
"Umm—sorry, I thought I told you when I was about to go to bed."

"Four leaf memory disorder.JPG." Sanjiu puffed up her cheeks and said again, as if she was very dissatisfied with Four leaf's carelessness.

It's not too far from the park that Chen Feng mentioned. It takes about ten minutes by car to get there. They can also ask the butler grandpa to take them there.

Yihua raised her head and swayed like a penguin to wash up.

Because I was going to go for a morning run, Yihua didn't put on makeup as usual, just clicked a few times at random, and then got into the car and rushed to the destination together.

Yotsuba leaned on the back of the front seat and said:

"I'm sorry, grandpa housekeeper, for asking you to send us there so early..."


The driver in the driver's seat was an old man wearing a suit and white gloves. His smile was very kind, "And the master asked the old man to guarantee your safety. After the morning exercise, should the ladies go home or...?"

"No, we are going to have a study session at Chen Feng's residence, and he will give us tutoring."

"Chen Feng...?"

The old housekeeper frowned. He seemed to have heard this name somewhere, but it seemed that the other party was a man. Let's talk to the old man after the ladies leave.

The old housekeeper drove steadily and fast, and arrived at the agreed park not long after.

As soon as the car stopped, Yotsuba, who went down first, exclaimed, "Student Chen Feng is there!"

"Ernai, don't squeeze, it's going to break...it's broken..."

"It's not because I'm crowded, it's because Wu Yue is too fat, I should have let Wu Yue take the co-pilot earlier."

"Well... I'm not fat!"

Watching his ladies leave gradually, the old housekeeper sat back in the car and pressed twice with his mobile phone.

"Master, the ladies said that today they are going to have a study session at the home of a male classmate named Chen Feng."

"Oh, just let them pay attention to safety and etiquette."

The male voice on the phone was hoarse and flat, but after hearing this sentence, the old butler was suddenly confused.

"Is it really okay for the master to behave like this? The other party seems to be a male classmate of the ladies. Do you need me to follow?"

Others may not be able to understand the meaning of the master, but as an old butler who has served in the Nakano family for nearly 30 years, the masters of the family grew up watching him grow up. When the master said such words, he obviously acquiesced, so he once again Emphasizes the other party's gender.

You must know that he is not just an ordinary butler, he also acts as a bodyguard, and if something happens, he is also sure to protect his five young ladies.

"It's good to be able to remember to learn."

On the phone, Nakano Maruo said, "Also, I met that young man Chen Feng once, and he feels okay. He treats those children differently from other people of the opposite sex. Nothing will happen, so let them go."

"Ah this..."

The old housekeeper was still a little uneasy. The young ladies in his family were so beautiful that there were only a few men who would not be attracted to them. It was too dangerous for the young ladies to go to a man's house like this.

Therefore, the old housekeeper wanted to persuade him.

But at this moment, the old butler suddenly heard a scolding sound from a distance.

"From now on, I will be your teacher and your instructor. Do whatever I tell you to do. When you come to my hands, you will do what I say! Er Nai, lift your fucking legs up for me, warm up If you don’t exercise well, do you want to sprain your ankle again later? Go and see how Yotsuba’s family does it, straighten it up! And you are a flower, speed up, are you learning how to crawl like a turtle? !"

Looking in the direction of the voice, the old butler saw Chen Feng who was leading the Nakano sisters to do warm-up exercises, pointing at Er Nai's nose with a stubborn face and scolding him. What's more, Miss Er Nai didn't say anything, just After glaring at Chen Feng, he acted obediently.

The old housekeeper: "???"

Well, now he probably knows why the master is so relieved.

"I see sir."

"Is there anything else? I still have work here."

"No, sir, you are busy."


Holding the mobile phone with a black screen, he froze for a while, and the old housekeeper thought about it.

How about...go over and have a look?

He was a little curious about who this student named Chen Feng was, and why he could even manage Miss Er Nai who had a bad temper.

So during the morning exercise for the next hour or so, the old butler, who was watching in the dark, was about to drop his mouth to the ground in shock.

Chen Feng led the Nakano sisters to run 500 laps around the 10-meter-long park in one breath, and Miss Yotsuba appeared in the middle of the run. But Chen Feng didn't care how bad they were, and dragged them all for five kilometers in a daze.

However, all this was not over yet. After a 10-minute rest, Chen Feng led the Nakano sisters to do push-ups, single poles, double poles... Finally, there was a wave of variable speed sprints before the end.

At first, the old butler was just watching secretly in the woods, but he noticed that Chen Feng would turn his head to look at him from time to time, and he knew that he had been spotted by the other party, so that he sat on a park bench to watch.

Fortunately, there were no people in this park in the morning, even if there were some old men getting up for morning jogs, so not many people saw them doing morning exercises.

In the middle of the morning exercise, there were a few times when some of the ladies in my family were lazy. If it was really lack of physical strength, Chen Feng would only let the other party rest for a while before continuing, but if it was lazy, Chen Feng would mercilessly lighten the Kick the opponent and let the opponent continue. He didn't let the lady rest until he lost his strength.

This scene couldn't help but let the old housekeeper see the shadows of those recruits who were in the army.

Sure enough, as the master said, this young man is different from others...

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