It is a very surprising thing to find a down-and-out young man here.

Looking at An Yilun who was bowing in front of her with blue eyes, Rachel always had an uncomfortable feeling in her heart, a feeling that made goosebumps protrude on her back, and her arms exposed to the air in the short sleeves felt cold. uncomfortable.

It was the disgust conveyed to her by this sixth sense that made Rachel keep backing away.

I'm obviously apologizing, but this feeling is disgusting...

Rubbing her left arm, Rachel pursed her lips.

"I gotta go……"

After finishing speaking, she turned her head and trotted away, trying to escape from this gloomy alley, and she didn't want to say more to the other party even if it was a word.


Ruijier's footsteps stopped suddenly, and then a painful expression appeared on her face. There was no other reason. It was because An Yilun, who had bowed and apologized just now, also grabbed her shoulders. Can't break free.

"I'm apologizing, apologizing! Listen to me, bastard!!!"

His drooping head suddenly lifted up, his bloodshot eyes widened, his face twisted into a ball, and the anger that came from unknown made him roar out heart-piercingly.

The hand on the shoulder was getting stronger and stronger, and Rachel began to use her own hand to break An Yilunye's palm, but everything seemed to be in vain, and the hand on the shoulder remained motionless.

It spread up like a vine, wrapping around her shoulders.

"Run? Why run? Don't you know it's very rude?!"

"let me go……"

"Let go, where are you going? You can't go anywhere!"

Under the distorted face, a sense of joy was undisguised, his disguise was completely torn, and his eyes became wild, "You were with him that day, you must know... you, you are all Those who collude with others are all guilty!!"

"You secretly photographed Ah Feng, you deserve it."

"You say it again!"

Ruijier's words seemed to hit An Yilunye's sore spot. He waved his hand and slapped Ruijier's face. The pain and impact on his face made Ruijier quite confused. .

"It's all of you, you made me like this, everyone's eyes changed when they saw me, even they... they didn't want to answer my phone calls, even ignored me, and let me be tortured by those thugs , None of you are innocent!"

Throwing Ruijier to the ground, An Yilun also fumbled in his backpack and took out a pocket knife.

Seeing this, Rachel's pupils dilated.

"That is……"

She saw some dried blood on the pocket knife, a dark brown patch that looked a bit oozing.

"Are you afraid? Are you afraid?! Hahaha."

An Yilun who was holding a jackknife also became crazy, "It belongs to a passer-by. I asked him to give it to me but he refused to give it to me, so in the end I had to snatch it. See if you see it, this is the symbol of a man! "

Saying that, An Yilun also rolled up the sleeve on his arm, where there was a circle of yellow gauze, and there were still bloodstains on it.

"Ah Feng is right, you are a lunatic."

"He called me a lunatic? Is he worthy of calling me a lunatic? Oh yes." His face changed, "I am a lunatic, and I will kill you all! First you, then they who abandoned me, and finally It's Chen Feng and those other women, I will kill them all!"

Rachel moved back, and a nervous look appeared on her face.

The person in front of me is no longer normal, whether it is his speech or behavior, he has become another person. Although he was a little gloomy when we met that day, it will not become like this. In the middle of these days, it happened again What's the matter?

"I will record a video, then cut off your hands and feet, then cut off your flesh piece by piece, and finally send the video to him. Hahahaha, I really don't know what the guy who saw this video will look like I'm very angry, I'm sure I will be very angry..."

Before he finished speaking, Rachel got up quickly and started to run away. She stumbled and just wanted to get out of this alley as soon as possible. As soon as she got outside, he probably wouldn't chase her anymore, right?

Seeing that Ruijier started running away, An Yilun was also taken aback for a moment, and then started chasing after him with a knife in his hand, but Ruijier is generally just a girl, and she is not very old, and An Yilun is also like this Adult males chased after each other, and the distance between the two was constantly shrinking.

"Run, I want to see where you can run!"


We're coming to the alley, we're going out!

Rachel rushed out of the alley and came to the street outside. Many passers-by saw Rachel running out of the alley nervously, and they were full of doubts, but within a few seconds, they saw A dirty young man with a backpack on his back also ran out from inside, and there was still dried blood on the knife!

No one could calm down now, passers-by started to flee one after another.

Ruijier's guess was wrong. She originally would not chase An Yilun after she came outside, but she never thought that this man was so crazy that he actually chased him with a knife in public.

Ever since, a chase scene was staged on this commercial street. Some passers-by reacted and ran away and did not dare to stand in between the two, and some did not realize that An Yilun, who was being chased more and more anxiously, directly stabbed him. The thorn fell to the ground.

"The police...the police come here quickly. There is a young man here who committed a murder with a knife on the street. Many people were injured! Location? In XXX."

Some passers-by have already pulled out their mobile phones and started to call the police. The police on the phone heard that someone was committing an attack with a knife on the street, and someone was even injured. What a terrible and dangerous incident, so they hurriedly asked the address and prepared to call the police .

Ruijier's physical strength was still a little weak, and An Yilun who was behind also caught up and overthrew her from behind.


Unsteady, she fell directly to the ground, and her knees hurt even more.

" can't run anymore? Hehe."


The jackknife pierced Rachel's side face, making a crisp crashing sound. The sound was not pleasant, but it still made Rachel's heart beat violently.

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