
Her heart tugged.

"I haven't hit you yet? Why are you so tense?"

Chen Feng then said lightly: "The first night you came to my house, how did the bowl of noodles I made for you taste like? I bought them from the supermarket downstairs. Although they were not the cheapest, you were quite hungry at that time. Yes, I should be able to eat it if I make do."

That evening……?

Ruijier remembered the night she was taken back by Chen Feng. Not only did he cook dinner for herself, but she also cleaned a dusty room, which was the first room she stayed in after leaving home.


Rachel's body tensed, this time she heard the sound of bullets piercing the air, right next to her.

"Oh, I almost accidentally hit it. Why are you shaking? A person who is not afraid of death is still shaking?"

Words, that's what they say, but before death comes, who is not afraid?





The bullet fired from the pistol was getting closer and closer to him, and the sound that seemed to tear everything apart made Rachel gradually feel fear in his heart.

Every time Chen Feng shoots, he will talk about some daily life. Such a life is very ordinary, but Rui Jier has a feeling that he does not have in ordinary times.



The shot grazed the skin of her forehead, and now every minute and every second is her torment.

Chen Feng's voice came from behind her.

"Oh, it seems that I've finished talking, then this gun will go straight into your head."

The tone was so flat, as if a worker in a slaughterhouse slaughtered a poultry without any fluctuations.

She is nervous.

"Is there anything else you want to say in the end? For your life."

Rachel thought for a while, and the corners of her mouth inadvertently floated up.


However, she wanted to say later that 'the time I spent with Ah Feng was like the home I most longed for'. Before she could say it, she was ruthlessly interrupted by Chen Feng.

"If you are so indifferent to your own life, you must have no feelings."


It seemed to be the sound of bullets being pressed into the magazine, and then being loaded again.

Rachel gritted her teeth.

Is everything... going to end?As a sinner, I don't even deserve to say the last thing I want to say. Obviously... I want to thank him very much, obviously... She doesn't want it all to end.

She wants to have a good talk with him, and say what she wants to say most in her heart! !

She still has a lot to do, a lot to say, and... a lot more!

"Wait...wait ah Feng, I don't want to die...!"

But it was too late, and the gunshots rang out.


Gunshots exploded beside her ears, and warm blood spattered on her face.

The girl fell to the ground.

Is everything over...?

Can't even deliver the last emotion...?

I... actually don't want to die...



"It's time, a beautiful girl every week"

Twenty-ninth Scarlet God, Angel of Killing

Death... what does that feel like?

Is it to make you stop all thinking and be trapped in the darkness forever, or go to a strange place alone...?

But it has to be said that death will be a mutual process. The deceased has abandoned everything in life, including money, emotions, friends, family members, etc. Similarly, these things abandoned by the deceased will eventually abandon her.

She will be nothing again.

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