She was really surprised, and then she asked Lun Ye the reason why he was sure it was him. After hearing the reason, Ying Lili was angry and anxious.

Tell customers about other people's physical characteristics, and finally investigate other people's schools through the Internet. Are you going to be a private detective?

But it's still that person...

Although the last time we ran into each other at the shopping mall, the other person seemed much more friendly than before, but that person was very strong!

Ren won't be beaten, right?

She had been in class for a day, but basically she didn't listen to what the teacher said, and her mind was full of the idiot operation of Lu Ye.

It's too late to thank him. If the other party really wants to increase his income by hyping his name, why is Mr. Fenglin unwilling to disclose his information from the beginning to the end?

Self-talking idiot!

The more Ying Lili thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became. She planned to visit Lun Ye after school, but it didn't work. He probably wouldn't listen to her.

Tomorrow is the weekend, and when the time comes, I have to catch up with those accumulated drafts, and it will be another two days of hell...

An hour and a half later, at the gate of class B of the second year, Erili Sawamura quickly packed her things and came here after class, but she didn't find the person she wanted to wait for.

There was only one girl playing with her mobile phone.

"No, classmate An Yi said that she had a stomachache when she was in the first class, and then she asked for leave and went back."

"Ahhh! Is this bastard trying to piss me off?"

"Student Yinglili?"

"I'm fine, I don't care, anyway, he can do whatever he likes. Hmph!"

In a week, Ying Lili's patience has been worn out, anyway, at most, he will be beaten up, and it is good to teach him a lesson, so that it will save people from worrying so much in the future.


The door of the villa was closed unceremoniously. Sitting on the sofa, the ice cream in the hands of the girl who was [-]% similar in appearance, figure and appearance to Ying Lili slipped to the ground.

"Hey!! Yinglili, you scared mom's ice cream away."

"There are a lot of them in the refrigerator, I'll take them again myself."

"What's wrong?" Sayuri cleaned up the ice cream residue on the floor, and pulled her reluctant daughter back to sit on the sofa, her eyes puzzled, "I seem to be very angry today."

"none of your business."

"Hey... my daughter grows up and even my mother is fierce, and my mother is so sad."

Ying Lili glanced at her mother with contempt, and complained:

"Then you should shed some tears!"

She sat on the sofa angrily, and drank the tea her mother put on the tea table in one gulp.

"Why is this tea so sweet? Forget's not because of that idiot Lun Ye!"


Sayuri frowned, "What's going on?"

"That idiot didn't know why he was so excited, he just went to investigate the identity of Mr. Fenglin..."

Ying Lili was furious, and revealed all about An Yilunye to her mother, Sayuri.

After listening, Sayuri touched her tender chin.

"I seem to have heard of the name Fenglin-sensei. He must be the mysterious designer and figure maker who only became famous this year."

As a former well-known erotic manga artist in the ACG world, Sayuri never gave up her attention to the ACG world, and she just remembered this after thinking about it for a while.

"That's not true. If he really wants to make money and be famous so much, he won't come out to be a monster."

Seeing her daughter's flushed face with anger, Sayuri was very surprised.

She could feel that her daughter was really angry, otherwise she wouldn't have used the word 'becoming a demon' in the sentence.

An Yilun also met that kid before, but she didn't threaten her daughter, so she didn't bother about it anymore. Later, something happened between the two of them, and they hadn't contacted for a long time. It seems that they only started to contact each other last year. of.

Is there a conflict again so soon?

In fact, she also knew that her daughter seemed to owe the other party something. What she did was not so much about reconciliation as it was more like being a slave to pay off her debts. Before that, her daughter did not show any strong resistance. She just let her daughter do it, and now she can't stand it anymore.

"So? He really found out?"

"Yeah, I even have the photo here. It's the one you helped me replace last time."

Ying Lili pulled out the photos from her mobile phone and placed them in front of her mother. She had been complaining that she didn't notice her mother's shocked appearance at all.

"Here, that's him. You've met him. He also said that he would come to find someone. The ghost knows if he will be beaten. A beating is fine. It will save him from being distracted all day long."

Sayuri's expression changed rapidly, she took out a fan from nowhere and opened it to cover half of her face.

"Hehehe, indeed, it's good to accept a little 'lesson'."

Sayuri's eyes narrowed.

Beat me up?Ying Lili didn't know about that yet, but she knew it well. A young man who could carry guns and even have explosives on his body didn't have to be as simple as a beating.

If her daughter is unhappy, then she is also unhappy. No matter what the situation is, she has already chosen the direction of standing in line. It is not impossible for her to use her own means to help when necessary.

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