Hearing the other party's rebuttal, Chen Feng thought for a while, and thought that this might be a freshman who just entered school, and he was not interested in haggling with the other party, so he walked towards the small courtyard without paying attention.

He was afraid. He was afraid.

The freshman sent a provocative expression to the group of people behind him, and then followed closely behind Chen Feng.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Chen Feng stopped in his tracks.

"Do you have goldfish?"

"Huh? What goldfish?"

"Aren't you a goldfish in your head?"

The freshman thought for a long time before reacting suddenly.

"Are you calling me crazy?!"

"My friend is eating inside, and there is no place inside."

"I'm not here for dinner, I'm here to see classmate Rachel."


Chen Feng narrowed his eyes, "Why are you looking for Ray?"

The freshman suddenly felt chills on his back, and an inexplicable sense of crisis came from his heart.

Swallowing, he plucked up his courage and said, "I'm pursuing her. For a man as outstanding as me, only I am worthy of classmate Rachel!"

"Really? Then I'll take you to ask Ray, if she thinks otherwise...hehe."

The rest of the freshmen were still pondering in the distance whether they should go in and have a look. When they thought of the guy's eyes just now, they felt uncomfortable, and they always felt that they were inferior.

Some people knew that freshman, and they heard that he was a special student who entered Zongwu High School through his sports majors, so he was also relatively strong. They couldn't bear to be ridiculed by such a reckless man.So after discussing, one by one mustered up the courage to stride towards the small yard.

But just when they were halfway there, Chen Feng came out with a black face and a man with a bruised nose, a swollen face, crooked limbs, and clothes soaked in blood.

Chen Feng glanced at the new faces outside the small courtyard, and threw the person in his hand to the ground.

"Are you together?"

"Ah no no no."

Everyone frantically denied it.

"Oh, then call the ambulance for this guy who almost sent a gray-haired man to a black-haired man."

Someone just made a move, and Chen Feng suddenly made a sound.

"Are you all freshmen?"


Seeing the bloody scene in front of them, everyone was terrified.

"Then let me talk about what happened just now." Chen Feng pointed to the unconscious freshman on the ground, "He said he was the most worthy of Ray, and then I took him to ask carefully, so I got No answer."

After saying this, Chen Feng walked back to the small courtyard without looking back.

These freshmen understand a little bit why the Disciplinary Committee suddenly lost their sight and deafness, and they also know why the senior warned them not to approach this place.

Glancing at the reckless classmate who had his limbs broken on the ground, they felt that it would be better for them to listen to their seniors and sisters in the future...

Chapter 3 Ingenious fate, we can still meet at this moment

The golden sun hangs down from the sky, like a slender moor of dust, the blue and white harmonize the calm and monotonous sea surface, making them finally blend together.

This was the first cloudless Saturday after spring, and Chen Feng was also invited to accompany Komachi to the place called Yingyue Shrine to make a wish.

In the park where we met, Hexi's light spots were filtered by layers of leaves, and leaked onto a man and a woman under the tree, as if wearing a golden coat, which was extremely dazzling.

In such weather, Chen Feng was still wearing a pair of overalls and a jacket that seemed to have many pockets, leading Rachel, who was licking ice cream, from not far away.

"Senior's side—!"

Komachi was the first to spot the two of them, so he waved his hands with a smile on his face, his whole body brimming with inexhaustible firepower, probably like this in youth.

Sensing Komachi's voice beside him, Hikiya Hachiman, who was playing with his mobile phone with his head down, raised his head and nodded slightly towards Chen Feng.

"Good morning, Senior Chen Feng."

In fact, he didn't really dare to call Chen Feng by his full name, but after much deliberation, he couldn't find a suitable address, so he used the word 'senior'.

In fact, the most important point is that he feels that Chen Feng is exceptionally mature in many things. That maturity is not the comfort he found in his solitude, but a way of thinking that is more similar to a high-level person.

Under Hikigaya Hachiman's observation, it was really difficult for him to figure out Chen Feng's thoughts like he could guess through his peers. There must be a lot to do in the future.

This is the judgment of a lonely person, and it is also what his sixth sense vaguely tells him.

Chen Feng doesn't care much about what other people call him. As long as he can understand the meaning of the code name, there is no problem. Just like language, if the language is so complicated that only a few people can listen, speak, read and write , doesn't it violate the real purpose of language?

Language is a great invention.

As for Komachi's older brother, Chen Feng has a pretty good sense. He waved friendlyly, opened the bag in his hand, and walked in front of the two of them.

"I bought some water and food in the supermarket in front of my house. Each of you can take one."

"Is this soda?"

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