At the beginning, Chen Feng sold his failed works just to make room for his former small studio, and he could get back some of the money by selling them. However, the prices offered by those buyers made Chen Feng feel very uncomfortable. Feng was taken aback, opened his mouth to say hundreds of thousands of yen to one million yen, and had a look of 'you look down on me if you sell it cheap'.

Since someone was willing to pay such a high price, Chen Feng would naturally not refuse, so he not only recovered the cost of materials and workmanship, but also made dozens of times more money.

It is still too busy to design and make figures by himself. The figure design needs to be drawn by himself, and the structure diagram of the weapon also needs to be drawn and cut out bit by bit. There are some small flaws due to insufficient reasons, causing his entire figure to be wasted again

The distressed Chen Feng left the studio with his mobile phone.

Rachel has already rested, and the child's work and rest habits are quite regular, which is also a good thing.

Sitting on the sofa drinking water, Chen Feng opened his Twitter. His number of followers has changed from dozens of people to tens of thousands, and the number of followers keeps increasing every day.

I flipped through the messages and comments on my twitter, and most of them were asking if he had made new figures.

It seems that my handicraft is quite popular.

That being the case, there is no need for Chen Feng to advertise in those forums, he chooses to post directly on his Twitter.

Chen Feng thought for a while, and began tapping his fingers on the screen. After a while, a new tweet was sent out.

[There are 8 new figures available recently, anyone want it? 】

There are pictures of the figurines he wants to sell on Twitter, and he also marked out the flaws of the figurines conscientiously. As for how much these figurines can sell at most, he doesn’t care, anyway, choose a few people at random tomorrow Just sell it.

After tweeting, Chen Feng didn't care anymore. He washed his face, and Chen Feng lay down on the bed in the bedroom. He would get up early tomorrow to take the five Nakano sisters for a simple morning exercise.

He has already agreed to Kazuka Nakano's entrustment. On the other hand, he also has his own conditions, that is, the study methods and work and rest methods of these five people must also be handled according to his regulations during this period.

Before helping them study, the first thing Chen Feng has to do is to improve their physical condition, so that they are more energetic at ordinary times. Studying is also a matter of physical exertion. If there is not enough physical strength, the efficiency of study will be reduced. Naturally, it will drop geometrically.

It took a few days to learn about their general situation from a few people. Chen Feng not only made a reasonable exercise plan for them, but even a diet plan and a study plan were completely formulated.

Chen Feng is a very self-disciplined person. As long as there are no special circumstances, everything must go according to his plan. As for whether someone will be disobedient... He has already spent a lot of money on the Internet to buy a bag of shabu-shabu Chili, he used one of the chili peppers to boil a small pot of chili water, and he poured it into anyone who is disobedient. After all, they chose it by themselves, and he also said that as long as they can pass the test at the end of March, they will definitely Meticulously follow Chen Feng's plan to study.

When it comes to teaching people to learn knowledge, this Chen Feng is the best!

At this moment, the poor five people are completely unaware of what the hell they agreed to...

Er Nai was still staying up late watching dramas, Yi Hua was still watching videos, San Jiu was still watching movies, May was still reading books, Yotsuba... Yotsuba fell asleep.


The sky is still gray, and the street lamps on the roadside emit faint lights, coupled with some 24-hour convenience stores on the roadside, etc., becoming the light that illuminates the whole city.

The rain stopped, and it had come to an end in the middle of the night.

The air after the rain looks moist and fresh to a person who just woke up, but the air at this time is not very good, because the fresh oxygen has not been recreated by the photosynthesis of the plants at this time, and it smells very clean Naturally, it was because the room had already been filled with carbon dioxide after a night of baptism. A simple comparison between the two naturally revealed the advantages and disadvantages.

Chen Feng put on a sportswear, he dialed a phone, the phone rang for a long time before he was answered.


A girl's lazy voice came from the phone, weak and weak, obviously just woken up by the phone call.

Chen Feng's face suddenly darkened.

"Nakano Kazuka, in half an hour, I'll see you guys at Mogen Park near Nagaracho.

"Ah...?" Yihua, who was still lying on the bed drowsily, glanced at the time on her phone and found that it was only half past five. She was just about to ask what was going on, when she suddenly remembered that she was waiting for someone I promised Chen Feng something for a few days.

[Gather at 6 o'clock on Saturday, I will call you when the location is up. 】

Hearing the faintly angry voice on the other end of the phone, Yi Hua immediately woke up.

He almost forgot about the promise he made to others, and he seemed to be ready when he heard Chen Feng's voice, so Yihua immediately sat up from the bed.

"Ah...Okay, we'll be here right away, what are we going to do?"

"Morning exercise, remember to wear clothes that are convenient for exercise."

"Morning, morning exercise??"

However, Chen Feng didn't hear Yihua's voice, so she hung up the phone directly.


It seems that I have to hurry up and talk to a few other people, otherwise it will be really embarrassing to be too late.

Just as Yihua was thinking this way, the door of her room was pushed open.

"Yihuakuai...Huh? You woke up."

It was Yotsuba who opened the door and came in. Seeing Yihua sitting on the bed, she was stunned for a moment, and then urged: "Go downstairs and clean up, you are the only one left. I called you several times before but nothing happened. Sleep well."


What the hell, why is he the only one who is still sleeping, and why are the others awake?

Quickly dressed and went downstairs, as expected, she saw that other people had already finished packing and were sitting on the sofa playing with mobile phones waiting for her, and all of them were wearing sportswear, as if they knew all about it.

"Why do you get up so early?"

She asked with great doubts in her heart.

Er Nai yawned, his eyes drooping weakly.

"Youye called." She looked at Nakano Yotsuba reproachfully, and rolled her eyes, "She said that Chen Feng told her what we were going to do today after school yesterday afternoon, but this guy didn't say anything, which made me very upset Only sleep at night."

"Hehehe..." Yotsuba scratched her head in embarrassment, "I originally wanted to say it during dinner, but then I forgot."

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