It was a photo frame with a photo of a couple and their daughter. The man and woman looked familiar. That it me?

She seemed to remember something.


There is a wooden box under the desk, and the rancid smell seems to come from inside.

Rachel opened the box, and inside was a tattered-looking puppy doll, a small fluffy thing, with a pair of buttons for the eyes, stitched traces on the abdomen, and some cotton coming out of the incompletely stitched abdomen.

The rancidity is what it emits.

How could a toy have a rancid smell?

Rachel let go of the 'doll' holding the 'doll', and the little 'doll' fell to the ground, but she quickly picked up the puppy 'doll' again, her dark eyes filled with pity.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I hurt you again, and I clearly promised to cure you."

Rachel rubbed her cheek against the puppet.

No, maybe this thing can't be called a doll at all. It was a living thing two days ago, a poor little guy who hasn't eaten for a long time.

She likes small animals very much and wants to be in contact with them, but they don't think so...they will be afraid of her.

Rachel remembered that this lively puppy was a stray dog ​​she found on the way home from school. At that time, she saw it was hiding in a corner and whimpering all over its body, so she wanted to help it.

I even asked my mother and father. Although they didn't say it explicitly, they must have agreed by default.

The next day, she happily went to find the puppy and wanted to pet it.

Then it hurt for no reason.

Rachel's eyes were a little dazed.

In a flash of time, the puppy fell to the ground weakly breathing and covered in blood, with a small knife stuck in its stomach and a big cut in its neck.

At that time, she was very flustered, because she really liked this puppy, and she really wanted to save it.

So she took the puppy home, took it to a bedroom where it was convenient for treatment, and cured it!

Broken internal organs were replaced with something that could replace them, and broken wounds were closed with needle and thread.

Everything is perfect!

It's ready to live with this puppy!

Gazing at the 'wounded' pup in her hands, Rachel remembered it seemed to be happening.

"Don't die...I will save you."

As she spoke, her eyes were dimmed, but her small face was very anxious. She took out the needle and thread in her shoulder bag and began to treat the puppy in her hand.

Not a single drop of blood was shed, which is wonderful.

Holding this little smelly puppy, Rachel laughed happily.

However, there were bursts of muffled noises downstairs, as if something was knocking on wood, which made her unable to breathe.

'You drunk cop, you took everything from me, my past, my future lol...'

'I took everything from you?Obviously it's you crazy woman!That child, look at what that child looks like now!She would bring that dirty dead thing home, stuff it with cotton, and act like a psychopath every day, it's obviously your fault! '

'My fault?Haha...ahhahahaha! '


Vaguely, Rachel in the room heard the sound of a man and a woman arguing, but her heart didn't fluctuate at all, as if all this was taken for granted.

Obviously she didn't know why!

Putting the puppy in her hand on the table, she gently stroked the dry hair on the puppy's body, and said softly:

"Sleep here obediently, I'll go and have a look."

'Wow woof. '

"Hey, just sleep well."

After finishing speaking, Rachel opened the door of the room and went down.

Outside the door, the corridor was pitch black, but the road could still be seen clearly with the little light that could still shine in the rainy night.

It seems that I have walked through it thousands of times...

All the way was unimpeded, and Rachel came downstairs cautiously.

Suddenly, her heart throbbed, and beads of sweat appeared on her cheeks, and a voice could not help but emerge from the bottom of her heart.

"What should I's here..."

The room was pitch black, and Rachel went straight to the living room.

It was the same here, no lights as usual, no TV turned on, just pitch black.

"You are a vermin, you have brought misfortune to this family from beginning to end!"


"What are you doing...? What are you doing with that thing?! Don't come over, stop, stop!!!"

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