The girl didn't fall, let alone rolled down the stairs, but was caught by Chen Feng...


That's right, Chen Feng pinched the girl's not-so-big face directly, and caught her whole body's falling force. Even so, her legs and hands still touched the ground.

The atmosphere instantly became awkward.

"It hurts... it hurts..."

Under the palm of his hand, the girl's humming came intermittently, while Chen Feng grabbed the girl's collar with another hand and straightened her up again.

"well enough?"

Looking at the girl grinning her teeth and the red palm prints on the girl's face, Chen Feng coughed twice and asked.

"Apart from the pain in the face, everything is fine... ah!"

The flaxen-haired girl saw the expressionless Chen Feng in front of her, and she was startled like a ghost, but this reaction was within Chen Feng's expectations. In this school, unless it was his acquaintance, Otherwise, other students would be scared to death when they looked up and saw him.

"Yeah." Chen Feng nodded, and said: "Be careful next time you walk, it's not a joke to fall down such a high staircase, haven't you seen the news about someone being killed like this?"


"Moving things that can't be finished at one time will not make you tired. If you are diligent, you will be tired, and the slackers will be crushed."

After saying this, Chen Feng didn't want to stand here and block the trembling students who dared not go downstairs, so he planned to leave directly.

Halfway through, he remembered something, and his eyes fixed on a few unlucky ones.

"You guys, help her pick up things, do you hear me?"

"Ah... yes! Senior!"

The student pointed out by Chen Feng immediately tensed up, not daring to say a word of rebuttal.

"People who go downstairs should be careful, don't step on other people's things, pay attention to quality."


Everyone on the first floor heard the shaking sound coming from the left staircase.

Nodding in satisfaction, Chen Feng went to have dinner with Sister Nakano contentedly. He is now thinking about something about Yihua, and he is not interested in wasting time here.

Due to the sudden incident, the students in front had already run away, but the students behind did not dare to go in front of Chen Feng, so the stairway instantly became empty, and he walked down unimpeded.

The students who were named began to help the girl pick up the A4 papers that were printed with various words and groups on the ground. Many people only found out that the girl seemed to be the new student president after Chen Feng left? !

That's a good feeling, as soon as the people behind rushed up, in less than [-] seconds, all the materials scattered on the ground were picked up completely and returned to the flaxen girl's hands.

"Thank... thank you all."

The girl withdrew her gaze from the direction where Chen Feng left, with a vibrant smile on her face.

"President Isshiki, can I help you move things there?"

A winking student rushed up and said.

"no, I'm fine."

"Oh, you don't have to be polite, President. Come on, let's help you move together. Where do you want to move? You don't need to go, we just go there."

A group of boys showed courteousness, one by one like wolves and tigers, it was like fighting for a girlfriend.

Of course, they didn't actually mean that, they were just afraid that the girl in front of them would fall down again, wouldn't they be beaten up by that adult?

Waste a little time to avoid a beating, this principle has been engraved in their "Zongwu Gao Survival Rules".

The name of an office was spoken out of the mouth, and these boys took the documents and ran away one by one, and order was restored in the stairwell.

Yishishiyu, a second-year student, the student council president-elect of this year, is one of the well-known figures in Sobu High School, but even though she has many friends, she doesn't have any close friends with her. She is just a The choice I made in order to allow myself to have a more stable and pleasant environment in Zongwu Gaoneng.

"Chen Feng... Senior?"

Originally, the two were students in the same grade, but due to the large gap between Chen Feng's knowledge level and the students of the same grade, Zongwu High made an exception and skipped a grade. This is no secret in the whole school.

Some people look forward to Chen Feng graduating and leaving as soon as possible, and some people admire such a person with strong military force and peak academic performance...

It just so happens that Yi Caiyu is the second type of person.

Since the first half of the year, she has been hearing that Chen Feng hit someone again, who was beaten by Chen Feng and sent to the hospital because of something, which teacher was crying because he forgot to say hello when he saw Chen Feng.

She had heard similar rumors countless times!

But after the monthly exam results of the first semester came out, everyone was surprised by Chen Feng's extremely exaggerated grades. They thought that Chen Feng's academic performance should be at the bottom, but they didn't expect that he would not only enter the top [-] Name, even the first in this grade, the first in rolling style!

She has also passed by Chen Feng countless times, but every time she sees a large group of girls around him, Yi Caiyu is too embarrassed to take the initiative to talk to him, because all kinds of rumors that are embellished and embellished have caused her many times. hesitated.

This morning, she took a business leave to deal with some work of the student union's recent freshman enrollment, and happened to pass by Chen Feng's class, so she looked inside curiously, and found that 'Zongwu Gao Xuenv' was flirting with him, this The more she thought about the scene, the weirder she got, so much so that she slipped on the stairs and fell from the top just now.

What a shame...

Her cheeks were slightly flushed, and when she thought about how many people had witnessed her embarrassing scene before, she wanted to find a way to slip in.


Yishiyu bit her lip.

That senior doesn't seem to be as scary as the rumors say...

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