"I heard from Xiao Yangnai that Lord Feng seems to like to carry notebooks and pens with him, is that just for this?"

"How should I put it... Sometimes I always need to record some information. If I don't have a pen and paper, it will be a lot of trouble. I hate trouble."

Sayuri's two little hands were crossed together, maybe it was because the kimono was too thin, a touch of red slowly appeared on her fair face.

The two of them walked side by side in various courtyards of this hotel. Chen Feng was still remembering the route he had passed, when he suddenly heard exclamations beside him.

"It's so beautiful."

He raised his head, and unknowingly, the two of them came to a yard full of wisteria flowers, where the wisteria flowers were hanging upside down on the arc-shaped support above the head, through the layered lights on the support, the purple wisteria flowers A variety of colors have gradually changed, like an oil painting of a hanging garden, which makes people amazed.

Mingming is not young anymore, but Sayuri opened her arms like a child and trotted under the wisteria flowers, smiling happily...

It was completely different from the extremely forced smile that night. This kind of smile was clean and beautiful, as if he was happy from the bottom of his heart.

This heartless look made Chen Feng think of Komachi, if the child came, he should look like this.

"Feng Jun, look over here."



Chen Feng turned his head, and suddenly a white light flashed in front of his eyes. In an instant, his body tensed up, the pen and notebook in his hand slipped to the ground, and his hand reached into his arms.

"That... Lord Feng?"


Exhaling a breath, Chen Feng knelt down and picked up the paper and pen on the ground.

The flash of light just now really startled him. Chen Feng almost thought that someone had thrown a flash bomb at him. Fortunately, he stopped his action of pulling out his gun and shooting in time, otherwise it would be dangerous.

"Miss Sayuri, please let me know in advance when you take pictures next time."

"Hmm - Mr. Feng doesn't seem to like taking pictures?"

"No, it's just that the flash light is a bit uncomfortable, and it tends to remind me of some bad things."

"Okay~" Sayuri nodded vigorously, then trotted to Chen Feng as if nothing happened, pulled out the photo and handed it to him, "How is it? Isn't it interesting?"

In the photo, Chen Feng turned his head blankly, giving people a cute and cute feeling.

Chen Feng grinned.

"not good."

He returned the phone to Sayuri with a blank expression, and then patted the dust on the notebook.

"Huh?! But I think it's cute."

You care about a middle-aged uncle... No, I don't seem to be that old now, forget it...

Too big a gap between mental age and actual age is sometimes not a good thing. It is obvious that you are facing a person who is ten years older than yourself, but it gives people the illusion that the other party is not as old as you. Those standing were peers, and Chen Feng would sometimes treat them as if they were his own children.


"Actually, it's called Four Seasons Garden."

Sayuri smiled lightly, leaning on the railing on the side and said softly: "The flowers and plants planted in each yard are of the type that will bloom in different seasons, ensuring that customers who come here throughout the year can enjoy beautiful flowers and plants no matter what time of the year. Last time When I came here...it hadn't bloomed yet."

"Isn't the design pretty good?"

"Well, it's a pity that the flowers I saw last time have faded now." Sayuri shook her head and said, "Except for the hot spring area, I have finished shopping now."

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, Sayuri with her long hair lowered her head slightly and held down the blue hair that was blown in front of her.

When the wind stopped, Sayuri blinked.

"Let's eat, there are many of them."

Saying that, Sayuri seemed to hesitate again, "There seems to be no place to sit nearby..."

"You can eat standing up, I don't mind."

"Is this the same way Feng Jun talks to other girls?"

Sayuri asked curiously.

"something wrong?"

"Girls should pay attention to their image. It's not good looking to eat while standing."


Chen Feng frowned slightly. He recalled the time when he drank and ate with other girls. They seemed to be more inclined to find a place where they could sit and eat.

Is this really more elegant?

For him, there is no need to say standing up to eat, even if you let him soak in the cesspit to eat, he can eat normally, but since Sayuri said so, Chen Feng nodded.

"What should I do?"

"Go to my place, it's just not far away, and you can go to drink water or something. Here, it's right there."

Sayuri stretched out her hand from her sleeve, and pointed a finger at a room in the brightly lit accommodation area not far away.


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