And... if my grades can be improved, the stinky hooligan will definitely look at me with admiration, right?And it's still in the stinky hooligan's house, so I can use an excuse to come to him to study when I have time, and I just need to lay the groundwork a little bit, and I will win the game!

"Hey hey hey..."

Yotsuba, who was watching the rapidly receding scenery outside the window, shuddered behind her back, and moved a little closer to Sanjiu who had recovered slightly from her tired face, looking at Nino with a very resistant gaze.

"Sanjiu Sanjiu, look at Er Nao's disgusting smile..."


"Hmph, whatever you say."

Nino seemed to be happy again.

The apartment where Chen Feng lived was only six or seven kilometers away, and soon the two cars parked at the downstairs of an apartment that was very beautiful just from the downstairs.


After getting out of the car, Yotsuba looked at the apartment and exclaimed, "It looks much more beautiful than where we live. It should be quite expensive, right?"

"Yes, this is one of the most expensive luxury apartments in Chiba. It is developed by Tianyun Liushui Real Estate under the Yukinoshita Group, and I remember that this place does not seem to be sold externally, but is digested internally."

Compared with the five Nakano sisters, Housekeeper Haraguchi obviously knows more about this place.

Wu Yue was a little puzzled. Didn't she remember that Chen Feng lived a frugal life?And from what Chen Feng said, both his parents passed away, and he lived in a relatively remote old apartment. Why did he come here now?

In fact, Wu Yue was not the only one who was so puzzled, the other three sisters who still had some impressions of Chen Feng's family also acted very strangely.

Chen Feng and Yang Nai, who had parked their cars one after another, came out of the garage talking and laughing.

"On the 35th floor, let's go."

"That classmate Chen Feng..." Yihua stopped Chen Feng and asked, "You live here? Ah no, I mean..."

Yihua was worried that her question would be abrupt, and wanted to explain after she found out, so Chen Feng explained:

"Actually, I used to live in a place far away, but I moved here in the past few days. After all, the place I lived in before was too small. It will be more convenient to do a lot of things in this place."

"That's it."

At this moment, Yang Nai, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

"That's right, I bought Xiaofeng's house from me. I clearly said that I can sell it halfway and give it away, but this idiot insists on giving me the original price."

Yang Nao, who was carrying a small satchel, smiled and said, "However, Xiaofeng is also very powerful if he can earn more than one billion yen in half a year."

Yang Nai turned his head, looked carefully at the old man butler who had been standing by the side without speaking, and said with a smile:

"Are you the butler of President Nakano's house? We met at the last banquet."

"Miss Yukinoshita, do you remember me?"

Butler Haraguchi was a little flattered, he never expected that a small person who followed behind the master would be remembered by the eldest lady of the Chiba local snake family.

"Of course, your temperament is very good."

"thank you very much."

The old man's butler's unmoving posture loosened, and he sighed inwardly:

"Sure enough, the master is right. Master Chen Feng is indeed completely different from other people of the same age, and he is also very powerful."

Can people who can be neighbors with the young lady of the Yukinoshita family be ordinary?Although Master Chen Feng may be...slightly...probably a bit of the S-shaking tendency that young people say, and his various methods are also very individual, but it is actually quite normal for a powerful person to have a little eccentricity.

He was completely relieved.


Butler Haraguchi quietly glanced at the ladies behind him, especially Miss Nino who grabbed Chen Feng and asked this and that.

Ladies... old man, I can't help you much this time, so please do your best.

After living for a long time, the level of judging people will rise in a straight line. He basically knows what the young ladies in his family are thinking, but their opponents are a little stronger.

After getting on the elevator that can overlook the entire Chiba Port Trade Zone, Nino asked:

"Smelly rascal, to be honest, is the part-time job you keep telling us lying to us?"

"I didn't lie to you."

Chen Feng's voice under the mask sounded dull.

"Hey..." Nino looked completely disbelieving.

"I deliver food most of the time, and then I usually make some small handicrafts for sale when I have time. If you don't believe me, you can ask May, she has seen me deliver food."

"Impossible, how can it be possible to earn more than one billion in half a year from food delivery?"

"Ernai... I don't think classmate Chen lied to us." Wu Yue recalled, "The last time I saw classmate Chen delivering food, he filled up his body and the car, and there were about thirty orders ..."

"It's not difficult, just give it away as you like. Well, it's here."

Chen Feng interrupted the question lightly, and his eyes became serious for a while because he planned to start the next step of teaching.

If it were another person, the seriousness in his eyes could be easily discerned, but Chen Feng was different. When he was serious, others felt that he was angry. His eyes were countless times sharper than sharp knives!

Er Nai bit her nails and kept looking at Chen Feng's side face wearing a mask, her cheeks became more and more red, and her blue eyes were about to shine.

No... really no! !

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