His purpose of going out has been fulfilled. Anyway, Yang Nai and Ruijier will not go back for a while, and he is alone in the room, so it is not a bad thing to have someone to talk to.


He felt that Sayuri wanted to talk to him about other things.

Going smoothly, Chen Feng followed Sayuri to the room he reserved.

The price of this room should be cheaper than that booked by Yang Nai. After all, Sayuri came here alone. Since she is alone, it is naturally impossible to book a suite, otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of money?

In the room, the decoration here is similar, but compared to some budget hotels, the decoration here is already very gorgeous.

Sayuri seemed to have brought a lot of things. She made a cup of tea for Chen Feng, and the two sat in front of the tatami, with the wagashi box in front of them.

Before eating it, Chen Feng could smell a sweet aroma, and the shapes of these wagashi were very beautiful.

Sayuri took one and handed it to Chen Feng.

"This store sells 500 wagashi every day. I ordered two days in advance to buy them. I used to eat them when I was young. Even at this age, I still like the taste of this store."

"Miss Sayuri is from Tokyo?"

"That's right. I even went to university in Tokyo. It can be said that I have lived in this city for most of my life."

Sayuri swallowed the wagashi in her hands in small mouthfuls, and Chen Feng didn't speak, and the two of them remained silent for a long time.

"Thank you Feng Jun for the last time, I think I have made a decision."

She lowered her head so that Chen Feng couldn't see the expression on her face clearly, but her tone of voice sounded a little lonely.

But Chen Feng can also understand, after all, there is still a daughter to take care of, Xiaobai is not childless like his previous life, it is his own choice to be alone, his belief of hatred will never allow anything to come destroy.

"Then follow your own ideas."

As an adult, you have the right to think independently and choose independently, but you also have to bear the consequences for your actions accordingly.

She was not as simple as she showed. Chen Feng believed that she would not have thought about it. Now that she had made a choice, Chen Feng would not talk too much.

"Probably after Yinglili's child finishes her exam, I will tell her about it. I hope that child won't be...too sad."

"There is always something to go through. Plants in a greenhouse are hard to survive without shelter. Parents naturally cannot spend their lives with their children. Sometimes it needs to be tempered."

"Pfft..." Sayuri suddenly covered her mouth and smiled, "Those who don't know think that you already have a child, Mr. Feng. You look like an old father, which looks very interesting."

"Do I look so old?"

"Old, it's old."

"It seems that you are not the same." Chen Feng curled his lips, "It's no different from the child in my family when I was in the yard."

"That should be called returning to childlike innocence."

Sayuri emphasized: "I really envy you, Lord Feng."

Her eyes dimmed for a split second.

"It's good to have the ability to live independently, and the same study is also very good. I won't be bound by some external factors in my future. Freedom..."

"Freedom...it's barely free now."

When his mind was full of thoughts of revenge, he only lived for this thought, how could he be free at that time?

He is more afraid of death than anyone else, desires high position more than anyone else, and wants to kill people more than anyone else.

Even if he knew in his heart that the other party had nothing to do with his sister's death, Chen Feng would be overwhelmed by an uncontrollable anger when he saw someone with a similar identity.

Now, maybe I'm free...

"Actually, I'm very curious about Fengjun's past. It shouldn't be as simple as what's written on the paper, right?"

"It's that simple, birth, study, now, that's all."

Sayuri just smiled slightly when she heard it, and it was obvious that she didn't believe Chen Feng's explanation, but she didn't pursue it either.

No one is a natural killer, and no one will kill so many people without any abnormality, just like drinking a glass of water.

She had chatted with Chen Feng many times, but every time the other party gave her the feeling that she didn't look like a young man in his teens at all.On the contrary, he is more like a towering giant tree that has experienced countless wind and rain.

His secretive past... There should be no possibility of opening it up to an insignificant person like himself.

It's as if I took a picture of him with my mobile phone unconsciously before, and his actions at that time... must be self-defense?

He touched his smooth face.

Am I making people feel so insecure?

The two quietly ate the wagashi on the table, and Sayuri was full after eating two or three.

There are 4 wagashi left in the box, Chen Feng pondered for a while and said:

"thanks for treatment."

"It's the concubine's side. I'm grateful to take care of it. If there is no Fengjun, I don't know what to do."

After looking at the time, Chen Feng got up and said, "It's almost time for me to go too. Since we are all going to the same place, why not go together tomorrow."


Sayuri got up and picked up the wagashi box on the table and handed it to Chen Feng.

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