
Chen Feng couldn't believe it. He still didn't realize that Rui Jier, who had always been very well-behaved and sensible, could do such a thing.

"Then is there any other situation in her family?"

"Yes, I'll find it for you later... I found it. Her father is a policeman in Guishan City, her mother is a housewife, and her parents are of mixed race. However, after the incident, the investigation of the surrounding neighbors' comments , found that her family has always had domestic violence, her father was an alcoholic, and her mother later had mental problems..."

Shizuka Hiratsuka told Chen Feng all the information in her hand.

What a sad family.

The heavy rain was still pouring down the ground. During the phone call, Hiratsuka asked:

"What are you going to do? That kid..."

"She has no relatives, right?"

"That's right... wait, don't you want to..."

"I think it's okay to take care of one more child, but it all depends on her choice. You didn't tell anyone about it, did you?"

"Not yet, I didn't even tell Yang Nai."

"Well, I'll go home right now."

Chen Feng hung up the phone, returned the orders he had already accepted, and rushed all the way home.

Then his phone rang again.


This time he didn't see who was calling, but it didn't look like Shizuka Hiratsuka.

"Xiaofeng, is little Rachel with you?"


"Come back quickly, something went wrong, the child is gone."


Fifteen minutes later, Chen Feng returned home drenched, while Yang Nai was pacing anxiously in the living room.

"What's going on? Where's Rachel?"

"I don't know. I originally wanted to come down to chat with little Ruijier after finishing work, but after I opened the door, I found that there was no one in your house, only this was left on the table."

Yang Nai pointed to the coffee table in the living room, on which were neatly placed a folded note and a wallet.

Chen Feng hurriedly picked up the note and looked at it, it said——

[I'm sorry, Afeng... I dreamed about those things, I remembered, and I was indeed a sinner... a selfish sinner. In the dream, my father said that I should go to hell. I originally wanted to cure him, but this time I gave up, maybe there was no cure for him.Afeng, you are a very good person. I am very happy to live here. There is a kind of warmth of home.I kept all the money I had with me, which was the compensation for Ah Feng who took care of me after living here for two weeks.Rachel Gardner]


Chen Feng smashed the tea table in front of him to pieces with his fist, and countless glass and stone fragments flew up, which startled Yang Nai.

This is a tea table made of bulletproof glass and marble...why is it so brittle?

"That idiot!!"

Chen Feng pulled off the mask, blood began to ooze from his fist, and said to Yang Nai: "The child may have collapsed because of some things in his own family, and now he probably ran out. I'm going to find her."

"I am coming too!"

"Go find a helper, the child should not be far away, I'll go after him first."

After all, Chen Feng thought his coat was too wet and heavy, he took it off and threw it on the ground, and ran out wearing a gray-blue T-shirt.

Yang Nai stared blankly behind him for a while.

"Oh yes, call someone."

Chapter 28 Aren't you afraid of death?

In the dark sky, even the lights of the city can't give it a small and fragmented light. The bean-sized raindrops slapped on the man's shoulders, changing countless times, and finally being mercilessly bounced away.

His clothes couldn't absorb any extra rainwater at this moment.

Angry, unwilling, cold...

This series of feelings lingered in the man's heart.

What is the note on the coffee table that looks like a farewell note and a suicide note?Do people have to be so unbearable!

Just imagine, a girl in thin clothes wanders weakly and desperately on a rainy night street, there are no passers-by, only passing vehicles can provide her with a little bit of light, but that is just a fleeting light, which can illuminate for a moment, but Can't shine for her forever.

Originally, she couldn't remember everything that happened at home. From the indifference at first sight, she gradually changed into a smile that could move the corners of her mouth slightly. An incomplete and deformed family prompted this child to do such a thing...

Don't say that other people seem to be abnormal, but Chen Feng seems to be very normal!

In a family full of domestic violence and abuse, wouldn't living in it feel like hell all the time?Venting the anger generated by the fact of one's own powerlessness to the weak in the family is a cowardly act in itself. As an adult with children, if he does not even have this awareness, he will be eliminated by the world sooner or later poor man.

Chen Feng may have changed himself a bit, but there is one thing he has not changed from the beginning to the end, that is, "power will become the cultivator of your kindness, and strength will become the symbol of the rationalization of all your actions."

Cowards, he never looked down on such people.

No wonder when I saw this child, I was extremely resistant, and even had a vague tendency to attack. This is just the self-protection consciousness evolved by the weak after the 'kicking cat effect'.

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