"Hey~" Komachi closed one eye, sticking out her tongue from her small mouth, trying to get away with it.

"Okay, okay." Hikigu Hachiman looked helpless. To be honest, he was not worried about his sister going to such a far place alone, and even passed through the forest on the way. What should I do in case of danger?

Originally, there was only one younger sister in the family who could talk to him, and he didn't want any accidents to happen to his younger sister.

"What about Ray Sauce?"

"Huh? Well... If Ah Feng goes, I will go too."

The team going to the shrine expanded to 3 people at once, and I don’t have to go alone, and I can also tell everyone the story told by Miss Miko. Sharing has always been a very interesting thing, people who are willing to share You can also find a lot of happiness in life that others can't get.

He said he would invite everyone to eat finger candy, but in the end Hikigu Hachiman still had a wave of blood, and asked everyone to go to a nearby snack bar to buy a takoyaki by himself. Naturally, Yukino, Chen Feng and others didn't mind others asking themselves to eat Takoyaki, so I accepted the thanks as a matter of course.

This can be regarded as being repaid.

On Wednesday, during the entrance ceremony held by freshmen in the first year of high school, Rui Jier, who was the most outstanding student, was selected as the representative of the freshmen in the first year of high school to speak on stage, not to mention how enthusiastic the audience was.

The boys were all enthusiastic, and their eyes were about to glow green when they looked at the stage.Some people have even started bragging to the people next to them that they will definitely catch up with this lovely girl.

But their dreams ended shortly after noon that day.

There was no other reason, it was Rui Jier who rejected countless boys' lunch invitations and went to eat with Chen Feng and the Nakano sisters.

In the beginning, some freshmen who were not afraid of tigers sneaked into the "forbidden area" of the school to check the situation, but they were stopped by a senior senior who was on duty here.

"How many of you are dying?"

"We were just wandering around the school, how could we not die?"

The more courageous freshmen refuted the words of their seniors. They didn't know a series of unspoken rules of Sobu High, and they didn't know that the most beautiful garden of Sobu High was a forbidden area that even the teachers dared not enter during lunch. '!

"The grown-up is eating in there now. I'm afraid you would have to go to the hospital just after entering school."

"Who is so awesome? This is a school, and you will be fined if you beat someone up."

"The person who dared to punish that lord hasn't appeared yet. You'd better understand the situation before speaking, and be careful not to let the trouble come out of your mouth..." The senior looked disdainful, "Beating people? That lord beats people is still rare Is it? Even the teacher has been beaten, and the disciplinary committee will take a detour when they see that adult. Don't get too caught up... Oh, that adult has come out."

A large group of people looked at Chen Feng who came out of the small garden, and then saw Chen Feng lighting a cigarette in full view, and started smoking there on his own.

"Someone from the Disciplinary Committee is here, he is dead!"

Someone in the crowd whispered something so quietly, and everyone seemed to be waiting for a good show to be staged.

They waited right, and the good show was indeed staged.

Two third-grade disciplinary committee members were still on routine patrol. They saw Chen Feng leaning against a palm tree smoking a cigarette from a long distance away, so they squatted down and started to tie their shoelaces. This tie lasts five minutes .

Almost at the same time as Chen Feng finished smoking, the two discipline inspection committee members tied their shoelaces and stood up.

Logically speaking, their patrol route was straight, but Chen Feng stood there, and they didn't dare to go there at all, so they had to go around in a big circle, trying to leave from a distance.

It's sizzling!

Chen Feng took out a can of beer and pulled off the buckle, and the Disciplinary Committee ignored him while drinking and playing with his mobile phone.


One of the freshmen ran to the side of the two discipline committee members, pointed at Chen Feng and said:

"There are students smoking, drinking, and playing with mobile phones there. It's a violation of the rules. Go and clean him up."

"Where? Why didn't I see it?"


The freshman pointed at Chen Feng.

"Ah? What are you talking about? Why can't I hear clearly? If you say Abaaba again, it will delay our inspection and be careful to remember your name!"

Another member of the Disciplinary Committee scolded in a low voice, especially when Chen Feng heard the movement and looked this way, the two directly lowered their heads, walked around the freshmen in front of them and left here quickly.

The freshmen were stunned and couldn't believe their eyes and ears.

The disciplinary committee completely ignored his phone and the beer in his hand?Why did those villains suddenly change their sex?

"Oh, look, let me just say, don't mess with him. I'm off work, slipped away, and went to the cafeteria to eat."

The senior senior smiled slightly, leaving a chic back view for all the freshmen.

After they left, some of the freshmen were more irritable, and they just rolled up their sleeves and walked towards Chen Feng.

"I don't believe that someone is so scary. I want to see what kind of monster it is."

He firmly walked towards Chen Feng.

Looking at the student in front of him with a straight face and a fierce face, Chen Feng was stunned for a moment.

"Student, what are you doing?"

"Why do you smoke, drink and play with your mobile phone here? Don't you know it's against school rules?"

"Are you the Disciplinary Committee?" Chen Feng frowned.

"No... not!"

"Then what about your horse?"

"How can you curse people!"

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