I, Nakano Nino, want this man!

Chapter 24 Unfortunately, it's useless

"Wow, so beautiful!"

Taking the elevator into Chen Feng's house, Clover saw the huge balcony inside the apartment, looking at the scenery downstairs, Clover exclaimed.


Perhaps seeing Chen Feng coming back, the little eagle owl flew off the closet and landed directly on Chen Feng's shoulder, making a strange sound as his throat rose and fell.

Chen Feng smoothed the fur on the little horned owl's back, Yihua saw this scene in his eyes.

"Is this a pet raised by Chen Feng?"

"No, I picked this guy up in Kumamoto. He was injured at the time, so I brought it back, and I'm going to let him go after he grows up."

"Speaking of which... Chen, don't your shoulders hurt? These claws seem to be very sharp."

Wuyue leaned over her head, and the sharp looking nails on the horned owl's thick paws made people a little scared.

"It's just a bird of prey. This claw is standard."

Shaking his shoulders, Chen Feng signaled Diao Owl to play by himself. He has something to do now. He pointed to the sofa in the living room and said, "You will study here for the next month, and I will take care of the whole process. Teach you."

The knowledge gaps of the Nakano sisters are very large. It is unrealistic to use normal teaching methods to improve their grades. Moreover, such teaching methods are extremely time-consuming, and special circumstances are treated specially. Therefore, Chen Feng thoughtfully formulated a plan for them. A complete set of teaching programs.

Sanjiu had obediently sat down on the sofa at this time, flipping through the books that had already been placed on it.

"This is...a textbook from junior high school?"

"Huh? We are high school students, why should we learn from middle school students?"

"Because you haven't even learned this level of stuff well, all the required subjects start from junior high school, and you all sit down."

Chen Feng stared, "If you stride too far, you will get into trouble, start learning now!"

Because Yang Nai knew that Chen Feng needed to teach the five sisters, and that she might affect everyone here, when she took the elevator, she went back to her private elevator and did not come here.

Seeing the change in Chen Feng's aura, the Nakano sisters sat on the sofa one by one, and they saw unprecedented seriousness from Chen Feng's eyes.

He had one hand on his hip, and his eyes were cold, as if the people in his eyes were not people but objects.

"In the next time, I will be what I say. I will let you finish it when you finish it. There is no word 'no' here. Everyone forgets everything except study, otherwise don't blame me for being rude. .”


Chen Feng came out of the kitchen, and put a pot of water that looked ordinary, but with a strong spicy smell in the middle, on the spare table in the living room.

"This is the chili water from this morning. I heated up all the leftovers and unpacked ones just now." Chen Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, "I hope you can maintain your spirits during this time. otherwise……"

The words were full of threats. The Nakano sisters, especially Wuyue, who had tasted a little bit of this chili water, looked ashen. She never dreamed that Chen Feng would cook a whole pot of this thing. This is not a study session, it is clearly Concentration camp!


Chen Feng seemed to have remembered something, and walked up to the second floor.

As soon as Chen Feng left, everyone in the living room exploded instantly.

Wuyue looked at Yihua pitifully.

"What should I do with Yihua... This thing will kill people..."

"I don't know..." Yihua responded bitterly.

In terms of getting sleepy easily, no one here is better than Yihua. Her work and rest schedule is the most chaotic among all of them. She usually spends [-]% of her time in school to catch up on sleep. It is almost as difficult as going to heaven not to get sleepy during class.

Sanjiu lay paralyzed on the sofa, her small mouth slightly opened, as if a wisp of soul was floating out of her mouth.

Er Nao clutched her clothes nervously, from her eyes that were erratic, it could be seen that she was even more flustered now.

Compared to these few people, Yotsuba, who has the worst academic performance, seems to be full of energy.

After a while, Chen Feng came down from upstairs with a bag of mustard.

"This is Nino's special item. If you can't finish it, I'll give you enough to eat."

Put the things away one by one. The few things in Chen Feng's satchel are unknown to others, but Er Nai and Wu Yue are very familiar with them.

Isn't this the medical emergency kit that Chen Feng used to treat his wounds at that time? !

Seeing that Chen Feng even took out such things, delicate beads of sweat began to appear on Er Nai's forehead.

"Okay, now I'll start learning for you all from the beginning, why are you all dejected? Cheer me up!"

Picking up the textbook, Chen Feng began to tell everyone the knowledge from the beginning.

Unlike other teachers, although Chen Feng held the textbook in his hand, he basically didn't read it. He got a small blackboard from somewhere, and instead of lecturing, Chen Feng told some short stories.

"To learn something, we must not only look at the treasures summarized by our predecessors, but also understand the origin of all these things. No knowledge appears out of thin air, and their appearance must be accompanied by the objective conditions of that era. Conclusion Rope counting is the earliest evolution of mathematics. At that time, it was still in the primitive society. People were not aware of the concept of 'number', or they hadn't summed up the existing number words, so they used..."

Almost every time he mentioned a piece of knowledge, Chen Feng would start to dig out the mysteries for the Nakano sisters from the root. He matched the knowledge in the book and started from "0".

The learning of science knowledge is actually very interesting. When a person can really understand the existence of various basic concepts, even if he has not learned some subsequent knowledge, he can still get some results from logical deduction.

Perhaps a capable person has sorted out a series of so-called 'formulas' through statistics and logic, but the essence of these formulas will never change, because they all start from the same starting point and finally come to an end point.

Chen Feng will not stipulate what to learn in each class like in the school. He intends to set out alone and start teaching from the beginning.

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