happy life in the future."

In the end, Major General Jack interrupted the two enemies who were arguing, and looked at Chen Feng, "You can achieve such results with such a difference in strength, this is the best proof of your strength, and we have great admiration for your tactical level , you are a great leader, salute to you!"


Different races, different countries, different military salutes...

They paid tribute to such an extremely admirable existence.

The best way to gain the respect of soldiers is to show one's own strength. In the military, the strongest is always king.

The world of Wanhua Mirror gradually collapsed, and everyone's figures became blurred. The moment Chen Feng disappeared, he raised his hand and returned the gift.

The deep darkness swallowed everything here, everything went round and round, the rules started to operate again, and everyone returned to the place they should return to.

The Wanhua Mirror no longer exists.

It's like a piecemeal dream, broken into countless pieces, and finally glued together slowly, like a dream, but it really happened.

Chen Feng suddenly opened his eyes and sat up.

"Back... back?"

Familiar puppet stand, wooden floor, sunlight pouring into the room from the window...

He is back!

Chen Feng stood up immediately, and unexpectedly found that he was lying on the bed before, and he was still wearing the same T-shirt and overalls that he was wearing.

He suddenly remembered Lianhua's words, wasn't his body pulled into the Wanhua Mirror?Why are the clothes on my body still the clothes I was wearing?

[Wanhua mirror energy absorption is complete, dormancy time: 3 months]

[The reward has been issued, please check with the host. 】

[Power recovery... An error occurred when a certain power was partially recovered, the energy was insufficient, and the system entered sleep mode. 】

As the mechanical sound in his head gradually disappeared, no matter how Chen Feng called the system, there was no answer.

Already dormant?

Originally, Chen Feng wanted to ask Lianhua and what the hell was going on with their powers, but now it seemed that he had to give up temporarily.

There seemed to be an extra bag of something on the ground in front of him. Is this the reward given by the system?

Chen Feng knelt down to pick up the things on the ground, and when he looked carefully, the corners of his mouth twitched instantly.

Isn't this just a bag of purple pearl fruit bracelets? !Why are you giving me so much!

dong dong dong~

"Has the senior woke up? Yukino-sister is up, huh? The door is not closed? Can Komachi come in?"

"come in."

Komachi, wearing a blue dress, opened the door and walked in.

"Senior, it's time for breakfast, we have to leave after eating..."

In the middle of talking, Komachi suddenly blushed and froze on the spot, her heartbeat started to speed up crazily when she saw Chen Feng's face, but Chen Feng didn't notice this, he jumped off the bed and started to pack his things.

"Okay, I'll be right there."

"Senior, please marry me...ah no, anyway, senior, come down quickly!"

After saying this, Komachi covered his face and rushed out of the room, making Chen Feng who was packing his things confused.

However, he didn't realize that in the next three months without a system, he would have to worry about his face every day, so that he had to wear a mask every time he went out, otherwise it would cause a strange commotion.

As for the culprit?Of course, it is the 'part' that was missed by the error that occurred when the system recovered power due to insufficient energy.

The addition of temperament and appearance in absolute charm...


ps: Once again, this book is not infinitely streamed, there is no saying of changing pictures, and don't threaten the author at every turn, this approach is meaningless, not to mention that I saved the manuscript several days ago, I have nothing to do What did the hero write to death?

Chapter 1 One Eats Two

On Wednesday, a dark gray mist enveloped the entire city of Chiba. No matter how violent the sea wind blows, it still can't bring back a little bit of blue in the sky.

The tram hangs on the viaduct and rustles away from the bustling streets, trying its best to move forward towards the mission it carries.

The middle of the wide road is crowded with all kinds of vehicles, and the sound of the engine adds a different sense of hustle and bustle to the city.

On the sidewalk, all kinds of umbrellas are opened generously, some of them are in pairs, some are in groups, as if the rain floating in the sky cannot wash away their enthusiasm for playing.

Chen Feng rode the electric tricycle provided by the store manager Ogata through the sea of ​​traffic. He was wearing a light yellow helmet and a dark red jacket. The rain slapped on him mercilessly. Even the bangs on the forehead didn't know when they stuck together.

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