Being such a bastard at such a young age, Neon is hopeless...

Sighing, the police stepped on the accelerator and drove away the moment An Yilun also opened the door to get out of the car. An Yilun on the side of the road didn't even have time to say thank you, and he stood blankly by the side of the road.

"This... am I time-traveling?"

An Yilun also felt that after lying in the hospital for two days, the outside world became different.

Taking a deep breath, An Yilun also turned around, and then found that all the students at the school gate were looking at him.

Is there something on my face?

He touched his face and immediately reacted.

Oh, yes, everyone must be worried about the injury on my face.

An Yilun's heart warmed, and the corners of his mouth curled up, showing a smile that he thought was very gentle.

"Everyone, I..."

"Why don't you go to jail?"

In the crowd, whoever said that made An Yilun's words stuck in his throat before he had time to say them.

"Get the scum out of Toyosaki!"

"Scum like you should go to jail!"

"Get out of Toyosaki!"

"Get out of Toyosaki!"

The students outside the door roared indignantly in unison. What a spectacular scene in front of a high school, even the passers-by stopped looking at the shocking scene in front of them and could not speak.

"No... I don't know what happened, what are you doing?"

"You should die!"

Immediately afterwards, an uneaten piece of bread was thrown out from the crowd, and it hit An Yilunye precisely on the head.

An Yilun also stared blankly at the scene of class struggle at the school gate, and he felt that he might have really time-traveled.

After wiping a handful of cream on his head, he saw a tall figure slowly walking into the school.

That's my senior!


He shouted loudly, but the figure with his back to him just stopped, and finally walked into the campus without even looking back.

As time passed, more and more things were thrown out from the crowd, and An Yilun also ran away with his head in his arms.

Yes, Ying Lili, Ying Lili must know what's going on.

After running away, he hurriedly took out his mobile phone.

This world has changed, completely changed, and even he himself doesn't know where this place is, it's very strange, very cold, very unbelievable!

beep - beep - beep -

The phone rang for a while, and a voice that sounded more complicated came from the phone.

"What's up?"

"Ying Lili, listen to me, listen to me! Those people are crazy, they have been crazy! I don't understand why, everything has become completely incomprehensible to me!!"

"Are you still pretending now? I'm really..."

On the phone, Ying Lili's tone was sharp, and she scolded hard: "Just treat it as if I was blind, and I have already paid back the guilt I owed you before, and I have sent all the original paintings to your mailbox, and there will be no future." .”

Hearing the busy tone on the phone, An Yilun almost collapsed.

What happened in the end! ! ! !

He doesn't understand, he can't figure it out, he doesn't understand!


A hand was placed on An Yilunye's shoulder from behind.

"Who is it!"

In an irritable mood, his tone was naturally impatient. He shook his shoulders and shook the hands on his shoulders away.

"Are you that An Yilun? I think you look a lot like him."

Hearing this sentence, An Yilun also trembled all over, and ran away like a frightened rabbit.

When he saw the person behind him clearly, he found that the other person was a polite office worker in his 40s wearing glasses and a suit.

Huh... Fortunately, I'm not a bastard...

" you have anything to do with me?"

"Wow, it really is."

He was surprised: "That's all right."


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