In the beginning, everyone still competed openly, but later on, all kinds of dirty methods were used. Although the other party was just testing the waters and did not really want to fight her to the end, for the sake of conservatism, she still mentioned ten things. Two-pointed spirit to deal with this crisis.

She had been following the bodyguards when she went out for a long time, for fear that the other party would really use some dangerous means to her like a crazy person.

Fortunately, all of this finally came to an end today. The other party felt that she was really angry. If she didn't stop, she would be playing for real, so they shrank back one by one, leaving only one here. Shell companies.

Well, she also wrote an internship report today, after all, this report has to play a vital role in graduating from college.

After tidying up her things, she can continue to become the boss of Moyu again.

"go home!"

Calling his driver, Yang Nai got in the car and prepared to go home.

On the way, she remembered something, took out her mobile phone and looked at a number on it hesitantly, and it took a long time before she clicked to dial.

The phone rang twice and was connected.

"Good evening, Xiaoyang, what can you do for me?"

There was still the faint sound of running water on the phone.

"Good evening, Mrs. Sayuri, this call is to thank you for your help."

"Really? Please wait for me to wipe my hair."

A rustling voice rang on the phone, and after a while, Sayuri said refreshedly:

"Thank you? Didn't I do anything?"

"Last time about the high school student, I originally thought I would deal with it myself, but later I learned that the case had been closed, so I was curious, so I checked a little and found that it was the person you asked. Thank you for coming late, I hope you Don't mind, the company has encountered too many things recently..."

"Oh—" Sayuri elongated her voice, and then smiled, "Actually, it's nothing. I will do this kind of thing sooner or later, but this time it's a little earlier."

"Ma'am, do you know each other?"

"Lunye's child and Yinglili are classmates, and they have known each other since elementary school." Saiduri lowered her voice a little, "That child came to our house at the beginning, and it doesn't feel bad, maybe we can have a common topic with Yinglili , it’s just that they quarreled later, and it’s already high school when they meet again later.”

Yang Nai frowned, feeling as if something had been put together inexplicably.

"I don't know what that child went through. Later, the whole person changed. It was the same for me, and it was the same for Ying Lili. So I think, it may be that Lunye's child was stimulated by something. In order to make Ying Lili grow a little A little older, to be honest, my mother can't stay with her all my life, so I didn't stop the two of them from contacting. I'm not interested in investigating the process in the middle, but someone told me, and the Nakano family also intervened? "

Wrapped in a bath towel, Sayuri sat in front of the dressing table with her legs crossed, and said with a smile on her lips, "This really surprised me."

"Ahem, that person named An Yilun had some conflicts with me, Xiaofeng, and the children of the Nakano family one night, probably because of this."

"So that's the case, then it's no wonder..." Sayuri smacked her lips after hearing this.

"I'll treat you to dinner another day, I hope I didn't disturb you."

"Don't bother. In fact, it seems that Xiao Yangnai hasn't come to the house for a long time, right? Take some time to come and sit."

"Yes, I will."

Then Yang Nai exchanged some pleasantries before hanging up the phone.

"Miss, here we are."

At this time, the car had already driven into the parking lot of the community, and Yang Nai got out of the car under the protection of the four seasons.

Touching his flat stomach, Yang Nai rolled his big eyes twice.

"It's better to go to Xiaofeng's for dinner. Oh no, it should be supper now."

Because of the authority of Chen Feng's elevator and the fingerprints of Chen Feng's room card and door lock, Yang Nai came to Chen Feng's house unimpeded all the way.

As soon as she opened the door, she smelled the aroma of food.

"Xiaofeng~I'm coming~"

After changing her own slippers, Yang Nai ran to the kitchen crackling.

As soon as she came in, she saw three pairs of eyes looking at her.


Yang Nai was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Chen Feng who was continuing to eat, and then at Miss Kato who was looking at her suspiciously while holding a bowl, and immediately began to wipe away her non-existent tears, "Woooooo... Xiaofeng finally got the hang of it, and knew to bring girls home, sister, I thought Xiaofeng would continue to be a straight man, and he wouldn't have any relationship with girls..."

"If you want to make money, just say it, don't do those fancy things."

Chen Feng glared at Yang Nai, and pointed to the vacant seat.

"Hey, it's been discovered."

"It's as if you won't come to eat someday."

Sitting next to Chen Feng, Yang Nai made a bowl of miso soup by himself, sat on the chair with his arms crossed on the table.

"Aren't you going to introduce a new friend?"

"Megumi Kato, a friend I met by accident."

"Hello, Xiaohui, my name is Yukinoshita Yono, and I belong to Xiaofeng's... elder sister—neighbor~"

What is a sister neighbor...

Chen Feng ate his meal and didn't bother to take care of Yang Nai.

"Hi, sister Yangno, I'm Megumi Kato, I'm Mr. Weird, whom I met at the mall last year."

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