"Afeng can easily understand Green's formula and Stokes' formula. It took me two days to understand it. It's not as good as Afeng..."


A bad premonition rose in Komachi's heart, and she forced a smile, "What... what is that formula you mentioned, Ray-chan?"

Before Ruijier could answer, Xue Nai, who was also surprised, glanced at Chen Feng, then at Ruijier, and said:

"That's advanced mathematics, um, the content of the second half. Chen Feng, are you still teaching this child to do advanced mathematics?"

"Well, she's quite talented, at least better than me."

I think it took Chen Feng a whole month to learn from Limit to Fourier!Ruijier learned everything in less than half a month, which still hit Chen Feng very much.

"Liars...all are liars..."

It was as if a dark cloud had appeared above Komachi's head, thundering and raining continuously.

Because Xue Nai lives in the Central District, which is also one of the most prosperous areas in the city, there are all bars, shopping malls, supermarkets and restaurants nearby.

Although it is not far from the library, it is still 600 or 700 meters away, and it takes a while to walk.

At this moment, Chen Feng found a rather energetic voice from across the street.

"Student Chen Feng~~!"

"Four leaves?"


In the living room of a certain villa in a certain villa area, Sayuri Sawamura was happily eating the cake in front of her, watching the new show on the 120-inch LCD TV in front of her with great interest, okay? comfortable.

Dick dick~

A notification sound came from the kitchen, Sayuri pressed pause, and entered the kitchen wearing fluffy slippers.

That's the beep from the cooking pot.

Sayuri carefully took out a bowl of soup from the pot, and she sighed.

"Hey... This child has been suffering for several days, how much work has she put up and left to do..."

Just yesterday, Sayuri also helped to color Ying Lili's line draft, which barely made it to today's deadline, but judging by her situation, it seems that there are still many drafts that have not been drawn.

As a mother, Sayuri was really worried about her daughter's physical condition.

No, she went to buy a soft-shelled turtle early in the morning and came back to make soup to nourish her daughter.

After taking a small sip, she felt that the taste was good, so she carried the bowl out of the living room.

But at this moment, the doorbell rang.

"Huh? Who is it so early in the morning?"

She thought to herself, but she still put down the bowl and walked towards the door.

Chapter 41 Sayuri's good intentions seem to be useless

Sayuri Sawamura, the mother of Sawamura Spencer Eriri, a former famous cartoonist in the ACG world, but the things drawn need a little age restriction.In addition, she has another identity, that is, the eldest daughter of the famous Tokyo company and the underworld family Sawamura.

Height 158cm, weight 45kg, measurements B: 85, W: 55, H: 86.

From the data point of view, there is basically no difference between her and her daughter's figure. As for why it is said to be basic?Of course it's because her bust is a little bit bigger than her daughter's.

The husband is a collateral descendant of the Spencer family, a famous British family. The combination of the two is a by-product of the Sawamura family's desire to cleanse from the dark side to the light.

As for why it was a by-product... Of course, it was because the two were not influenced by the family when they first met. Saiduri Sawamura snatched Mr. Spencer from Mr. Spencer's childhood sweetheart as a person from heaven.

At first, the marriage of the two was considered happy. The husband and wife respected each other as guests, gave birth to a daughter, and the family enjoyed themselves happily.

But like some families with disagreements, Mr. Spencer is often not in Japan due to work reasons. Even in Japan, he is often invited to other cities to attend parties. Over time, Mr. Spencer can no longer control his body. .

That was the first disagreement between the two...

Through the cat's eyes with a pair of autumn-like eyes, Sayuri clearly saw who the person outside the door was.

All this seemed to be in her expectation, Xiao Baihe was not surprised at all, even she could guess the purpose of the boy outside the door nine out of ten.

Putting on a professional and polite smile, Sayuri opened the door, covering her mouth with her little white hands under her long sleeves, as if in surprise.

"Isn't this Lun Ye? Why does he look like he hasn't slept well?"

"I'm very sorry to disturb you so early, Aunt Sayuri."

"We can have lunch in two hours, it's getting late." Sayuri smiled like a flower, and turned her eyes to the bulging backpack on An Yilun's back, and then looked at the camera hanging around his neck, "Len is also Going out to take pictures? This pair of equipment is very complete."

An Yilun, whose eyes were stained black, also pursed his lips stiffly, and said with a forced smile, "It's just a whim, it's just a whim."

Even so, Sayuri sensed from An Yilunye's tone that he probably didn't have a good rest recently, and his whole spirit was in a state of depression.

He raised his heavy eyelids and asked, "Aunt Sayuri, I'm here to look for Yinglili..."

"Yinglili? That child went out early in the morning." Said Baihe narrowed her eyes and then returned to normal. She said very calmly: "Is there any conflict between you? The last time Yinglili came back Just an unhappy look, which made my mother very worried."


An Yilun also froze. He never expected that Ying Lili, who is a super house girl, would have a day to go out on her own initiative. Why is everything not going well these few days...

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just a small... small disagreement on the community issue."

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