Sitting in the transparent private elevator, Ms. Kato said: Is Mr. Weird a rich second generation? "

"This is the money Ah Feng earned."

Rachel was the first to jump out and explain: "Feng is busy with work every day and is always very tired."

Rubbing the little girl's head, Chen Feng said:

"I bought the food after delivering it for a long time under the relationship of a friend. I spent all my savings."

"That is also a manifestation of ability."

Miss Kato said: "It can be seen that Mr. Weird is super busy."

She narrowed her eyes and cracked a smile.

"Last time, I dragged a big bag. Mr. Weird can be said to be the delivery guy who delivers the most orders at one time."

"The strength is relatively strong, so you can make more use of your own advantages. Come in."

Opening the door, Chen Feng led Kato Megumi into his home.


As soon as he walked in, the little horned owl who was sleeping on the coffee table suddenly woke up, fluttered its wings and flew to Chen Feng's shoulder, watching curiously as his master brought back a girl he had never seen before.


"Come here with tea eggs, I'll give you meat strips."

Rachel hugged the reluctant little horned owl and took it aside to feed it.

"Is this Mr. Weird's pet?"

Miss Kato tilted her head.

"I picked it up, I had already trained my hunting ability and was going to put it back in the forest, but after releasing it several times, it would come back by itself, and every time I came back with some weird things in its mouth... I guess I thought I was angry. It died, and later found that Rachel liked it very much, so I simply went through the formalities and kept it at home."

When Chen Feng said it, his face was complicated. Who knew that the horned owl came back with a vole, rabbit, fox, etc. at that time. The worst time was that the little horned owl directly grabbed the head of a young deer that had just been hunted and died, as if It was showing off in front of him like a trophy, making him dumbfounded.

Chapter 6 Komachi's sleepy dream

"It feels like it's the first time I've been in such a spacious room."

Ms. Kato looked around and said with emotion: "Mr. Weird usually cooks at home by himself?"

"Sometimes I do it, but when I go out to work, Rachel will make something to eat by herself." Chen Feng handed a pair of disposable slippers to Kato Megumi.

Ms. Kato, who was changing shoes, looked at the shoes on the shoe cabinet, and there seemed to be a pair of relatively large ladies' slippers...

"Won't it be very hard?"

She looked back and asked.

"It's okay, I felt really tired at first, but after I gradually got used to it, it was acceptable."

When he just accepted the task of delivering food on the battlefield, he ran to the front line every day under tremendous pressure. Not to mention anything else, he made many dishes by himself, and he had to deliver them in the end. The amount of this task is definitely not enough Most people can bear it.

So occasionally seeing that the store is busy, he will take the initiative to help out in the back kitchen, which can be regarded as buying some time for customers to eat.

He has practiced his cooking skills for so long, so the taste is not bad, at least he has never heard anyone comment that his cooking is bad.

"That... Mr. Weird, where is the kitchen? I can't find it."

Carrying a bag of vegetables and packaged meat, Ms. Kato asked.

"Go in from here and turn right."


Walking along the place guided by Chen Feng, Ms. Kato walked into the kitchen of Chen Feng's house.

After a brief observation, the kitchen here is divided into two layers, inside and outside. The outside is a wall of kitchen utensils, and the front is a peninsula-shaped island with a width of about 7 meters. In the other kitchen, the decoration and layout inside seem to be used for Chinese food, while the outside seems to be used for Western food, so the environment does not need to pay too much attention to dealing with oily fumes.

Blinking her black eyes, Ms. Kato walked into the room and began to disassemble the packaged salmon meat.

These fish are tender and delicate, after all, they are also high-end products that Ruijier expressed his desire to eat, and Chen Feng bought them directly with a wave of his hand.

"It's so expensive."

Ms. Kato has been learning cooking from her mother since she was in junior high school. Until now, she can go into the kitchen more or less often at home to help the family cook together. The kitchen is a familiar place.


Ms. Kato frowned slightly. It was her first time here, and she couldn't find where many seasonings and the like were placed.

At this moment, Chen Feng walked in wearing slippers.

"There are a lot of things, I'm here to help."

It sounds like an undeniable tone...

But Ms. Kato did not refuse, but nodded.

"Then please."

Turning back the time for an hour, Yang Nai was sitting in the office with a tired face, pinching his eye sockets with jade-like fingers, trying to reduce eye fatigue by this method.

This period of time is almost exhausting her. Since last month, some companies have put their dirty hands and feet into Chiba, trying to take a piece of the real estate industry and the biotechnology industry from her.

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