"Miss Sayuri?"

"Feng Jun?"

First met in a bar, and then met again in the same hotel in Tokyo a week later, how could the probability be so high...

Not to mention Chen Feng, even Sayuri who was wearing a black printed kimono was slightly surprised.

"Since I'm an acquaintance, I wouldn't have apologized if I knew about it."

"Hehehe, Lord Feng is still as interesting as ever."

Sayuri covered her mouth and smiled, "Did Mr. Feng come to Tokyo to play?"

"Otherwise I can still come to eat?" Chen Feng took out a ticket from his pocket and said, "I was dragged here to see the exhibition."

"Uh... it should be Xiao Yang Nai, right?"

"That's right." Chen Feng nodded, "Then Miss Sayuri, you are here..."

"Coincidentally, I also came to see the exhibition."

Sayuri smiled on her crystal face, showing her white teeth. Under the moonlight, she gave off the feeling of the ultimate oriental beauty. "It may be a bit shy to say it, but I am very interested in the history and characters of the Warring States Period."

Her voice was very soft, but Chen Feng could still hear her every word very clearly.

"Miss Ying Lili accompanied you here?"

"No, the child is probably still working on the manuscript at home, but she doesn't have time to come here with me, not to mention she doesn't like such historical things."

Sayuri shook her head, "Is Xiao Yang in the room?"

"No, I went to the hot spring with the children at home."

"Kid... kid?!"

"It's not that kind of child. It's a relative's child. Something happened to her parents, so I took her to live with me. She should be regarded as a guardian."

"It turned out to be like this. It scared me to death. I thought Lord Feng already had a child."

"How is it possible, am I so casual?"

Chen Feng has black lines all over his head, he always feels that the women around him seem to be more troublesome than one.

"So Mr. Feng should be planning to go out for a walk?"

"Well, it's too boring to stay in the room, come out for a walk."

Sayuri in front of her smiled, and she said, "Why don't we go together, I just bought some wagashi, that store is a century-old store, I can buy these because I ordered two days in advance."


ps: Look, has the sincerity arrived?

Chapter 14 The flowers I saw last time are gone now

Only then did Chen Feng notice that Sayuri was holding a carefully sealed small bag in her hand.

Wagashi, a very traditional Japanese dessert, is a dessert made by wrapping glutinous rice cakes with bean paste, cherry blossom sauce and other fillings. There are many varieties of fruits.

"Is it okay? It should be easy to meet your acquaintances, Ms. Sayuri, in this kind of place, right?"

"What's wrong with that?" She chuckled lightly, "There's nothing wrong with going out for a walk with friends, right?

Chen Feng didn't say it clearly, but he got what he meant from Sayuri very easily. Chen Feng was worried about her reputation.

Chen Feng has not experienced being judged and killed once or twice. Of course, he knows how inexplicably troublesome it is to be misunderstood.

But since Sayuri doesn't mind, he naturally has nothing to mind. One person is shopping, two people are also shopping, the difference is not big.

"it is good."

"Then let's go. At this time, many guests should either soak in hot springs or rest in their rooms. It's a clean night."

Looking up at the night sky, Sayuri sighed with emotion.

This hotel occupies a large area, there are 5 courtyards alone, and it is separated from the open-air pool for hot springs.

The decorations here are quite a style of traditional Japanese architecture. There are light yellow lanterns hanging on the trees, and the leaves are rustling when the wind blows through the yard.

Sayuri carried things and walked on Chen Feng's right hand side, and saw Chen Feng scribbling and drawing something on a small notebook.

"What is Feng Jun doing?"

"Look at the design and architecture here."

"Is it because it's beautiful?"

"No, it's because it feels empty and unsafe here."

Chen Fengtou replied without raising his head, he has not known how long he has developed this habit, but whenever he goes to a place, he will always check in advance what each room here is for, which one is it? Where the trail can go.

It can be regarded as a new way of doing things.

He didn't come alone, and he still needs to be responsible for the safety of Rachel and Yang Nai. Although Yang Nai brought bodyguards, it's still another matter whether these bodyguards will be useful if something happens.

Anyway, he has nothing to do now, so it is not difficult to come out and make preparations.

The purple eyes have been staring at the small book in Chen Feng's hand. This small book is very new, and it seems that it should have been bought not long ago.

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