"Is Dad still busy with work today?"

"That's right, he's gone on a business trip, and he probably won't be home for half a month, and we're alone." There was a touch of bitterness in Sayuri's smile.

"Hey, the old woman is disgusting, I have to go back to my room."

"Okay~~" Sayuri raised her fingers and said with a smile: "But my lovely daughter, you just drank the tea that nourishes the yin energy of mother, so that mother has to cook another."


Ying Lili's stomach suddenly rolled...

Chapter 30 Are you already in that relationship...! ?

Time passed quickly, and Chen Feng's teaching to the Nakano sisters was also finishing the final work in an orderly manner.

The cold and windy winter is about to pass, and there is even a faint breath of spring outside the window, and the warm spring is gradually emerging from the sky. After one month, there may be many buds and buds showing their bodies.

Downstairs of Chen Feng's apartment, five girls in sportswear were standing below talking and laughing.

This is a very big change. More than half a month ago, when did the five Nakano sisters not feel paralyzed and listless after morning exercise?

Whether it's Wuyue or Sanjiu, these two are the weakest of them, but looking at their appearance now, they are chatting and squabbling like everyone else.

The spirit is completely different from before.

Clover seemed eager to try.

"Chen Feng, Chen Feng."


"I'm very interested in that kind of fighting technique, can you still teach me in the future?"

Her eyes were about to glow, and while Yotsuba was speaking, she put on a defensive look, and made a few simple movements like punching.

From the basic physical training at the beginning, until Chen Feng briefly taught them some fighting skills that he thought could be used as women's self-defense, a few of them could barely watch the practice, and Yotsuba was very interested in this thing. is the largest.

Her physical training seems to be more powerful than her studies, at least that's what Chen Feng felt during the close contact and teaching for nearly a month.

"Four leaves...that's Israel Krav Maga..."

Sanjiu reminded in a low voice, after all, they have been studying for a while, and Sanjiu can still remember the name.

"I have already taught the most basic things. If you are interested, you can practice slowly in private. No matter how talented the learner is, it takes time to get used to this kind of thing."

Chen Feng grinned and explained: "It is enough for some simple self-defense, there is no need to learn more."

"But Chen Feng, didn't you say that you want to learn endlessly?"


Nakano Yotsuba blinked a pair of big smart eyes twice, Chen Feng couldn't bear to look at him, to be honest, he really couldn't tell the reason why he didn't want to teach it was that the next deeper movements were not only for self-defense, those The tricks are basically used to kill people.

That kind of thing can no longer be called self-defense, it is a military fighting technique.

If you only use it because of muscle memory when you encounter a small danger, then the other party may be killed or injured. The human body will never be as hard as you imagined. The human body has many weaknesses. Some places will almost kill you if you touch it. .

He didn't want these girls to be killed because of his carelessness, and he was more decisive on this point.

"No, it's enough to learn these, whether it's physical fitness or self-defense, it's definitely enough."


"Four leaves, Chen Feng has his own difficulties, you must learn to understand."

Seeing Clover's disappointed look, Yihua came out to smooth things over.

She believed that Chen Feng would not reject Clover because of issues such as hiding private work. If he really liked hiding private goods so much, this teaching plan was doomed to fail from the very beginning, and he should have his own scruples in it.

As for the scruples...

One flower can vaguely guess.

She has seen Chen Feng fight a few times, and none of the students really attacked him. Basically, one second they punched, and the next second they could hear a crisp sound of 'click', and then fell to the ground alone. Keep screaming.

Chen Feng fights with others at school, so he must not make a move. If he makes a move, the opponent will immediately cut off his limbs. Basically, his moves are full of viciousness. Waiting for others, it is easy to put some innocent people in danger, right?

Obviously looks so fierce, but the way of caring for others is very special.

Yihua smiled sweetly as if a flower had bloomed on her face.

"All right……"

Clover nodded in disappointment. Anyway, with her personality, she would forget after a while. Such a person can live an easy life, and basically there will be no troubles that can trouble her all her life.

Live happily, that's fine...

When she arrived at Chen Feng's apartment, Rachel had already gotten up, but she didn't even change her pajamas, but she was padding her feet in the kitchen and making pancakes.

"Ah Feng!"

Seeing Chen Feng and others coming back, Rachel picked up a pancake and ran over.

"Follow the online tutorial, try...?"

"it is good."

After touching Rui Jier's head, Chen Feng took the pancake and took a bite.

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