
The stray cat opened its eyes and looked at the blonde girl curiously.


She breathed a sigh of relief, after observing, she confirmed that this box of food was indeed just ordinary food, so she folded her hands together, as if praying, and finally began to eat the cooled meals in the lunch box bit by bit.

The girl raised her head and looked at the corner opposite her. There was still a small puddle of water there, which was left by that person...

He... why did he help me?

The girl's empty eyes flickered twice, becoming a little brighter.

In the evening, Chen Feng finally delivered the orders in his hand. Today's orders are really extraordinarily large, and many of them were ordered by the people who ordered in the morning. One of the wives has already ordered the 15th order today...

Chiba is extremely cold in winter, and the heavy rain has stopped in the afternoon, but Chen Feng's body is still wet, and he has no time to change into dry clothes.

Ding dong dong ~ ding ding ding ~

Chen Feng's cell phone rang, and the caller was the store manager Ogata.

"Hello? Uncle Ogata."

"Xiao Chen, are you ready to leave work?"

The voice of the store manager Ogata was a little broken.

"Well, I just delivered the order and I'm going to rest."

"Xiao Chen, another order came in just now, and they said they wanted to appoint you to deliver it, but when you get off work, I'll call and inform the customer."

"Ah, it's okay, Uncle Ogata, you make the list first, it's okay if I come over to deliver it, I happen to be nearby right now."

"I'm really sorry, Xiao Chen, obviously I shouldn't have taken the order at this time, but the customer ordered food on 3 different platforms, and finally even called the store..."

"It's okay, it doesn't affect."

"Then I will trouble you, Xiao Chen, and I will give you all the rewards for this order."

Glancing at the gray-black sky, Chen Feng put away his phone and pulled his somewhat stiff body.

"Last order, take a break after delivery!"

Quickly went to the udon shop to pick up the meal, Chen Feng delivered it to the customer, just as he thought, the customer was still a woman, and when he delivered the meal to the place, he kept saying 'my house is quite big ', 'Mr. Chen, come in and have a rest, it doesn't matter if you are tired and just go to sleep' and so on.

After rejecting the enthusiastic wife, Chen Feng rode an e-donkey to return it to the store manager Ogata and go home.

However, when he rode near the bridge he passed by at noon today, he saw four or five young people surrounded by the bridge, yelling some dirty words.

He frowned and found a place to park.

"I've seen you here several times, little sister, can't you find a place to rest? My brothers have a place to live, do you want to come together?"

"Yeah, we brothers can take care of people, you must want to be taken care of, right?"

"You... stay away from me!"

The blond girl's eyes were flustered, and she was trying to back away and escape.

"Oh, why are you running? We don't mean anything malicious, but we just think it's not good for a girl to wander outside. After all, no one wants you. What about the family? I guess we don't want you? So let's be your family." gone."

After the board-inch young man finished speaking, the other young people around him burst into laughter, but they didn't notice at all that when they said 'the family doesn't want you anymore', the blond girl suddenly became depressed , and put his hands in his small satchel.

"Talk? Why don't you say it? If you don't say it, we will take it as your consent."

"Don't come here, I don't... don't want to hurt you."

"Huh? Still hurting me, what are you using to hurt me, with your lower mouth? I'm looking forward to it when you say that."

As he said that, the board-inch young man smiled strangely and was about to pull the blond girl's arm.

The blond girl's eyes turned cold in an instant, and just as she was about to make a move, she saw the young man in front of him being pulled by the hair on the top of his head and slammed to the ground.


His head came into close contact with the ground, and there was a muffled sound immediately, followed by the young man twitching his legs twice, faint blood began to ooze from the place where his head touched the ground, and then he stopped moving.

"Who... um!"

Before the other young man finished speaking, he was kicked in the side of the face by a foot wearing military boots, and the whole person flew seven or eight meters in a circle, and the teeth in his mouth flew out clearly with bloodstains. few.

This group of young people has never seen such a battle, kicking people flying seven or eight meters, is this guy a Gundam? !

So they turned around one by one and prepared to run away, but one unlucky guy was pinched by the back of the neck by Chen Feng who was wearing a mask.

It's over, it's over, it's dying, it's dying!

The poor young man closed his eyes, he had already imagined that he would be beaten to death like the other two companions, but Chen Feng didn't do that.

Lifting the young man up with one hand like a kitten, Chen Feng said in a gloomy voice:

"Send them to the hospital, let the doctor bandage their wounds, then prescribe some anti-inflammatory drugs, and get some nourishing food, and they will be fine in a few days."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Then go and do your business... why are you staring blankly, let's go!"

Throwing the young man in his hand aside, Chen Feng grabbed the bewildered blond girl, rode on the electric donkey and began to flee.

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