It is possible that the other party is the kind of expert who does not want to show his face and is not short of money. Otherwise, it is impossible to leave so many fans without organizing and managing them. You must know that each of these people has money for walking!

As long as a group of people willing to consume is established into a small group, there will inevitably be countless wealth waiting for him in the future.

However... Teacher Fenglin didn't do that.


Just when Shiyu was about to say hello and hang up the phone, the person on the phone seemed to have made up his mind, "I will try my best to investigate the identity of Teacher Fenglin, as long as I can find the teacher, I will do whatever I want. Even if I sit down in front of him, I will find a way to ask the teacher to design the surroundings for you. And senior sister, this is Teacher Fenglin’s Twitter, you can follow it, maybe people around you have seen the teacher himself Maybe, after all, the world is not big, and some coincidences are far more outrageous than those shown in various works."

"Shi Yu, who was sitting in front of the computer, saw a new message on the line. She actually knew that the other party was trying to comfort her, but she had to express this kind of kindness to some extent."

"Then I'll trouble you, Mr. Ethics, I'm free..."

"So senior, please revise the copywriting!"


Hearing these words, Shi Yu's chest heaved greatly, she nodded, "Well, I see, if it's okay, I'm going to rest, I've been up for several days for the new volume, and I'm a little tired."

"Then I won't bother you senior, goodbye."

beep - beep -

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Shiyu lowered his hand weakly, and the mobile phone in his hand was pitifully photographed on the wooden table, making a crisp sound.

Rubbing her swollen eyes, she really didn't know whether she should be angry or not. She was so stupid to the man she fell in love with, many times it was really useless to give him a chance.

"Forget it... read Twitter first."

According to the information sent by the other party, Shi Yu followed a person who used the original avatar.

"Is this Teacher Fenglin's Twitter? It seems that there are not many tweets."

She slid the mouse to the bottom. The first tweet posted by this account was in August last year, and the content of the first tweet was also very simple, a very simple sentence.

【New beginning. 】

Below this tweet, tens of thousands of replies have already accumulated there. Shi Yu simply checked and found that some netizens who came here because of the reputation thought that Mr. Fenglin had encountered some difficulties before.

[I hope the teacher is all right (put your hands together)]

[Yes, a new start, so is there any news about the teacher's new hand? 】

【I am a human being, I am sorry.I hope the teacher will come out of the haze. 】

A second tweet followed.

[Bento given away for free by thanks from friends. 】

Under this sentence, there is also a very girly bento box, the side dishes inside are extremely rich, and the color is perfect from the picture, people with ordinary cooking skills can't make such things.

Followed Twitter one by one online, many tweets were recording the daily life of Mr. Fenglin. At first, Shi Yu thought that Mr. Fenglin might be a middle-aged man who had already married. After all, this kind of boring recording of life It is almost impossible for young people to persevere, but until she saw a tweet saying that she was going to prepare for a midterm exam, and when she was still complaining about the difficulty of ancient Chinese in the tweet, she realized that the other party might still be a student...

It's not just her, many comments under the tweet are very shocked, it seems that everything is different from what they imagined.

And more and more tweets later proved this point.

The tweets have come to an end, and the last tweet posted by Mr. Fenglin was almost a month ago.

[We are going to Kumamoto Prefecture soon, and the 7-day volunteer activities are really full of expectations! 】

Shi Yu took a sip of the hot tea on the table. The content in the teacher’s tweet said that there was no content, but in fact there was still some relevant information for her. At least let her know that this rising star is still a student, and in terms of age It seems that she should not be very different from her.

ding dong~

Just as Shi Yu took off his coat and was about to take a rest, the computer suddenly rang.


Shi Yu leaned forward to take a look, and found that the tweeter he followed had posted a new tweet, and the person who posted the new tweet was Teacher Fenglin!

Without further ado, Shi Yu refreshed the page, and as expected, a tweet posted a few seconds ago was displayed on the screen.

The content of the new tweet is a picture. The picture seems to be in a shopping mall. In one corner of the picture is a woman holding the hand of a little girl. The picture does not capture the faces of the two people. There is a sentence below the picture talk.

[I bought some clothes for a child who is temporarily staying at home with my friends. It’s great that it didn’t rain today. 】


Xiazhiqiu Shiyu stared closely at the enlarged picture on the screen, she felt that this place seemed familiar.

After watching for about a minute, Shiyu suddenly remembered what this place is, isn't this a shopping mall in the urban area of ​​Chiba?I went there for a walk some time ago.

Teacher Fenglin is from Chiba? !

She felt as if she had obtained some incredible information.

In the shopping mall, Yang Nai looked at Chen Feng's tweet with interest, with his arms crossed.

"I didn't expect you to still have this habit. You will be so old next year, and you will act like an old man."

"Let's accumulate more. Sometimes memories are a happy thing. Records close to life are the most unpretentious wealth. I didn't have the time and energy to record before, but I regretted it a bit, because at least I could Let me leave some traces of my existence." Chen Feng put away his phone and said with a complex expression.

"Okay, okay!" Yang Nai patted Chen Feng's shoulder with a smile, "I've come out with you today, and I promised you, drink with me tonight."


The corners of Chen Feng's mouth twitched, "Don't get drunk like last time, I only have a sofa at home, so I will not sleep well then."

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