An Yilun, who was walking down the street with a gauze on his head and a schoolbag on his back, also felt that everyone around him seemed to be looking at him, and talking about something in a low voice.

No, I have to get to school quickly...

He quickened his pace, regretting why he didn't wear a hat when he went out in the morning.

But before he took a few steps, a few youths wearing plaid shirts, earrings on their ears, and cigarettes in their mouths gathered together and talked for a while, and finally moved their eyes to him, and finally directly blocked him. In front of An Yilun also.

"Are you An Yilun?"

The tongue-tattling sound in the words is very heavy, these people seem to be the existence he can't afford to offend, not to mention that he doesn't plan to have too much communication with these people, he just wants to leave quickly.

"Hey! We're asking you something!"

A yellow-haired man in nail trousers pulled An Yilun back, his expression becoming more and more unkind.

"Yes... yes, that... are you okay?"

"Oh? It really is."

Among them, the young man with a cigarette in his mouth smiled pleasantly, and strode forward under An Yilun's horrified gaze.

"Boy, copper smelting is fun, isn't it? The police can't educate you, and you still don't change your mind. You're quite courageous."

"Ah?" A question mark appeared above An Yilun's head, "Copper smelting? What copper smelting?"

"Yo ho, you are still playing stupid. Brothers, he is playing us for fools, beat him!"

As soon as the words were finished, An Yilun was kicked to the ground by the young man behind him, and he hummed in pain.

"I'm have found the wrong person." He was still trying to explain.

"Hehe, I found the wrong person. Your name is An Yilun, you live in XX Building, XX Community, Cultural and Educational District, your father is An Yilin, your mother is An Yi Qianqianzi, and you have studied at Daocun Elementary School and Daocun Middle School. I am studying in Class B of the second year of Toyosaki School, and the last final grade was the lowest in Toyosaki School's history. Last week, I went to the game store in Chuo Ward to buy games such as Lightning Lerio and Peach Blossom Love..."

Hearing the smoking youth take out his mobile phone and read out a long list of messages, An Yilun's face was filled with disbelief.

Seeing the change of expression on An Yilunye's face, the smoking youth directly burned the cigarette butt in his hand on An Yilunye's face, causing a burst of screams, and the passers-by around saw this and moved away from the group of people Quite a few, but many people just watched with cold eyes, and had no intention of calling the police at all.

Squeezing out the cigarette butt, the smoking youth grinned.

"You still say you are not, damn it, call me!"

The young gangsters rushed forward, punching and kicking An Yilun for about ten minutes.

Finally, the police patrolling the street noticed something strange, and quickly called their colleagues to suppress the gangsters together.

"Be honest and don't move!"

The police forcefully held down the smoking youth who seemed to want to rush forward and kick his feet. In fact, he wasn't the only one.

A policeman was also bandaging An Yilun, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face. An Yilun was also completely stunned, sitting on the ground as if she hadn't realized that she had been beaten.

"Hetui! The smoking youth spit at An Yilunye, and the saliva flew directly onto An Yilunye's face. The moment he was crushed into the police car, the youth shouted:

"Although I, Tong Wanjiu, am not a good person, but you are such a scumbag that you gnaw on the old and don't know how to make progress, and because of desire, you beat young girls many times, until you can't take care of yourself!!!!"

Clap clap clap!

The passers-by who watched around applauded, not knowing whether they were applauding for the police to catch the gangster, or applauding for the gangster.

The youth who beat An Yilunye was taken away by the police, and the police who stayed there were cleaning up the scene.

The gauze on An Yilun's head had already been torn somewhere, and the clean school uniform on his body was also in a mess.

As if hearing the cursing voice of the smoking youth, even the policeman who helped bandage An Yilun's wound showed a disgusted and disgusted expression.

[It turned out to be a scumbag, no wonder he was beaten like this. 】

Enduring the disgust in his heart, the policeman was still very dedicated. After helping to bandage An Yilun, he asked:

"Young man, do you need us to take you to the hospital?"

"No... no thanks." An Yilun also stood up from the ground unsteadily, "I have to go to school today."

"Aso, you send him to school, we'll go back first."

A policeman not far away said to the policeman who was supporting An Yilunye.


ps: There is another update tonight

Chapter 47 Desperate world, everything is different

"Good captain."

An Yilun also got into the police car and drove all the way to Toyosaki School.

On the way here, An Yilun was still at a loss, he didn't understand why the other party would say that he was such a bastard and scum, obviously he didn't do anything well, right?

After much deliberation, An Yilun had no choice but to attribute the few people who beat him to mental illness, and what happened to him could only be considered unlucky. Could it be that he was expected to take revenge on those unreasonable gangsters? ?

A police car is a particularly conspicuous existence no matter which country it is in, especially when this police car is still parked at the school gate, countless people are looking at it, as if wondering why the police car came to the school.

At this time, it was the peak period for students to go to school, and the school gate was full of students row after row.

"Student, your school is here, go to school quickly."

The police officer in the driver's seat urged that he did not want to speak to the student at all.

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