"Who do you think your nonsense can deceive?"

"Well, I admit that I really wanted to see that scene at the time, but let me tell you first, it was Mrs. Sayuri who asked me to do it, and it was none of my business at first."

Yang Nai retorted wildly, but she said she was refuting, but she was actually telling the truth. She really didn't really want to lie to Chen Feng at that time, but because of Xiao Baihe's face and a little bit of curiosity, she agreed to the other party .

I'm also glad that Chen Feng didn't pay much attention to Yang Nai's expression at that time, and he subconsciously thought that Sayuri was Ying Lili with dyed hair, otherwise he only needed to look at Yang Nai's expression to know that Yang Nai had something to hide with him.

A good actor and psychologist is not necessarily a killer who often assassinates, but every killer is an excellent actor and psychologist.

Judging whether the person in front of you is lying from the details, although not [-]% accurate, but [-]% to [-]% certainty is still no problem, and the more familiar the person, the higher the success rate of judgment, these They are all judgment points accumulated through some details and habits in the other party's daily life.

"I want to hammer you, but forget it."

Shaking his head and turning on the TV, Chen Feng stopped paying attention to Yang Nai who was still drying Ruiji's hair. Ruiji's hair is very long, and it still takes a certain amount of time to dry it.

As soon as the TV was turned on, such an anxious voice came from the default TV station...

"More than a dozen reporters from our station are rushing to other prisons. Our station has received news that major prisons in Tokyo have ushered in the 'doomsday'. A few days ago, they committed crimes in various places in Chiba and were named by netizens as 'devil executioners'." The murderer came to Tokyo. At [-]:[-] tonight, the prison guards of several prisons discovered the dead bodies of the felons after the shift change. The case is still under investigation, and this station will continue to follow up and report..."

"In a sense, it can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people."

At some point, Yang Nai had already come behind Chen Feng, leaning his arms on the top of the sofa, and said with a relieved face.

"But it's not in line with procedure."

Chen Feng frowned, sometimes the law would argue endlessly between procedural justice and substantive justice.In many cases, the criminals committed heinous crimes but could not be sentenced to death. Some of them seemed to have killed people but they could be pleaded not guilty by all the people in a small town. These are not only in Japan, even in other countries, there are still disputes .

The law should not be interfered by the society, because social intervention in the judiciary is very prone to "tyranny of the majority". As early as thousands of years ago, the death of Socrates gave a lesson for future generations.

The power of the judiciary is great, and it is precisely because of its great power that it needs to be used with caution.

But in Japan, many cases seem to be so bad that even tens of thousands of people jointly signed the death penalty. This involves many factors, among which "unjust, false and wrongly decided cases" is one of the key points affecting it.

"Well, Xiaofeng, what you said is also very reasonable, but this way of doing it is indeed very relieving. Just today, this unknown murderer was called a folk hero by many netizens."

"I don't agree with it. I don't care what other people think."

Morality is the foundation of the law, but the law needs to use powerful means to maintain social order. If the other party is forgiven on the basis of violating a law, it will undoubtedly be a blow to judicial justice.

Will there really be people who respect the law so much in the future?

Perhaps it is inappropriate for him to say this sentence, but he has always wanted to be a legal citizen, and he really does not approve of the other party's approach.

It can only be said that the law is a weapon to protect the weak. For him, it would be more appropriate to kill the other party if he couldn't help it.

This will also involve the contradictions of "all equal before the law" and so on. It can only be said that even in this era, no country's laws can truly guarantee everyone's fairness.

Losing the mood to watch the nightly news reports, Chen Feng switched to another station, bent down and pulled the box open.

"There are still a few wagashi in it, you two eat it."

Without further ado, Yang Nai picked up one, bit off a small half and ate it, his eyes narrowed happily.

"Yes, this is the taste, I like it very much!"


Ruijier took a wagashi and handed it to Chen Feng, but Chen Feng didn't take it, but just rubbed Ruijier's soft hair, shook his head and said:

"You two can eat, I have eaten."

"Hey, I got it."

Chen Feng looked at Yang Nai behind him with astonishment, the other party had a 'mission accomplished' expression, while there was an extra wagashi in his mouth.

Chapter Sixteen: The Trick of Fate and the Unknown Night

"Xiaofeng, you have to accept what the girl gives you out of good intentions, even if you don't eat it."

"I have really eaten..."

Chen Feng looked at the black lines on the two wagashi remaining in the box.

This guy definitely did it on purpose, stuffing what he didn't finish eating into his mouth.

After taking a bite, Yang Nai didn't take any more, but planned to give the rest to Ruiji. She had eaten a lot of wagashi in this store, and the reason why she took the first bite was because she hadn't eaten it for a long time. Jill is different. If there is no accident, she should have never eaten.

As an adult, you should always leave more good things for the children, not to mention that she likes Rachel very much, so she doesn't care about these details.

Because the next day's exhibition was in the morning, everyone had to get up early, so they all fell asleep after eating.

Lying on the bed, Chen Feng quickly fell asleep.

After an unknown amount of time, Chen Feng on the bed suddenly smelled a faint stench, and then a cold gaze fell on him, and he woke up instantly.


The moment he rolled out of bed to be vigilant, he turned on the bedside lamp, and at this moment he was already holding the loaded Beretta 92f.

But then Chen Feng frowned, because there was no anger in the room, and there was no one here except him.

After checking the room, Chen Feng walked out of the room, pushed Yang Nai and Ruijier's room away, and found that there was nothing unusual inside. At this time, Yang Nai was holding Ruiji in his arms tightly like an octopus. Jill looked as comfortable as if she was hugging a pillow.


Gently closing the door again, Chen Feng sat in the living room and lit a cigarette, thinking carefully.

He hasn't had this feeling for a long time, and the last time he felt someone peeping at him like this was when he was in Kumamoto Prefecture.

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