To be honest, if there is no such a helper, Chen Feng may have to worry about how to make the five sisters obey him obediently, and it will be a waste of study time to spend a lot of energy at that time.

"Same as in school, morning exercise and study from Monday to Friday, let yourselves rest on Saturday and Sunday, and take an hour lunch break."

"I quit."

Er Nai waved her hands and said, she sat on the rest chair with Erlang's legs crossed, she willfully turned her head aside, and muttered, "I'm afraid I'm going to die if I come here a few more times."

"I remember that the one you promised seemed to be the most straightforward one, right?"

"Now I regret it."


Yotsuba tugged on Nino's sleeve, "Student Chen Feng is also doing it for our own good, and we have already promised him."

"Okay, then you don't have to come."

Who knew that Chen Feng agreed so readily, he looked at Butler Haraguchi, "Mr. Nakano should have told you, Mr. Butler, right?"

"Well, the master has indeed ordered." The housekeeper Haraguchi nodded, took out his mobile phone and said, "The master said that if the young ladies fail to meet the standards for entering a higher school this time, in addition to the necessary expenses for daily life until they reach adulthood, I won't give any ladies a penny."


"Are you a demon?" Nino roared angrily.

"Your father mentioned it himself, and I didn't mention it at all."

The old man's housekeeper was still pretending to make a phone call, and lit a fire on the puddle of oil.

"Then let me tell the master about Ms. Er Nai's matter now. Is there anything the other ladies don't want to do?"

Originally, Sanjiu, who had seen Er Nao successfully quit, was still a little eager to try, but she immediately turned off the fire when she heard the condition.

One is that she is exhausted for a month, and the other is that she has no pocket money for three years. Although she is weak in physical strength, at least Chen Feng will give her a certain amount of rest time according to her physical strength. In fact, it is okay to bear it.

So the others whistled and began to look at the scenery.

Seeing this scene, Nino was about to die of anger, she stomped her feet angrily.


"Nerai..." Wu Yue had a sad face, "I don't want to starve to death..."

"Actually, I think it's okay, and I'm not too tired." Clover said with a blank face.

"Ahem, of course my sister is going to be a role model, and Miss Yihua will never break her promise, Miss Yihua is a big victory."

"Earphones and smells good."

In just a few minutes, Er Nai experienced the gap between heaven and hell, and Chen Feng began to add fuel to the fire.

"Isn't it, isn't it? This won't work? You swore to me before that you would obey the arrangement and turn into a turtle when you encounter some difficulties? That's too miserable, becoming a person who doesn't grow up child."

Chen Feng's tone was as much as beating, which made Er Nai furious, but Chen Feng was telling the truth, and she really couldn't find any rebuttals other than playing tricks.

The clenched fist slowly loosened.

"Just do it, you think I'm afraid of you?"

"That's right." Chen Feng laughed under the mask, "The box of mustard at home is finally not in vain."

Nina: "???"


Er Nai suddenly wanted to go back on his word. It turned out that what Chen Feng said at the time was really not a joke. This guy really planned to punish himself like this?

Housekeeper Haraguchi: "Then, Master Chen Feng, are you going with us or...?"

They didn't know where Chen Feng's house was, but the car couldn't fit seven people, so it might be divided into two trips, or one of them might take a taxi.

Unexpectedly, Chen Feng shook his head.

"I asked my friend and neighbor to pick me up, and I figured it would be almost there soon.

Chen Feng glanced at the watch in his hand, at this moment, a red Tesla Model S stopped on the side of the road, the window of the co-pilot was lowered, Yang Naichao sitting in the driver's seat Chen Feng waved.

"Xiaofeng is here~~"

"Okay." Chen Feng said to Butler Haraguchi, "Just follow me."


Yang Nai's car led the way, and Housekeeper Haraguchi drove behind Yang Nao's car.

Yotsuba, who was sitting in the back seat, asked blankly: "By the way, Nino, you seemed to want to say something to Chen Feng before, what is it?"

"Tell me about your size!" Er Nai became upset when she saw Yang Nao, and she swallowed all the words she wanted to say 'but, I refuse'.

If she heard correctly just now, the 'neighbor' Chen Feng mentioned might be Yang Nai.

That's great? !

Don't think that she can't see what the big sister-like woman is thinking. In many cases, the same sex understands them far better than the opposite sex. They can analyze a lot of things with a subtle movement or a look.

She bit her nails.

No, I have to go this time. If I don't go, the ghost knows if that woman will get the moon first, even if it's intentional to do bad things, she thinks it's worth it.

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