Hikigu Hachiman, who was a little worried about his sudden death, hurriedly picked up the game machine on the sofa, ran into the bathroom to wash up, and went back to the room to sleep.

Vision or something... This is the first time for him!

At this time, the maiden lady who was wandering around the shrine came to the door of the enshrinement room, looked at the unlocked door, opened the door and went in, and checked the situation inside.

Inside everything is business as usual.

"Strange, I remember I closed the door at noon."


In a prison in Tokyo, [-] prison guards have just finished their shift and started their own patrol.

Each of them lit a cigarette, inspected the prisoners' rooms, and routinely randomly checked whether any prisoners had hidden illegal items.

The places where felons are held are different from those of ordinary prisoners. Especially after the murder of felons occurred in Chiba next door, all the prisons in the nearby cities of Chiba County have strengthened their vigilance.

"Didn't you see any strange people coming in tonight, did you?"

A prison guard put back the small drawer in the prisoner's room and asked back.


The four prisoners in the room said in unison.

The inquiring prison guard nodded reassuringly, and warned:

"You should have heard of that incident, right? If you see strange people, call them over, this is also for your safety."

"" Mr. Yamada, you are talking about the murderer in Chiba, right?It's much safer here, and it's tens of kilometers away, how could the other party come here. "

"There is no best."

The prison guard named Yamada locked the door, turned on the intercom and said:

"This is Yamada, E1——C20 is normal."


"This is Miyagawa, C20——B5 is normal."


All the reports were being carried out truthfully. Originally, there was no need for so many prison guards patrolling every night, but because of the appearance of such a murderer in Chiba, the number of patrolling prison guards in various prisons in Tokyo directly increased several times.

And when the reports came one after another, suddenly an alarm sounded in the prison, and all the prisoners in the room looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

At this time, there was a murmur in the intercom, followed by a trembling voice.

"Come on, come on, come, heavy surveillance zone C! A prisoner has died here! No... all the people in C are dead!"

The prison guards, who were originally relaxed, were all stupid, and everyone put down their work and went straight to the heavy surveillance area.

"One, two... fifteen people died!"

The severe punishment area was crowded with heavily armed prison guards. Their faces were all black. Since they entered this area, an extremely strong smell of blood had entered their nostrils.

Quickly counted the dead prisoners, and all the prisoners in the entire C area were dead!And they all died by having their heads chopped off.

Because of the lessons learned from the past, everyone present knew what happened here.

The murderer... finally came.

This night, the prison in Tokyo is not safe...

Returning to the room with the wagashi that Sayuri gave him, Rachel and Yango were all damp, and it looked like they had just taken a shower in the bathroom.

Rachel sat on the chair obediently, her blond hair was being blown and scratched by Yang Nao who was holding a hair dryer, and the whole room was filled with a faint aroma of shampoo.

"I'm home."

Yang Nai was wearing a set of pink pajamas with a hat with rabbit ears, saw Chen Feng push the door and entered, and said.

"Going out for a walk, I met an acquaintance, so we chatted for a while."

"What is Ah Feng carrying?"

Ruijier's eyes saw the red box in Chen Feng's hand, and she tilted her head in doubt. In her impression, Chen Feng didn't seem to bring anything similar, and it could even be said that he came empty-handed.

Hearing Ruijier's words, Yang Nai also looked at the box in Chen Feng's hand.


Yang Nai is also very interested in the food. She blurted out a name when she saw the packaging of the box. She was pleasantly surprised at first, but then with a solemn expression, she asked, "Xiaofeng, is this your friend's gift to you?"

Ganchuntang, an old wagashi shop with a history of one hundred years, is located in Kyoto, but it also has branches in many cities. The wagashi in this shop is famous for its fragrance, softness, waxy and sweetness.

"Actually, you know that person too."

Chen Feng threw the phone to charge, sat on the sofa with his legs crossed and said, "Miss Sayuri."


Yang Nai opened his eyes wide, "Why is Mrs. Sayuri here? Eh... no, Xiaofeng, you know?"

"She told me about the situation when I met her last week. She is very courageous. She wants to see me embarrassing without telling me?"

"Hahaha..." Yang Nai laughed dryly, and looked aside, "Sister, I was also forced."

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