But his attire seemed to be different from usual, most of his face was covered by a white mask, even though the mask was completely wet by the rain, he still didn't intend to take it off.

"Hello? Hello miss, your takeaway is downstairs."

Wet, with sealed takeaways hanging all over his body, he walked into a 40th-floor apartment that looked extremely high-end, and with muddy rain dripping all over his body, he dialed the customer's phone number.

"Okay... okay! I've opened the door."

On the other end of the phone, there was a slightly mature female voice, but it sounded a little nervous inside.

But this is not something that Chen Feng will care about, he just wants to finish the order in his hand quickly and then have lunch.

After the phone was hung up, there was only a click, and the double-opening sensor door in front of Chen Feng slowly opened. He walked into the apartment quickly, but Chen Feng did not choose to take the elevator, but chose to climb the stairs.

He lowered his head and glanced at the address of the order, which was on the 31st floor. Without saying a word, he rushed up from the entrance of the corridor under the eyes of the young lady who was almost accustomed to the gaze of the service point set up by the property on the first floor.

elevator?Not as fast as I can climb.

In less than a minute, Chen Feng came to the customer's door and lightly pressed the doorbell.

ding dong~

Soon, the door was opened by a beautiful woman with a ponytail and shawl hairstyle.

"I wish you a pleasant meal, and if you encounter any problems during the meal, you can call me."

"No, no, Mr. Chen, do you want to come in and sit down? There is heating in the living room, you can blow the moisture on your body, and if you don't mind, you can also take a shower. I have a change of clothes here, so let's go outside It’s really hard to deliver food in heavy rain.”

This lady is an old customer of Chen Feng. She orders takeaway at least once a day, and she still asks Chen Feng to deliver by name.

"Thank you for your kindness, miss, but I still have work."

Once again politely declined the lady's invitation, Chen Feng turned around and left without hesitation, he could even hear the voice of the woman behind him.

"I will name you again, please come on!"

Watching Chen Feng leave from the corridor, the lady happily covered her burning face.

"Great, great, I said one more sentence today than before, it's really great."


After repeating this, Chen Feng had delivered almost all the delivery orders on his body after [-] minutes, leaving only the last one.

He braved the increasing rain and glanced at the customer's name on the list.

Another girl...

Chen Feng was a little distressed.

Since he came back from Kumamoto Prefecture, his female customers have inexplicably increased, and most of them are between 30 and 40 years old. The worst thing is that every time I deliver an order to them, I will be invited to Sitting at home or in a hotel room, talking about taking a break and eating something, but Chen Feng could see a hunting-like excitement in their eyes, which made his hairs stand on end.

Therefore, these "good requests" were all rejected by him without exception. He felt that these customers had unruly intentions towards him, and it was terrible to deliver food to these women...

Turning off the phone screen, Chen Feng glanced at his face with only the upper part of his nose exposed through the screen.

His eyes still looked fierce, but compared to before, there was less hostility in his eyes, and his face even made his heart move, and he sighed in his heart.

Was it really that incident that caused the disaster...

Chen Feng rode to the red light, raised his little eDonkey with one hand, walked along the sidewalk and crossed the intersection with pedestrians, and continued driving.

The charm of his body always gave him an urge to ask for leave and rest at home for a few days. This thing brought him a lot of inconvenience. A kind of amazement and admiration.

So complicated……

Sighing, Chen Feng came to a community, and he started calling customers.


A young woman's voice came from the phone.

"Let me see...Miss Kasumigaoka, right? Your takeaway..."

"Oh, takeaway." Chen Feng was interrupted by the other party on the phone. He heard some noise on the other end of the phone. Yes, I have ordered the goods to be delivered."

The other party seemed to be dealing with something urgent, and Chen Feng could tell from the other party's tone that the other party seemed a little irritable. He was about to say something, but he didn't expect the other party to have hung up the phone.

Looking at the orders that have been delivered on the APP, Chen Feng fell into deep thought.

Is this... just a whoring lunch?

Obviously this should be happy, but his lunch has already been bought at a curry shop, and the things are also placed in the trunk. To be honest, he can't finish these two meals.

Chen Feng is still very frugal, he never wastes food, no matter how unpalatable the food is, he will eat all the food conscientiously, and never waste food at will just because he is relatively rich.

He slowly walked out of the community with the takeaway, his order has been delivered, now it's time for lunch, he doesn't need to be so anxious.

Drops of water dripped from his eyelashes. He looked at the heavy rain on the street. There would be no stray animals wandering around in this weather. Could it be that he really wanted to eat a meal for two at a time?

Annoyed, Chen Feng rode the little eDonkey to the parking space on the side of the road and parked it. After searching casually, he found a place where he could take shelter from the rain and eat, and the location was just under a bridge not far away. You can also eat while sheltering from the rain.

Chapter 2 The Girl Under the Bridge

This is an artificial river, but because the precipitation here is not very exaggerated, the water flow of this artificial river is not so large. Over time, some stray animals gather under these bridges. There are no hungry animals, and if there are any, there is no need to waste the food.

He delivered the order in the heavy rain, and now his whole body is wet. If he went to some shops to eat without authorization, it might affect the business of the shop owner, and Chen Feng is not that picky.

It can be said that although his own experience was very dark, it still gave him some adaptability that ordinary people do not have.

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