She thought she performed pretty well, but Chen Feng frowned.

The atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

"You fell and hurt, it hurts."

Yihua began to perform herself nervously, but was distracted by observing Chen Feng's expression, and her movements were not ideal.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Feng asked Yihua some basic questions, and he pinched his chin and began to meditate.

Chen Feng didn't speak, Yihua stood there nervously like a child who did something wrong and was about to be taught a lesson by the teacher, rubbing his fingers unnaturally at the hem of his clothes.

After a long time, Chen Feng sighed.

"Let me give you an evaluation first, what you do is as worthless as shit."


"The facial muscles of your mouth expressions are not bad, and the emotion substitution is relatively good. These can barely pass the test, but your eyes, you must pay attention to your eyes!"

The serious Chen Feng is a terrifying existence, which Yihua realized very clearly during the month of training, as if there was a mountain on top of her head, she couldn't breathe, and her heartstrings were tense.

"Eyes are the windows to the soul, and they are the key to a performer's ability to convince others. What did I see just now? I saw you were happy, distressed, sad, and painful, but what about your eyes? Nothing changed! "

"Your center of gravity is in the wrong place. When a person can freely control his eyes, no matter how your facial expression changes, the observer will always use the eyes as the standard, and then check your facial expression, primary and secondary It doesn’t matter, it needs to be practiced well.”

Chen Feng tore off a piece of paper and wrote the first reason on it.

"Then there are your micro-movements. Micro-movements are the facilitators that highlight your whole person's words and performance. It can make all your actions persuasive, instead of being dry and lifeless like now."

The expression on his face relaxed, and Chen Feng said slowly: "Now you only need to change these two places, and if you can master these two directions that you are deficient in, you will basically be fine. I'll tell you the question again."

"okay, I get it."

No longer the vitality of the little devil-like character in the past, Yihua nodded very obediently.

"Don't tell me what's there or not. Listen, I'm a lie detector now. Put your hand on my left hand."

Yihua obeyed obediently, while Chen Feng raised Yihua's right hand with his left hand, and his right hand covered the back of Yihua's hand. Yihua felt that Chen Feng's right hand seemed to hold something hard...

"I have a lighter in my hand, the charged kind."


"If you don't have a lesson, you can't learn experience. This thing will only make you uncomfortable, and it won't cause any real harm. Next, I will ask you to answer, as long as I see that you are lying, then I will shock you. "

During the training, Chen Feng has always been in a state of no mercy, as if when he was giving the Nakano sisters physical training, he would kick their buttocks and run.

Yihua felt a little nervous. Of course she knew what Chen Feng said about the lighter. She played with that kind of thing when she was a child. It was really uncomfortable to be shocked, as if she was stung by something.

"What does Sanjiu like to eat?"

"Omurice and cookies."

Not charged.

"Did you ever play with a stick as an artifact when you were young?"



Chen Feng pressed his right hand, followed by Yihua trembling for an instant, trying to pull his hand out of Chen Feng's hand, but was just grabbed.

She blushed, feeling that her dark history might be revealed.

After the electricity flickered for a while, Chen Feng explained:

"When you said this sentence just now, your eyes were slack, your tone was no longer so firm, and it was 2.4 seconds slower than the previous answer. You were thinking about your own lies. Secondly, your shoulders shrugged subconsciously. Then come on."

Time passed slowly, and Yihua's calf began to feel weak. She had been shocked more than 30 times from the beginning to now, but she didn't feel any fear of the lighter in Chen Feng's hand. On the contrary, she was shocked when she was shocked. There is some strange pleasure faintly.

"For the last question, I'll tell you the premise, and then rest for half an hour." Chen Feng still looked the same, and he didn't allow Yihua to move, but let her sit in front of him, "Tell you the premise first. You You are a repairman. You went to A’s house to fix the pipes at 7 o’clock in the evening last Friday. At 7:50, you had an argument with A’s mother B. At 8 o’clock, A received a call and went out. , there are only you and B in the house. You made a mistake when you tested the pipe at 8:20, causing B to be sprayed with water, the two of you wrestled together, you accidentally killed B, and you were carrying B's body When you got to the van downstairs, you were seen by neighbor C, and you stabbed C with a fruit knife. Fortunately, you know that all the surveillance here is broken, and you need to avoid the police’s questioning. Rest first.”

At first, Chen Feng's questions came out alone, but as more and more questions came out, Chen Feng gradually began to use the plot method to let Yihua substitute in, so as to answer these questions in order to achieve the goal.

Some are spies, some are murderers, some are thieves, some are embezzlers...

That's right, Yihua gets the most calls on this kind of plot issue.

Chen Feng let go of Yihua's hand. At this time, Yihua's palm had become a little wet. The moment Chen Feng's hand left her palm, the temperature was adjusted by the air conditioner, but she still felt her palm became cold. An idea of ​​wanting to continue to be held was born...

"That...that, Teacher Chen Feng!"


Chen Feng turned on the TV, and looked suspiciously at Yihua who was biting his lip.

"what happened?"

"Hands are a little numb... and a little cold."

"Ah? Shouldn't it be?"

Chen Feng carefully observed Yihua's expression and found nothing abnormal, so he said:

"Stretch it out and let me have a look."

Chen Feng held Yihua's hand and observed it carefully, and found that it should be the simple sweat evaporation that took away the body surface temperature.

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