"Oh?" Yang Nai frowned, leaned into Chen Feng's ear and whispered, "Then I'll give you the key to my apartment?"

Chen Feng was shocked immediately.

"Anyway, don't get drunk."

"It's okay, I'm usually not drunk."

"Then what happened to you last time?" Chen Feng gave her a blank look.

"Last time..." Yang Nai pressed his index finger against his lips, and smiled mysteriously, "It's because it was a special situation, so I got drunk."

"The Riddler gck."

Chapter Sixteen: Ways to Make Ah Feng Happy

Unknowingly, the January holiday has come to an end, as if the end of the world has really come, Mars has deviated from its orbit, and TV Tokyo no longer broadcasts anime.

This is simply the most annoying moment for students.

The global travel plan of the Nakano family has also come to an end for the time being. As the start of school gets closer, they have returned to Chiba one after another.

The winter vacation was extremely short, but for Chen Feng, he experienced a lot of things during this vacation, and it was not empty.If those unusual situations can be removed, he must be very happy.

But...he is not without benefits, at least he waved goodbye to his incredible and extremely sad past, and now he is no longer the person who holds hatred all day long and fights and kills all the time.

He is just an ordinary student, and he will go to the restaurant to pick up and deliver food every day after school. He has never had such a fulfilling and ordinary life before. In his opinion, everything is the beginning of his new life. first step.

It was Monday morning, Chen Feng woke up early, cleaned himself up as always, put on a mask and bag and planned to go to school.

The first day of school is also his last semester in the first grade. As long as he can pass the exam in March, Chen Feng can go directly to the third grade without any pressure and become a third-grade student.

He is also a very ceremonial person, because it is the first day of school, he will always be very serious about his grooming, a part of his hair that has grown a lot during the holiday has been trimmed yesterday, and his forehead Her bangs were combed back, her smooth forehead was exposed without reservation, and her spiritual temperament was greatly improved.

Such eyes are like torches, although the eyes are fierce, but there is always an indescribable charm in them.But fortunately, these are just eyes, at least he has covered his face, so that there should be no strange riots.

Facing the floor-to-ceiling mirror in his new home, which was more than twice as tall as others, Chen Feng looked at his body wrapped in a brown windbreaker in the mirror with satisfaction, with a mask on his face and only a pair of eyes exposed. nodded.

He has studied this kind of dress for a long time, and he has also tried many times. Only this kind of dress can make others feel that he is normal, so that he will not turn pale with fright when they meet, and call the police after a little reaction. You must know that what Chen Feng hates to see the most are all kinds of law enforcement officers, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are phobias.

There was a light footstep in the stairwell, and Rachel stared at Chen Feng who was about to leave his clothes with dazed eyes.

"Is Ah Feng going to school?"

"Well, school starts today. Didn't I tell you last night? I've put lunch in the refrigerator, and I can eat it after heating it in the microwave. If you encounter any problems, you can call the housekeeper downstairs. You can go upstairs to find Sister Yang Nai you saw last time."

Chen Feng didn't expect Rui Jier to get up so early. You must know that he usually doesn't get up until 8 o'clock at the earliest, and it's not yet half past seven, which really surprised him.

Rachel was still sleepy, but she was trying to keep her eyes open.

"Afeng is going to school, so I want to see you off. The book says it will be more polite."

After Chen Feng told you about you last time, even though Rachel still seems to still believe in the existence of gods, she will not talk about such words as "God said" and "God instructed" all day long.

On the contrary, because Chen Feng likes to read more, she would go to Chen Feng's bookshelf to read various books whenever she had time, and if she thought it made sense, she would copy it down in a small notebook, which is different from Chen Feng's. The wind is a lot like that.

It's good to be able to divert the child's attention, but she must find her family as soon as possible. Blood is thicker than water, and the love among family members is much warmer and warmer than that of an outsider.

"Ah Feng, have a safe journey."

Rachel obediently stood at the door, waving goodbye to Chen Feng.

How long has it been since someone said hello when they left home like this in real life?In fact, this is also very good.

Chen Feng's heart became lighter, and his mood was much higher than before.

Although the mask on his face covered most of his face, his eyes were smiling, and it could be seen that he was really happy.

"Well, I'll leave it to you at home."

Rui Jier, who was wearing pajamas, watched Chen Feng disappear, she slowly closed the door, and she could hear her murmur leaning against the door.

"It turns out... Ah Feng will really be happy..."

She thought of a smiling big sister. This was something the other party taught her to do. At first she just thought it was very trivial, but after she said it and saw the happiness in Chen Feng's eyebrows, Rachel felt it from the bottom of her heart. Arrived happy.

"Then Afeng will always do this when he goes out in the future? Afeng is so good, in fact, it's not impossible to do it like this..."

Rachel thought as she walked back to her room.

Seeing Chen Feng happy, her heart was as sweet as eating honey.

There was something else that Sister Ono told me last time...

[Some seemingly insignificant things may be an extremely rare experience for Chen Feng. In his opinion, a house is just a simple habitat. This is precisely because he has never regarded a house as a home. .When no one is there, it is a dead place, and when there are people, it is a relatively comfortable habitat. He has no concept of home, or since he lost his family, his home is no longer home. 】

Chen Feng didn't know this, and Yang Nai's information was actually fake, but even so, her reasoning was roughly correct.

Habitat and home are two similar but completely different concepts.

For some reason, Rachel tossed and turned on the bed thinking how to make Chen Feng happy, and the drowsiness buried deep in her brain disappeared completely.

She decided not to sleep.

Walking in this extremely spacious apartment, Rachel was thinking.

"Make Ah Feng happy..."

Until her eyes saw a bento box in the kitchen that had been cleaned up from an old house and seemed to have not been used for a long time.

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