The place where she was dragged down by An Yilun happened to meet the fountain pool, and there were many steps with sharp and hard corners exposed, and it was normal to bump into them.

But when Chen Feng carefully touched the position of the fifth extension bone, his brows frowned all of a sudden, the bone at this position was obviously not right!

"Be patient."


Chen Feng exerted a little force on his hands, and Miss Kato's face turned pale the moment Chen Feng exerted force.Obviously, the stinging pain from her feet made her a little unbearable.

After a few seconds, Chen Feng let go of his hand and heaved a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, there is no displacement, just put on a plaster cast."

"Mr. Weird?"

"I'll talk about the feet later. I'll deal with the injuries on your hands first."

Chen Feng took out iodine and other medical medicines from the emergency medical kit, and began to wash the scratches on Kato Megumi's hands. The wounds in these places were relatively shallow, and they should have been rubbed by the sand on the ground when he fell. Chen Feng Cleanup is also faster.

What happened just now was relatively loud, and many people around turned their eyes to this side.

"I'll take you to the hospital for a plaster cast. A small part of your foot is broken, but it hasn't moved. You'll be fine after a week or two of recuperation."

Miss Kato pondered for a moment, nodded, and looked towards the stairs, where a certain person had disappeared.

Sighing silently in her heart, she smiled lightly.


Immediately, she opened her arms, and when Chen Feng hugged her, she blushed and wrapped her arms around Chen Feng's neck, not caring about the comments of the people around, Chen Feng directly hugged her and walked towards his car.

After paying the parking fee to the puzzled administrator, Chen Feng put Kato Kehei flatly in the back row and gave a warning.

"Don't move your left foot, or it will be painful and troublesome if the bone is misaligned."


Perhaps because he knew that Kato Megumi's foot was not too serious, Chen Feng didn't speed or run a red light this time, he just drove smoothly on the road.

Ms. Kato in the back seat took the initiative to say:

"Mr. Weird's medical skills seem to be very good."

These words broke the silence in the car.

"I have learned a little bit, and I have practiced it before." Chen Feng asked: "That classmate of yours seems very unhappy, what's the situation?"

"Hmm—" Ms. Kato shook her head blankly, "I don't know too well, maybe you are angry because you can't clear the game?"

"That's too outrageous..."

"However, An Yi's self-willed appearance doesn't seem to be any different from usual. He often provokes the anger of the other two seniors during club activities."

"Are you in a club?"

"Well, An Yi is the president." Speaking of this, Ms. Kato's tone was also a little helpless, "One day An Yi came to me and said that I was very similar to the heroine in his game, so he dragged me to joined his club."

"Do you make games?"

In Chen Feng's memory, Zongwu High seems to have a similar club, but most of them are doing some very simple RPG barrage games.

"Yes, but after more than half a year, it seems that there is no progress at all. An Yi's project is a bit... tricky."

"So the first step hasn't even started, is that right?"

"That's right."

"That's really trash." Chen Feng curled his lips in disdain. He couldn't even plan a small game for half a year. Isn't such a person living a waste of air?It even wastes other people's time.

Changing the subject, Chen Feng began to ask specific things.

"How did I see him pointing at me, and finally grabbed you?"

"I don't quite understand this point. Classmate An Yi insisted on dragging me to go home with him or something... It's a bit baffling."

Kato-san pouted suspiciously.

"Are you an ordinary classmate relationship?"



Chen Feng seemed to understand something, and his eyes that looked directly at the road became contemptuous.

Think about the series of performances of the young man with glasses after he appeared. It was nothing more than a feeling of being robbed of important things in his heart, and he was hostile to all the people who came into contact with the objects he valued. However, these two people It is nothing more than the relationship between classmates and classmates, between the president and club members.

Isn't this a kind of possessiveness?

However, even after he understood everything, Chen Feng still looked down on the dark and weak looking young man with glasses.

He had completely witnessed the whole incident. The young man with glasses named An Yi was supposed to be able to hold Megumi Kato who fell, but at the critical moment, he let go of his hand because he was afraid that he would fall too.

At that time, the panic and worry on An Yilun's face were all seen by Chen Feng, and his behavior of leaving quietly afterwards was also discovered by Chen Feng, but at that time, Chen Feng's attention was on the injured Kato Megumi , so it did not stop the opponent

This is completely a coward who has no responsibility and is not like a man.

For this man whom he met for the first time, Chen Feng directly labeled him a 'trash', such a man would not be able to achieve great things in the future.

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