"Didn't Ah Feng bring a bento? Recently, Ah Feng seems to have become a little tight... Is it because of the house?"

Holding the gray bento box, she looked a bit hesitant.

Opening the refrigerator, there are already two ready-made dishes in the refrigerator, one is the salmon that Afeng bought last night, and the other is a steak...

My food didn't seem to have changed, but Afeng...

Ruijier seemed to only see Chen Feng for one meal a day, and before she knew it, she felt that she had to do something.

[Or I can give all my money to Afeng... Afeng is in a difficult situation now, and he should need help, just like he did back then. 】

Vaguely, Rachel seemed to have made up her mind.

In fact, she didn't know that one of the important reasons why Chen Feng only ate dinner was that he couldn't stop making models in the studio, and he didn't stop working until he finished one or two models. As a matter of course, I will stay in the studio until the afternoon.

But this point seems to be misunderstood by Ruijier that he doesn't even have money for food. It is true that the money for buying a new house is much less, but he is not so far that he has no money for food!

It can only be said that Rachel guessed this wrong.

Chapter 4 Rumored Zong Wu Gao ([-]k)

In the large auditorium of Zongwu High School, it was overcrowded and crowded, and countless students were sitting in their seats in school uniforms.

Above the tall auditorium, a high school senior is standing on the podium to give a speech.

She is the current student council president of Sobu High, but unlike the passionate and indignant speeches of previous years, she will graduate from Sobu High in March this year, and the content of her speech has gradually become sad.

In the third grade of Zongwu High School, there is actually a choice. Students can freely choose to come to the school to attend classes and to find the exam content of the university they are going to take next, so as to prepare for the university entrance examination in the future.Similarly, some students from poor families can go to some companies to study in advance, and enter the social work after graduating from high school. This consideration is very humane and free, and it will not force everyone to take the college entrance examination.

The senior sister of the president does not belong to these two categories. She belongs to the students specially recruited by some universities, so she has not come to the school for more than half a year.

"In the next few years, everyone will elect other student council presidents who are better than me. They will work harder to maintain law and order in the school, and will impose heavy penalties on all students who refuse to obey the management and violate discipline. In this way, the school spirit and discipline of Zongwu High School can be better implemented."

In fact, this sentence was originally a nonsense, but it was just a foreshadowing for the next announcement of the abdication of the student council president. Students, they saw a guy without school uniform!

Is this challenging my dignity as the president of the student council who is about to abdicate?There was some sullen expression between her brows.

"The student on the left in that row, the one without school uniform, come up for me..."

The moment this sentence was said, the faces of the teachers and students in the audience changed drastically. The secretary standing beside the angry president did not expect the president to make trouble in such a place. He gritted his teeth and will Long pulled aside.

The secretary continued with what the chairman said.

"Come up... come up... are you interested in running for the next president, Chen Feng?"

When speaking, the secretary's throat was trembling.

[President, President...it's fine if you don't come here normally, why did you come here for the last time and you made such a big deal...]

"Ahaha, what about Chen Feng? Are you interested in running for the next president of the student council? I believe you should be very experienced in managing many official affairs, and you should be more... dignified. After all, the president also needs to be a little deterrent That's good, hahaha..."

The secretary started to explain with a dry smile. Among the people present, he seemed to be the one with the better mental quality. The faces of the other student union members standing beside him were already frightened. They lowered their heads desperately, as if such an action could make the stage It was as if Chen Feng couldn't see their faces clearly.

They are afraid!One semester after entering school, he beat up all the bastard students in the school from the first grade to the third grade. Lying in the hospital.

Moreover, it is said that Chen Feng communicated with gangsters outside the school. Sometimes a big man in a black suit and sunglasses would drive a luxury car to pick him up. Therefore, it was speculated that Chen Feng might still be a young master of the gangsters. Didn't you see that Hayato Kusabayama, the first school in the school, was so respectful when he saw him that he didn't dare to speak loudly?

Although Hayama Hayato's family background is also a mystery, his family background is definitely not an existence that an ordinary student can imagine, but such a person who dare not mess with such an existence, why do you, a little student president, provoke others?

"What's going on? What are you all doing?"

The elder sister frowned and asked the people around her.

"President... the classmate you scolded just now is rumored to be a young master of the underworld. Anyone who finds him unhappy will be punished by Shen Jiang..."

"Huh? What?"

The head of the student union department spoke carefully about the legends on campus.

"Student Chen Feng had a conflict with a third-grade senior in November, and the senior went to the hospital to lie down for 11 months, and he has just been discharged from the hospital not long ago, and it seems that Chen Feng was still with that... …Senior Di Ye had a conflict, and Senior Di Ye died the next day..." The minister's face turned pale, "Although the TV station said that the murderer was caught, my father is a policeman, and my father said that person was just innocent. It’s just a scapegoat, I heard from my father, apologizing to the gangsters seems to cut off a finger..."

This time, the chairman is so stupid, he can get himself out by just drawing lots, he is a high-achieving student who was admitted by the university in advance, he still has a bright future, he neither wants to die nor change Become crippled!

Soon, the opening speech in the auditorium came to an end, and Chen Feng refused the secretary's invitation without hesitation, which he knew was insincere. He handed the jewelry and wallet to himself, and said something like 'I don't want to die or be disabled, please forgive me for offending you'.

Chen Feng looked puzzled, he wasn't a gangster, what would he do with other people's property?So he politely returned these things to the senior, and watched the senior leave the school with a look of despair as if she was a walking dead.

Before leaving, she heard the senior sister muttering.

'Going abroad...I want to go abroad...I definitely don't want to stay here...'

Before he knew it, there seemed to be another legend in Chen Feng's campus.

[Forcing the previous student council president to go abroad. 】

There is no doubt that he is still the biggest "underworld force" in Zongwugao.


The dark clouds above Qianye gathered together again, and the dazzling flash was fleeting, followed by the roaring sound brought by that flash.

clap la la la-

The raindrops gathered drop by drop and fell from the dark sky.

One drop...two drops...

In the dull air, Chen Feng felt a little moisture from his shoulders and neck.

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