"Well...go out to the city to buy something."

"Is Mr. Chen not together?"

"Ah Feng went to class, so I went alone."

"Be careful on the road." The uncle at the door smiled and said, "There is still water in the security room, do you want a bottle?"

"No thanks……"

Rachel said in a low voice, and then left here with the wave of several security personnel.

Probably because Ruijier is cute and has a good personality, the security personnel here like her very much, and sometimes they will give her fruits from the security room, and they all treat her as their own daughter. Look.

Through the subway station, Rachel came all the way to the commodity street in Mihama District, where there are all kinds of grocery stores and specialty stores. The reason why she chose this place is more because it is not far from where she lives. Far, no need to sit for too long in the car.

With her blonde hair tied behind her back, Rachel looked more energetic than ever. She first found a place to eat, and then began to look for shops where she could buy needles and good quality wool.

In fact, lying on the bed last night, Rachel has been inquiring about the knowledge about knitting scarves. Similarly, she also found out that it is not necessary to use a needle to knit a scarf. In fact, you can also use crochet. She has never used it, and she mostly uses threading needles to sew some broken items. She plans to buy both of the above two kinds of needles, and then try to see which one will work better.

And since it was going to be made as a gift for Chen Feng, Ruijier also decided to buy some wool with a better material, so that the scarf knitted in this way would be more comfortable.

The goal was set, but because Rachel had never been to a similar store, she spent a lot of time looking for a specialty store.

After searching for almost all morning, Ruijier found a specialty store selling needles, crochet needles, and wool from a small shopping mall nearby. However, the price was a little higher because of the imported items, but Ruijier still I think it's worth the money.

As long as A Feng can be happy.

It was such a simple idea that prompted Rachel to search in the city for a morning, and got what she wanted. Naturally, Rachel wanted to go home. She couldn't wait to try knitting a scarf. .

Time was running out, and she was ready to stay up all night knitting the scarf. No matter what, the thing had to be made within a week, and she didn't want to send a semi-finished product to Chen Feng with regret.

On the way back, Rachel suddenly saw a thin and thin kitten lying on the corner of the street, looking weak and out of spirits.

"poor thing……"

Compassion emerged in her heart, and Rachel couldn't bear to stop her walking, and squatted halfway in front of the hungry little white cat who was almost blinded.

Even if a stranger came to him, he didn't run away. It just glanced at Rachel blankly, and then ignored it.

Rachel reached out and touched the kitten's hair. Its hair was extremely dry, and a lot of it was stuck together because it hadn't been cleaned for a long time.

After getting up, Rachel looked around, then trotted to a pancake shop to buy two biscuits, returned to the kitten, and put the two biscuits in her hand near its mouth.

"Eat, I feel very uncomfortable when I'm hungry..."

The little white cat sniffed the nose, and ate the biscuits in front of it bit by bit. Rachel fondled the stray cat.

"I'm sorry, I must live well after eating, because I already have tea eggs at home, so I can no longer keep pets, and I can't cause trouble for Ah Feng."


This white cat is already quite old, and its voice is extremely hoarse.

After eating a whole piece of biscuit, the little white cat glanced at Rachel gratefully, licked the back of her hand obediently, picked up another piece of uneaten biscuit, and walked towards the side alley.

After thinking about it, Rachel decided to follow to see where the little white cat was going.

After walking for a while, Rachel saw the little white cat jumping into a broken cement pipe in the alley. She leaned over curiously and found 4 or 5 kittens of different colors in it. Keep eating the biscuits brought by the white cat.

"so cute……"

Seemingly realizing that Rachel was following, the white cat jumped out of the pipe and rubbed against Rachel's leg a few times.

Squatting near the pipeline and watching the group of cute kittens eat up the biscuits, Rachel was content to leave.

However, shortly after she turned around, a black figure squatting in the corner suddenly raised his head, his eyes focused on her.

The discomfort in her heart made Rachel speed up her pace, and suddenly...

"Wait...you're the...the one at the Unagi restaurant that day...?"

The voice sounded familiar. Rachel turned her head, and immediately saw the black figure crouching in the corner standing up and walking towards her quickly.

Frightened, she kept backing away, even showing signs of trying to escape.

Probably because he noticed Rachel's reaction, Soi Ying hurriedly stopped him:

"Wait a minute, I mean no harm, I'm the one who... did the disrespectful thing that day."

When the other party came to the bright place, Rachel could see the other party's face clearly.

He was wearing a school uniform and carrying a schoolbag on his back, but his body became dirty and smelled of sweat.

His head was covered with gauze, was it that Ah Feng beat him that day?

"what are you going to do……?"

Rachel looked at An Yilun warily and also questioned.

"I just want to apologize. I'm really sorry about what happened that day. I've reflected on it now, really!"

An Yilun also bowed 90° to Rachel, but when he bowed, his eyes were full of coldness.

Chapter 49 The Blood Angels of God

The noon sun has been blocked by the nearby commercial buildings. In this small alley where people are almost impossible to come, only stray animals can make a home here.

Smelly mud, moss-spreading walls, withered and dull weeds...

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