"It's nothing, it's just that the collar is folded."

After finishing speaking, Yang Nai unceremoniously stepped forward to smooth Chen Feng's folded collar.


The corner of Xue Nai's mouth twitched, she immediately got up from the sofa, and said lightly, "I'm going to change clothes."

"Okay, it's still early, don't panic."

Yang Nai waved at Xue Nai, and said slowly.


Regarding this scene, Rachel started to pack her small shoulder bag as if she didn't see it, while Komachi opened her mouth wide, her eyes full of disbelief.

When she regained her composure, she immediately rushed between the two to separate them.

"Where is it? Oh, senior, you are really careless. It looks like your collar is messed up."

Komachi stood on tiptoe to straighten Chen Feng's wrinkled clothes, and he could still smell Chen Feng's body on the tip of his nose.

For a moment, Komachi's face turned red.

If the senior is a pillow, it would be nice to sleep with it at night, right?

But as soon as this idea came to mind, Komachi immediately put aside these wild thoughts.

No, no, no, no... The senior and sister Yukino I singled out, yes, that's it!

Yango, who was pushed aside, looked at Komachi in front of him with a half-smile, not knowing what was going on in his head, but that smile was not normal at all.

It's as if... I found something interesting.

"Oh, thank you then."

Chen Feng patted his shoulder and thanked him normally, then picked up the apple from the fruit plate on the table and gnawed it.

After a while, Xue Nai changed her clothes and came out of the bedroom. She put on a brown coat with a white short lining inside, and a short gray and white skirt on her lower body.

Yang Nai pretended to be surprised and supported the beret on his head, saying:

"So Xiao Yukino can still wear clothes other than school uniform? She's very pretty."

"That's not because you come over every time I just come back from school."

Xue Nai glared at her own sister unceremoniously, her aura was not inferior at all.

Picking up the fire, Yang Nai said that no one dared to say that he was the second.

Before Xue Nai could react, Yang Nai patted Chen Feng.

"Is Yukino-chan cute? Do you have the urge to touch your head?"

"Sister you..."

Chen Feng glanced lightly, then said:

"Is a person with that kind of urge a hooligan or a pervert?"

"Hey! Doesn't Xiaofeng have such an impulse?"

"To be honest, I can't do such a disrespectful thing. Well, since you are ready, let's go."

On the way to the library, Komachi broke the silence and asked:

"Sister Xue Nai is going to take the entrance exam to Peking University, what about you, senior?"

"Tokyo University." He pondered for a moment, and then explained further: "Medical Department."

"Ah? Senpai, are you a god?" Komachi was dumbfounded.

The Department of Medicine, that is the Department of Medicine!The most terrifying department of all schools, and the school where the seniors are going to take the exam is still a school full of gods, it's too scary.

"No, I just want to find a profession that can paddle."

Chen Feng said without changing his face, in fact, he really just wanted to paddle. As a field doctor and a sniper, Chen Feng may be best at medicine besides sniping.

He served as a medical soldier in the frontline battlefield for nearly 10 years, and later conducted theoretical research in the field hospital in the rear for a long time.

Therefore, both level and experience are far superior to many doctors.

Choose a field you are most familiar with to study, what else can it be if it is not paddling?

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... now only Ray Sauce and I are on the same starting line, let's sign up for the group together to keep warm."


Rachel tilted her head in puzzlement, "Huddle together for warmth?"

"Yes, yes, look at the three of them, each of them is a top student, isn't it just us two students who need tutoring and can hug each other to keep warm?"

Komachi nodded frantically, looking at Chen Feng and the others as if looking at a class enemy.

"Ah Feng is really powerful."

Ruijier did not deny this, but strongly agreed, "Ah Feng is the best."

"Let's see." Saying that, Komachi looked at Chen Feng and the others triumphantly, "Even Ray agrees!"

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