"Immortal River Library? What the hell, I've never heard of it."

Just at this time, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, and the sound of the teacher on the podium lecturing stopped abruptly. After the announcement of "get out of class end", he rushed out of the classroom as if avoiding the plague.

Chen Feng was still thinking about whether the Undead Chuan Library was reliable or not. He was relatively short of money recently, and the conditions promised by the above were still acceptable.

Designing peripherals or making limited edition figures for Bunko's animation author, he can take 60% of the profit, and Bunko will also give him a part of the promotion fee according to the traffic attracted by his fame, and even willing to be responsible for The peripheral design and production company gave him 30% of the shares...

Seems to be treated well.

It's not that Chen Feng hasn't seen similar discussions on the Internet. An animation author can only get 2-3% of the money from peripheral products, and the rest is mostly paid by the production company and the publishing house. Eat up, even if the TV station purchases the use fee, the author can never get more than 4% of the money.

Is it really reasonable for this library to give itself such a high share?

Chen Feng couldn't help thinking, no, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the other party was a liar. How could a capitalist take the initiative to give away such a statement?

Curling his lips in disgust, Chen Feng put the phone flat on the table. At this moment, he suddenly smelled a faint fragrance.

Turning her head away, Xue Nai was standing beside him with her hips akimbo.

Well... Sure enough, it's here...

"Did you always play with your mobile phone in the first grade?"

Unexpectedly, Xue Nai's tone was not very severe, which really surprised Chen Feng.

Xue Nai frowned.

"What kind of eyes do you have? I'm not a big villain who fights against you every day. I just persuade you a little bit, and I don't have to force you to do something."

"Okay." Chen Feng spread his hands helplessly, "Generally speaking, I only listen to the ancient Chinese class, and the other classes are too simple and sound sleepy."

"That's really impossible."

Looking at Xue Nai's worried look, Chen Feng knew that she must have something to say.

"Tell me, what else do you want?"

"I... I don't have anything to do... I just came here to take a look."

"Is it all right?"

Chen Feng stared at her face, and as Xue Nai's face became redder and redder, she suddenly said:

"I know your grades in ancient prose are not very good. Didn't you find any method that suits you when you were learning ancient prose?"

"Is there any way to do this thing... Isn't it just to memorize it? It's been almost a year since I recited it, and I know a little bit of knowledge, but I still can't get full marks."

Xue Nai's mouth twitched when she heard this.

"Please talk normally."

"It's disgusting to learn."

The break between classes was not long, so the bell rang very quickly. Xue Nai looked up at the classroom door, took out a thick notebook from behind and put it on Chen Feng's desk, and said before leaving:

"This is my ancient prose note, remember to return it to me after copying it, and don't damage it."

After finishing speaking, he returned to his seat with a handsome back.

He left in a hurry, as if leaving no trace.

Because there is no ancient Chinese class on Monday morning, this became Chen Feng's rest and entertainment time. When he was tired of reading private messages, he took out a lot of Bucky balls and Bucky blocks from his schoolbag and put them together on his desk. Takes up [-] percent of his backpack.

But he seemed to be having a good time.

When the last get out of class was over, the English teacher on the podium found that there was a Château de Chambord in the Loire River on Chen Feng's desktop. He was so dumbfounded that he even forgot to mention it when the get out of class was over.

Hiratsuka seemed to have something to do with Yukino, so she left the classroom after class and went to find Hiratsuka, while Chen Feng walked down the teaching building as usual to find Nakano sisters for lunch.

By the way, because of the admission of Komachi and Rachel, the two also joined together.

However, just as he was going downstairs, he suddenly felt something hit him from behind...

Chapter 8 If you can't find it, I can help you find it

In the most ancient times, human intuition was a necessary tool to help human beings survive in the dangerous nature, and it is also an extremely effective tool. Whether it is to deal with emergencies or dangers, our intuition can be very effective Help us to respond ahead of time.

Well, except for the trained ones.

Chen Feng's walking posture has always been very straight because of his previous occupation. Although he doesn't look very strong, his height of [-] meters and his upright walking posture can immediately reveal his temperament.

His stress response has improved a lot compared to when he first came to this world, but he still can't control it at certain times, but luckily he managed it this time.

Almost feeling the change in the airflow behind him, Chen Feng twisted his right foot, turned around and retreated towards the third staircase behind him. See what's going on behind your back.

Among the many students, he was the only one who could react, and the rest dared not approach him with terrified faces.

Turning around, Chen Feng finally saw clearly what was happening behind him. A flaxen-haired girl was holding a pile of documents, probably because the pile of documents was too high to see the road ahead clearly, resulting in slipped and fell.

I sighed silently in my heart, why are young people nowadays so impetuous, if they can’t finish moving once, then move twice, falling down nearly 20 steps will not be a minor injury.

The girl also found that her right foot was in the air, her body center of gravity lost its balance in an instant, and she fell backwards, and her two legs just stretched out to the position where Chen Feng was standing just now. If he hadn't reacted just now, he should be caught Hit.

But he is not going to be kicked directly, Chen Feng thinks that his footing is quite stable.

Chen Feng kicked on the ground suddenly, and his right foot instantly stepped up the stairs from the side like a hurdler. He clearly saw the extremely flustered expression of the girl hanging in mid-air, and the documents in her hand were opened. Flowers scattered in the air.


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