She never thought that she would meet An Yilun in this kind of place.

"Did An Yi come to find friends to play with? Friends so far away are quite rare."

"Yes... yes haha..."

He laughed awkwardly, and soon changed the topic again. An Yilun also pointed to Chen Feng in the distance and asked:

"Who is he?"

"Well...a friend I just met not long ago."

"We just met each other not long ago?!" An Yilun also opened his eyes wide, "Then what are you guys doing? Are you dating?!"

The last sentence already had a questioning tone, and Ms. Kato, who was frowning from time to time, pursed her lips, and did not answer An Yilun directly.

"Mr. Weird is a very nice person, a good person."

"Hui, my God, do you know what you are doing?" An Yilun also held Kato Megumi's wrist with one hand, and pointed at Chen Feng with the other, "A person who dare not even show his face, What kind of good person do you think the other party is? Hehe, look at his eyes, he is as fierce as a little gangster, listen to me, let's go back together. "

After all, he didn't care whether Kato Megumi was willing or not, he directly grabbed Kato Megumi's wrist and walked down the stairs.

Maybe Ms. Kato didn't expect that An Yilun would suddenly attack. The ground, which was slightly damp, was slipperier than when it was dry. She staggered and was pulled off the steps by An Yilun.


An Yilun, who was dazzled by anger, also found that the strength of his hand was wrong, and Kato Megumi fell down the stairs again. He wanted to catch him, but as a real neon otaku, he How can there be such a physical reaction speed to catch the opponent?In the end, when Kato Megumi's falling force was about to tear him off, he took the initiative to let go of his hand.

The thought just flashed in my mind, and Kato Megumi had already rolled and fell to the buffer zone about 6 steps down.


"Are you okay, Hui?"

An Yilun also stood there in a daze, and hurried down.

"go away."

But before he got down a few flights of stairs, an elbow swung past him and directly blocked him.

Clutching her sore chest, An Yilun also sat down on the stairs behind her, her chest was so tight that she couldn't breathe.

Seeing Chen Feng who was already squatting beside Megumi Kato, not knowing what to put into his bag, An Yilun also looked shocked.

He... When did he come here?It's so far away... Yes, he must have sneaked over to eavesdrop when Hui and I weren't paying attention, you damn little bastard, his behavior is as ugly as his appearance!

An Yilun was still sitting on the steps panting, Chen Feng had already taken out a red emergency medical kit from his bag and put it in his mouth, he put his hands behind Miss Kato's legs and shoulders, and hugged Miss Kato Get up, quickly ran to a bench about ten meters away to put it down.

He didn't speak, but calmly checked Kato Megumi's injuries.

And Ms. Kato, who was lying on the bench, her eyelashes trembling, her eyes that could only be opened a little due to the pain happened to be able to see Chen Feng who was in front of her with very serious eyes.

It doesn't hurt that much anymore.

Chapter 37 I owe more and more

This was the first time in her life that Ms. Kato was held in the arms of a man of the same age. It felt completely different from when she hurt her foot in physical education class in elementary school, and was carried by the physical education teacher to the health care room and handed over to the health care teacher.

A very strange impulse arose spontaneously in Miss Kato's heart.

In fact, Chen Feng's impression of the young man with glasses plummeted from the moment he opened his mouth. Whether it was the tone of voice or the indifferent actions, Chen Feng's brows twitched.

And he felt as if he had seen the other party somewhere, and a very shallow impression echoed in his mind.

This can also be regarded as one of his skills. Although he can't achieve a photographic memory, basically as long as he has seen people at a glance, he will have some shallow impressions within a week or so. Face blindness is more important to him. Words are impossible.

As a sniper, one of the most important abilities is to identify one's target. If he can't even remember what the target looks like, he is a sniper who has failed too much.

But for a while, he couldn't remember the identity of the young man with glasses, or where he had seen him.

Originally, he didn't want to disturb the conversation between the two, but when he looked from a distance, he could see through a simple micro-expression analysis that the young man with glasses showed a kind of extremely suppressed anger, and gradually had A tendency to get out of control.

Is there any contradiction between them?Or... are these two people dating?

In fact, it's not that Chen Feng can't figure out the crazy performance of the young man with glasses. When a man and a woman are in a relationship, if the man meets the woman and goes shopping with other men, it seems reasonable to get angry...


If Chen Feng remembered correctly, Kato Megumi seemed to be calling the other party "classmate" before, right?The possibility of the two of them being in a relationship has been reduced to the lowest point, at most it is a relationship between ex-boyfriend and boyfriend.

He wasn't interested in other people's private lives, so naturally he didn't ask directly.

Chen Feng carefully rolled up Megumi Kato's trousers, revealing her calf, which was blue and purple due to bumps, with only a few scratches.

These bruises are small things, and they can be recovered after a few days of cultivation. This is also thanks to the fact that it is winter, and most people's clothes are still relatively thick. There must be at least a bunch of scrapes on one leg.

The most important thing now is actually to check whether Kato Megumi's feet or hands are sprained due to the body's protection mechanism.

"Does it hurt here?"

Chen Feng lightly pressed Miss Kato's inner ankle.

"It doesn't hurt."

"What about here?"

He pressed Kato Megumi's fifth bone extension, followed by Kato Megumi's face that had calmed down suddenly tightened, and a little sweat still oozes from her white jade-like forehead in winter.

It doesn't take her to tell Chen Feng that there must be something wrong with this place.

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