He is questioning himself...

Indeed, this will make him sick, and the person who makes him sick is himself, and he is really a damned sinner...


The voice stopped abruptly, and the word 'wind' could not be uttered no matter what in her throat.

"do not come……"

Helpless, desperate, pleading...

Chen Feng had heard this kind of voice a lot. Those mothers and fathers who hugged their children seemed to be like this when they knelt in front of him. At that time, they just felt angry, but now Chen Feng felt pity.


He has always been a one-sided person, and this moment is no exception.

"What are you worried about? Your family that was destroyed long ago?"

Rachel's eyes shrank suddenly, and a pair of small hands waved in front of her body. She seemed to want to explain, but she couldn't explain anything.

"No... I just..."

"On January [-]th, a murder occurred in Guishan City..."

"Don't! Don't!!"

The child screamed in despair, but Chen Feng was still talking, and didn't stop until he finished telling the whole incident.

At this moment, Rachel had lowered her head motionlessly, her petite body trembling uncontrollably.

"Is that note you left me your suicide note? You seem to want to die."


"You look similar to the faces of those I've seen, empty eyes, downturned face, extremely relaxed muscles..."

Chen Feng folded his hands and stared at Ruijier with cold eyes, "It's a pity that they want to die, but most people will still ask me for forgiveness in the end. Everyone is equal before death. Do you have the courage to face death? ?”

"kill me……"

"Oh?" Chen Feng raised his eyebrows, "Are you sure?"

"kill me!"

She roared, took out a pistol from her shoulder bag and pointed it at Chen Feng, but her hands were shaking.

"Ah Feng, kill me quickly...or else, I'll kill you!"

Seeing Ruijier's pistol, Chen Feng smiled disdainfully, and gave an answer that surprised Ruijier.

"Okay, how do you want to die?"

"Any method is fine, please, Afeng...kill me..."

Sighing, Chen Feng approached Ruijier, she didn't react at all, just closed her eyes slightly, and the eyelashes with raindrops in the gap trembled slightly.


Chen Feng tore open his shirt and tore the shirt into pieces.

"Close your eyes."

He blindfolded Rachel, and sternly shouted: "Turn 180 degrees backward, and take 4 steps forward!"

Rachel obediently complied.


Is that...the sound of loading?

The sound of metal clinking came to Rachel's ears, but she still had the pistol in her hand...

"Oh, by the way, first let me demonstrate to you that this thing of mine can kill you."


Chen Fengguo disconnected a shot, and the bullet passed through Rachel's side hair and hit the tall tree in front of her.

Face... a slight tingling pain?

It's a real gun!Does Ah Feng have a real gun?

"As the executioner, I have all the powers to execute."

"Come on... No matter what you want, it's God's punishment for me."

"It seems that you didn't read those books, but it's okay, let's call it a day."

Chen Feng pulled the trigger, and Rui Jier, who was blindfolded, fell down.

Wait, it doesn't seem to hurt?

"Get up, did I hit you? What are you doing lying down?"

Rachel struggled to get up from the ground and stood up again.

"At noon that day, I seemed to take you to the mall to buy clothes, and you brought me milk tea, which smelled sweet and delicious."

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