He didn't look up, but silently quickened his pace.

"Morning, are you in trouble again?"

In the stairwell on the first floor, a girl's voice came from behind Chen Feng.

Looking back, that girl was still as intimidating as ever, like an ice lotus, and her tone of voice was flat and cold, but Chen Feng could still hear the ray of concern hidden deep in her heart from her mouth.

The second lady of the Yukinoshita family, Yukino Yukino.

"Why are you dressed like this today?"

She walked forward with a book, and tugged at Chen Feng's folded windbreaker suspiciously.

"I've been wearing it like this for more than half a month..." Chen Feng's mouth was drawn into a line, and his tone was very helpless, "Do you still remember all the strange things we encountered on the way home?"

Hearing Chen Feng mentioning this, Xue Nai's mouth twitched, it could be seen that she had completely imagined that scene.

Taking a deep breath, Yukino asked:

"Isn't this in line with your wishes? Being surrounded by so many girls begging for contact information, logically speaking, you men should be very happy."

"That's a coincidence, I may be an exception among the group of normal people."

There was a trace of unbearable in Xue Nai's eyes, she said: "Have you thought of any solution? I remember you were not like this before."

"I've thought about it, but this is the most direct and simple one. Except for sometimes being stopped by the police for questioning when I go shopping, everything is fine."

"Pfft..." After hearing Chen Feng's words, Xue Nai suddenly covered her mouth and smiled, "You don't look like an ordinary passer-by at all, maybe it's okay if the police question you..."

"No, the female patrol officer who questioned me last time insisted on sending me home, and kept asking questions about this and that. I already have police phobia now."

"Have you ever thought about working in the Cowherd's shop? I'm sure you will be able to soon"

"Then I'd rather starve to death." Chen Feng said very seriously: "I have healthy limbs and enough ability to support myself, and I am not handsome, and I am not good at talking to women to please them, so I will definitely not engage in That kind of industry!"

Seeing that Chen Feng became more and more excited, Xue Nai also found that her joke seemed to hurt Chen Feng.

He seems to be very sensitive to this kind of thing?

"Of course I know you won't do this. How about it, do you need my help with this trouble? As a friend."

"What can you do..."

Chen Feng sighed, "It should be fine in two months, I'll bear it if it's a big deal."

"You seem to be very sure. By the way, don't you think it's dark when you wear sunglasses in the corridor?"

"I've been familiar with this level of darkness for a long time, and it's actually not something I can't bear." Chen Feng took out two candies from his pocket, "Do you want some candies?"

"Nothing weird added?"

"What do you want me to add?"

"Then it's all right." Xue Nai tore open the packaging bag and threw the candy into her mouth. She was quite at ease with Chen Feng. After all, the other party should not have any unreasonable thoughts about her. It can be seen that Chen Feng is actually a so-called conservative in love.

Furthermore, it was the dream that seemed real to me at the beginning, the battlefield where the artillery was flying, the firepower so dense that it could be woven into fishing nets, and the trenches that were smoky black under the fireworks...

That is hell on earth!

She can still vaguely remember what happened in that dream. It seemed that Chen Feng still existed in that dream. He led a large group of armed men to fight against the attacking people. In the end, he was completely sieved by bullets. Even the limbs seem to be broken...

Would it be that other people died early like this?

The dream felt very real to her, but she couldn't remember some specific plots in the dream, and could only recall some fragments intermittently.

She felt that she was very excited when she was about to wake up, the kind of excitement that seemed to be facing death.

But when she finally woke up, she was lying on the bed, and Komachi said that she was lying on the bed when she got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, and everything gave her an extremely unreal feeling.

It seemed that there was a conflict with many things in her memory. She also asked Chen Feng about it the next day, but what he got in exchange was Chen Feng's extremely disgusted expression, and replied that she was sleepy last night.

Except for Chen Feng, she had never seen anyone who could speak to a girl so bluntly.

Originally, she just wanted to treat all that as a deep dream, and the matter ended like this.


Chen Feng suddenly had an aura that made people want to get close to him. He was a good-looking person, but with this charm, he met many women along the way and almost confessed to him. .

Is all this... related?

Xue Nai guessed in her heart whether Chen Feng had cheated her on something

"I had a dream last night."

Chen Feng kept moving with sugar in his mouth, but shouted in his heart.

again? !

"Anxiety at the beginning of school makes you worry that your academic performance in the new semester will not be as good as others, and you are so anxious that you are dreaming and foolish again?"

Xue Nai kept a close eye on Chen Feng's performance throughout the whole process, and as long as Chen Feng had the slightest abnormality, she would dare to carry out her detailed plan and induce the information she expected to obtain.

Yukinoshita Yukino has never been a person who firmly believes in coincidences. If she encounters a coincidence, it must be someone who deliberately started to imagine it. This has a certain relationship with her own personal experience, so she is more inclined to be normal The event has a clear order, which in turn leads to the result that the entire event itself bears.

A coincidence for no reason, she is extremely disbelieving.

It's just that she might be disappointed, let's not say that Chen Feng is a master of facial expressions, he can even hypnotize himself to believe one thing, and she actually has nothing to infer a person from words and micro-expressions The experience of ideas, all failures seem to be taken for granted.

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