
Chen Feng's car drove into the hospital, he stopped the car, hugged Miss Kato and trotted into the hospital.

About an hour later, Chen Feng got the X-ray of Kato Megumi's calf position from the doctor. Judging from the results shown above, Kato Megumi's injury was not different from what he judged, that is, the position of the fifth bone extension appeared undisplaced fracture.

The doctor's movements were very quick, and soon he helped the unskilled Kato Hui walk out of the room with a cane.

"Mr. Weird is amazing, the judgment is exactly the same as what the doctor said."

The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and her eyebrows were slightly curved.

"You're all broken, why are you laughing, I'll take you back, I owe you a meal, and I'll make it up later."

"It looks like that's all it takes."

Ms. Kato looked down at her left foot, which had been casted, and raised her eyebrows lightly.

"I'll tell Mr. Weird when I'm done."

"Let's go, I'll take you back. This is the address, right?"

There were too many addresses he had to deliver at work, so Chen Feng and Kato Megumi checked for fear of misremembering.

After confirming the location, Chen Feng drove Kato Megumi back home.

Chen Feng on this side is driving, and An Yilun sitting on the bed at home on the other side also has a cloudy expression on his face. He picks up the phone for a while and puts it down again, looking very hesitant.

After a while, An Yilun gritted his teeth and sent a message to Kato Megumi on his mobile phone.

[Hui, are you okay? 】

However, he did not receive a reply for a long time.

At this time, it has been more than an hour since the incident happened, and An Yilun was also struggling in his heart. He really wanted to shake his hands and give himself two big mouths. How could he be so careless at that time?What should Megumi do if she gets injured and can't come to school?

He gritted his teeth.

How about... go to the door and apologize?

But this idea was dismissed by him in an instant, because he didn't know Kato Megumi's address at all, not even the exact address, so how could he come to apologize?

"damn it……"

He kicked the doll away on the ground as if venting his anger, kept pacing in the room, and kept biting his nails.

"If that guy wasn't with Hui, how could this happen!"

If he hadn't seen Hui shopping with an unknown person, naturally he wouldn't be angry, and in the end he wouldn't make Hui fall down the stairs because of his pulling.

Obviously he should be the first one to go up and help Hui deal with the wound!

What is that person?Why did he keep me away?The eyes are so contemptuous... who is he looking down on! ?


It was him who made him leave like a lost dog. Those passers-by talking and pointing were nothing but torture and insult to him!

Megumin is my heroine, no one can take her away from me!

His expression was grim.

After a while, An Yilun calmed down, and he began to recall what happened.

That man...that man...


An Yilun also had a look of disbelief, because a certain figure in his mind overlapped with the man walking with Hui.

Feng... Teacher Fenglin? !

Living in a wealthy area, driving a luxury car, shopping with Hui, and Xiao Hui looks so happy...

He became disappointed, obviously he didn't see you so happy when we went out together last time, it's impossible, those happiness is definitely faked!

An Yilun also became paranoid, sitting on the bed with his head in his arms, muttering non-stop.

"Hui...you are not that kind of girl, you are definitely not...it must be him who is bewitching you, the kind of rich people who play with you will definitely abandon you, and you must be the one who gets hurt in the end. I will save you ...I will save you! You must hold on!"

But... since you are such a scumbag, I want to expose you even more.

He looked at the information he had rearranged.

Not enough, not enough at all!There is no way this little thing can ruin his family. That kind of damned scum is not worthy of the title of 'teacher' at all.

I want to expose your true face and restore the world to a clean place!

In the room, An Yilun also crackled and typed something in front of the computer as if possessed by a demon, his eyes were bloodshot, and he exuded an aura that no one should enter.

However, Chen Feng didn't know that he was about to be tricked by someone. He was climbing up the 5th floor with Ms. Kato, who was wearing a cast on his feet, on his back.

Everything here is no different from last time.

Taking the key from Ms. Kato, Chen Feng opened the door of Kato's house. It was pitch black, and there seemed to be no one there.

He turned his head to look at Megumi Kato with a calm face behind him.

"Didn't you tell your family?"

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