Xue Nai's expression was flat, and she didn't show any weird features. She just simply asked, or it would be more appropriate to say that she was polite.

"That's it."

Taking back the phone, Chen Feng remembered that he had promised Yihua to keep her secret. As a "former mercenary" with extremely professional ethics, Chen Feng valued his credit very much, just like sometimes he said to help I will definitely help, sometimes if I say hit you, I will definitely punch you in the next second, and the credit level is undoubtedly max!

"For some confidential reasons, I can't explain it to you, but it's very important anyway."

In fact, he still admires Yihua's pursuit. As a young lady, he does not have the desire to become a so-called vase. Instead, he hopes that he can obtain independent financial qualifications. Although he only relies on part-time jobs to learn acting well It is very difficult, and the whole process will become extremely difficult.On the contrary, if she is willing to tell her father, Nakano Maruo, the nature of this matter will change fundamentally.

Chen Feng met Nakano Maruo a few times, and the two of them chatted a little bit. He is quite accurate in judging people. Nakano Maruo really loves his five daughters, even though these five daughters have nothing to do with him at all. Blood relationship, he also tried his best to protect them and fulfill his duty as a father.

I believe that as long as Yihua tells Nakano Maruo her thoughts, she will get the best quality resources for training in the shortest possible time, and the most extensive and safest contacts to gain her position in the entertainment industry, but she did not do this , but chose self-reliance.

When he was tutoring the five sisters, he asked Yihua alone about this matter. At that time, Yihua gave him the answer

——Dad is Dad, and I am me. Dad’s things are obtained by Dad with his own efforts. He has suffered a lot, and I want to be like him!

Strong may not be enough to describe this girl, she already has the corresponding consciousness, even if this consciousness will be evaluated by many unrelated passers-by as "proud and indifferent with a background" and "little bourgeois chant without illness".

Sometimes you should also think about it, if you sit on this chair, can you do this?

Human beings are always easy to morally accuse others, and prefer to believe that others are a simple bad person, while themselves are a passing, complicated good person.

A moral double standard slowly emerges,

While looking at others, you will be unintentionally influenced by your own position. Knowing yourself is the most difficult thing.

You have resources but don’t use them, you have abilities but you don’t use them, you don’t help others when they’re in trouble, and you blame others for not helping yourself when you’re in trouble.

Humans are indeed complex creatures.

Some people will jokingly say that the rich are always rich for three generations, but if every so-called "rich second generation" has such a willingness to work hard for self-improvement, will this family decline so easily?

Obviously difficult.

Yihua's ideas are very mature. Although there are some flaws in the middle, she can also do better, but I have to say that this kind of thinking is not possessed by many people in this age group. She should not be condemned, but this kind of thinking The practice is also not worth advocating.

"Is that so..."

Xue Nai resentfully said, "Does sister know?"

"Ah? Yang Nai doesn't know, this matter was only confirmed today."

"In short... pay attention to your body."

"Wait a minute." Chen Feng sensed something was wrong, he bent down, and leaned in front of Xue Nai, "Did you misunderstand something?"

"I...what could I have misunderstood..."

Xue Nai looked away guiltily, but her flushed cheeks had already betrayed her.

Seeing Xue Nai with this appearance, Chen Feng still doesn't know what the other party is thinking, if nothing else, he must be wrong.

But he can't say too much, just simply explained:

"All in all, it's just that it's not an improper relationship. I don't want to start with the people around me."

"Huh..." After hearing Chen Feng's words, Xue Nai was relieved, but her personality suddenly came up again, and she folded her hands and asked, "Does it mean that the ones around you are fine?"

"That's true, I can find someone to fillet the corners."


It is obviously a word of tiger and wolf, but from the expression on Chen Feng's face that should be said, it seems that everything has become logical again. What kind of words can be said from this man's mouth, Xue Nai seems to be getting used to it .

Separated from Xue Nai, Chen Feng began to search for the hotel according to the location information Yihua sent him.

Compared with their respective homes, a place like a hotel does have a relatively quiet environment. In fact, the teaching effect in this kind of place is indeed better, but sometimes it is easy to be misunderstood...

Royal Garden Hotel, an international hotel chain, can be regarded as a luxury hotel. I don’t know why Yihua chose this kind of place. Didn’t it mean that she had to work part-time to pay for the training courses?

With this small question in mind, Chen Feng followed the waiter who led him upstairs to the door of Yihua's room according to the information, and knocked lightly on the door.

dong dong dong.

After a while, Yihua, who was still wearing her school uniform, opened the door. A slim girl opened the hotel door for you, which always gave people a subtle feeling.

"Come on, come on in."

Just like a thief, Yihua dragged Chen Feng into the room.

This is not a very large business room. The floor is covered with a beige carpet, and the surrounding decoration is not bad. From the environment, it can be said to be first-class.

"Why did you book in this kind of place? I think the sign downstairs should be very valuable, right?"

"A...friend helped me, a friend I met in the previous school, she gave me free." Yihua blushed, "Actually, I'm quite embarrassed..."

On the clean and tidy bed, some black peaked caps were randomly thrown on the bed, Chen Feng didn't say much,

"Come on, I didn't have enough time before. Now I need to confirm exactly where your level is, and I also need to look at some of your shortcomings that should be corrected."

"it is good."

Seeing that Chen Feng got straight to the point, Yihua nodded very cheerfully, and she began to take off her coat. After all, wearing a coat will have a certain hindering effect on actions and performance, and it is not easy to be observed.

"If you now have something you want very much, be happy."

Chen Feng asked her the simplest question, and Yihua answered it according to her previous training experience and some of her own practice.

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