It seems that mother and father had another fight, something?Is mom afraid of something?

Rachel followed the sound, and opened the kitchen door, where...

Yes, there it is!She saw that scene again! !

The dilapidated floor was filled with flowing blood, and the sound of knives piercing the flesh could be heard continuously.

There, the man with blood on his face and a kitchen knife in his hand was stabbing his mother's chest with a knife.

He heard the rattle of the door bolt, and turned a hideous face.

"You must have seen it?"



The man paused when he got up, looked at Rachel with a calm face, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"Crazy, all crazy! This family has fallen into hell!!"

"Do you think God will forgive me?"

"Forgive you? Dirty stuff, stuff that brings all kinds of misfortune, God will send you to hell! You bring that stuff into your house, and everything changes, and you can't go back."

"Oh...I just...wanted to make it 'my thing'."

Rachel, who was standing at the door, lowered her head, unable to see her face clearly.

"What? Don't you run? If you don't run, I will come over."

slap... slap...

The sound of the wooden floor was very ear-piercing, every sound seemed to stir Rachel's heart.

She raised her head, her eyes dimmed.



"You can't become that kind of family, my ideal family, so..."

The man's eyes widened instantly.

boom!Bang bang bang!


The man's head became bloody and bloody, and he fell to the ground.


At the same time, it was already 9 o'clock in the evening, and Chen Feng was eating his dinner while standing under the awning at the entrance of a supermarket.

Today is Saturday, and the Nakano sisters do not need to make up lessons. After all, no matter how intensive the study is, it takes time to adjust, and it also requires mental and physical dormancy, so that we can get twice the result with half the effort.

Ever since, after cooking for Rachel, he came out to deliver food.

The bangs under the helmet were still dripping with raindrops, and the food in his hand was already wet from the rain, but he still ate without hesitation.

"It's so late... just send a few more orders and go back."

Glancing at the time on his watch, Chen Feng muttered in a low voice, not noticing that there were more women around him pretending to hide from the rain.

The phone in his pocket vibrated.

"Huh? Who is calling so late?"

Chen Feng took out his mobile phone, saw that the correspondent on it was 'Hiratsuka Shizu', and connected.

"Hey! Brat, where are you now?"

Her tone was very anxious and helpless.

"I'm out delivering food."

"Didn't you ask me to check the identity of the child in your family last time? I have news from here, but... the process is a bit confusing and weird."

"Huh?" Chen Feng frowned, "Tell me, I can just help her find her family and send her there."

"You don't need to send it away."


"The Gardners died a month and a half ago. It was a homicide."


Chen Feng's voice couldn't help but get louder, "What's going on?"


Shizuka Hiratsuka took a deep breath, it seemed that the news she received shocked even the underworld lady.

After a few seconds, Hiratsuka Shizuka said slowly:

"The child's father killed her mother...then the child shot her father, and finally cut them open with a needle and thread and sewed them up."

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