This is a good thing.

Carrying two meals over the fence, Chen Feng trotted to the bottom of the bridge, but Chen Feng didn't find any stray animals here, it's a pity...


Chen Feng glanced around, and suddenly saw a small figure sitting in a corner under the bridge with his legs folded and his head bowed.

He couldn't help but look at each other a few more times.

It was a girl about [-] meters tall, with long blond hair hanging behind her neck, a black leather neck ring that looked very delicate, a pair of hot pants and a pair of black boots under her body, and a A white coat and a black and white shirt.

This outfit looks characterful and on-trend.

It doesn't look like a homeless child, did he get lost with his parents?

However, this question had just arisen in his heart. Chen Feng found that the other party's clothes were covered with a lot of dust, and his hair looked like it hadn't been washed for several days.

Could it be... Did this child run away from home?

After much deliberation, Chen Feng felt that this possibility seemed to be a little higher.

He guessed that the child might have had some conflicts with the adults in the family, and finally ran away from home in a fit of anger. After all, she seemed to be not much different from Komachi, and she even felt younger than Komachi. A child of this age would It is also normal to have a reverse psychology.

As a doctor, Chen Feng could tell from a simple 'look' that this girl might not have eaten much in the past few days, her skin looked a little dry and very pale, her lips were darker, and she was replenished with water. Not enough, the exposed hands and legs also look very thin.


He opened his two boxes of meals, opened his arms, and walked towards the girl lightly.

He came to the girl and squatted down, but because he was taller, he squatted much higher than the girl.

"Want something to eat?"

The other party was unmoved, as if he hadn't heard his words.

Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, and asked again: "Son, do you want something to eat?"

Unknowingly, he seems to have put himself into the setting of a middle-aged uncle.

However, the girl was still sitting motionless on the ground with her head lowered. Chen Feng frowned suspiciously. He grabbed the girl's hand and felt her pulse.

Huh... Fortunately, I thought I was dead.

As Chen Feng pulled the girl's arm, the girl finally raised her head, and the look in her eyes made Chen Feng's heart thump.

The child's eyes... so hollow, could it be that he encountered some difficulty?

But it is also a good thing that the other party noticed him, Chen Feng smiled.

"Do you want something to eat? I deliver food nearby. I came here to eat and saw you. One of my customers just returned one meal. I can't finish two meals. Do you want it?"

Suddenly, the girl's pupils shrank sharply, and she quickly pulled her hand out of Chen Feng's, shrank back in horror, embraced her with her arms around her, and kept shaking her head.

She put one hand into her satchel, looking very wary of Chen Feng.

At this time, Chen Feng remembered that he was still wearing a mask, and combined with his tightly wrapped body, he seemed to be a bad person no matter what.

He took off his mask, which was still dripping, so that the girl could see his face clearly, then placed a meal and cutlery beside the girl, and took a few steps back.

"You seem to have not eaten for a long time. I will put the food here for you. If you want to eat, you can eat it. And this is water..."

While talking, Chen Feng seemed to remember something. Under the gaze of the girl's empty eyes, he walked to the place where he put the meal, picked up some of the contents with his chopsticks, and put it in his mouth to eat.

"Not poisoned."

After finishing speaking, Chen Feng retreated to the corner opposite the girl, and began to eat the curry in his lunch box with big mouthfuls.

After a while, Chen Feng finished his lunch and started to clean up the rubbish on the ground.

"If you run away from home, go back quickly after eating, or your family will be worried, maybe mom and dad are looking for you everywhere anxiously at this time."

A girl who looked like thirteen or fourteen years old went out alone like this and didn't go home. To be honest, Chen Feng could imagine her family's anxious appearance.

After packing up the things, Chen Feng thought for a while, untied his jacket, took out some scattered coins from his pocket, pressed them under the lunch box next to the girl, and said:

"If you don't have tolls, you can use the money. Although the amount is not a lot, it should be enough to take a car. It is dangerous for you to stay outside alone. You should go back as soon as possible. If you encounter difficulties or dangers, go to the surrounding area. Passers-by call for help and call the police, and the police will help you deal with it.”

After finishing all this, Chen Feng turned around and left under the bridge with the garbage in his hands. He planned to deliver the order at noon and then go back to make figures. Recently, many people have been asking him if he has any goods on his twitter and line. Moreover, he drew a lot of design drawings some time ago, and the production of new figures can also start.

Under the dark bridge, the girl watched Chen Feng leave here, she seemed relieved, put the hand protecting her chest from the clothes, and loosened the hand in the satchel slightly.A black shadow loomed in her bag.

If Chen Feng saw this scene, he would definitely be terrified, because he didn't notice that the girl was holding a pistol on her right hand in the satchel!


A drenched gray stray cat rushed under the bridge from the rain. It found a small piece of potato that Chen Feng had eaten, and ate it contentedly.

Seeing this, the blond girl looked at the lunch box and water beside her. She took the lunch box in her hand, and used chopsticks to pinch all the different things inside to the ground.


The gray stray cat heard the blond girl's voice, turned around and saw the food on the ground in front of the girl, it walked over cautiously, saw that the blond girl didn't seem to be hostile, so it ate the food on the ground with confidence food.

Chapter 3 Actually... No Home

The blond girl fed the stray cat very regularly. After about ten minutes, the food in the lunch box had disappeared by one-third, and the water in the water bottle had also been fed a lot, and the stray cat seemed to be full. Stomach, lying on the ground began to rest.

The girl stared at the stray cat intently for half an hour.

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